APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session L03: Materials in Extremes: Phase Transitions
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GSCCM
Chair: Heather Whitley, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Room: 107
L03.00001: Probing liquid-liquid phase transitions under dynamic compression: an X-ray diffraction and ab initio MD study of selenium
Invited Speaker:
Richard Briggs
L03.00002: Ab-initio calculations of the phase diagram of Gold
Johann Bouchet, Francois Bottin, Vanina Recoules, Gunnar Weck
L03.00003: A new metastable phase for shock compressed Copper
Nilanjan Mitra
L03.00004: Measurement of high pressure crystal structure and the pressure-temperature melt conditions in shock-compressed silicon carbide
Raymond Smith, Zixuan YE, June Wicks, Marius Millot, Dayne Fratanduono, David J Erskine, Jon Henry Eggert
L03.00005: Hurry up or take your time: kinetics of shock-driven phase transitions and dynamic x-ray diffraction.
Invited Speaker:
Patricia Kalita
L03.00006: Experimental data analysis methods for the physics-based description of phase transition kinetics
Jonathan Belof, Philip C Myint, Dane M Sterbentz
L03.00007: Experiments and Simulations of Shocked and Ramp-Compressed Metals to 5 Mbars
Jeffrey Nguyen, Minta C Akin, Paul D Asimow
L03.00008: Experimental measures of the orientation dependence of the B1-B2 transformation in shock-compressed MgO
June Wicks, Raymond Smith, Zixuan YE, Marius Millot
L03.00009: Metastable conducting solid hydrogen at high pressures.
Ilnur Saitov, Genry Norman
L03.00010: Ionization of H in iron oxy-hydroxide
Qingyang Hu
L03.00011: High-Pressure-Induced Phase Transition in 1,3-Diphenylurea: the Approaching of N−H...O Hydrogen-Bonded Chains
Yuxiang Dai, Yang Qi