APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session J46: Single Molecule Magnets
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GMAG
Chair: Selvan Demir, Michigan State Univ
Room: 708
J46.00001: The power of typicality applied to magnetic molecules and low-dimensional quantum spin systems
Invited Speaker:
Juergen Schnack
J46.00002: Effect of substrate on characteristics of the Mn3 dimer
Zahra Hooshmand, Rainier Berkley, Talat S. Rahman
J46.00003: A DFT Study of Single-Molecule Magnets (Mn3 Dimers)
Rainier Berkley, Zahra Hooshmand, Jie-Xiang Yu, Hai-Ping Cheng, Talat Rahman
J46.00004: Atomic-clock transition behavior in a Cr7Mn molecular nanomagnet
Gajadhar Joshi, Ilija Nikolov, Guanchu Chen, Daniel Sava, Grigore Timco, Richard Winpenny, Jonathan Friedman
J46.00005: Chemical Approaches to Quantum Information Science
Invited Speaker:
Danna Freedman
J46.00006: The muon-fluorine interaction: a model quantum system for exploring decoherence
Stephen Blundell, John Wilkinson, Franz Lang, Tom Lancaster
J46.00007: Decoherence of Molecular Qubits: Insights From Quantum Many-Body Simulations
Jia Chen, Cong Hu, John Stanton, Hai-Ping Cheng, Xiaoguang Zhang
J46.00008: Counterintuitive Control of Molecular Magnetic Relaxation via Chemically Tunable Electron-Spin Baths
Ian Moseley, Joseph Zadrozny
J46.00009: Investigating the Magnetic Properties of the Giant Mn84 Torus
Dian-Teng Chen, Ashlyn Hale, George Christou, Hai-Ping Cheng
J46.00010: Adjustable coupling and in-situ variable frequency probe with loop-gap resonators for cw and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy up to X-band
Gajadhar Joshi, James Kubasek, Ilija Nikolov, Brendan Sheehan, Thomaz de Andrade Costa, R. A. Allāo Cassaro, Jonathan Friedman
J46.00011: A Very-Low-Cost Flexible Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer for Molecular Nanomagnet Experiments
Charles Collett, Jonathan Friedman