APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session J43: Precision Many-Body Physics V: Dynamics and Finite Temperature Properties
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCOMP DAMOP DCMP
Chair: Thomas Schaefer, Ecole Polytechnique
Room: 702
J43.00001: T-linear resistivity and spectroscopy of hot metals and cold atoms: DMFT, SYK and beyond
Invited Speaker:
Antoine Georges
J43.00002: SYK non-Fermi-liquid solution of the Hubbard model
Aaram J. Kim, Philipp Werner, Evgeny Kozik
J43.00003: Variational Schrieffer-Wolff Transformations for Quantum Many-body Dynamics
Jonathan Wurtz, Pieter W Claeys, Anatoli S Polkovnikov
J43.00004: Investigating non-integrable quantum many-body systems with sub-exponential computational effort
Pavan Hosur
J43.00005: Space- and time-crystallization effects in multicomponent superfluids
Boris Svistunov, Nikolai Prokof'ev
J43.00006: A generic quantum Monte Carlo approach for electronic correlations in out-of-equilibrium systems.
Corentin Bertrand, Serge Florens, Olivier Parcollet, Xavier Waintal
J43.00007: Dynamic Behavior of Strongly Coupled Quantum Dots
Philipp Dumitrescu, Marjan Maček, Corentin Bertrand, Xavier Waintal, Olivier Parcollet
J43.00008: Dynamical properties of the spin-boson model using real-time quantum Monte Carlo
Olga Goulko, Guy Cohen, Moshe Goldstein, Hsing-Ta Chen
J43.00009: Reconstructing Nonequilibrium Regimes of Quantum Many-Body Systems from the Analytical Structure of Perturbative Expansions
Corentin Bertrand, Serge Florens, Olivier Parcollet, Xavier Waintal
J43.00010: Time-symmetric stochastic action in curved phase-space
Peter Drummond, Margaret Reid, Ria Rushin Joseph
J43.00011: Bounding the finite-size error for simulations of quantum many-body systems
Zhiyuan Wang, Kaden Hazzard, Michael Feig
J43.00012: Thermofield theory for finite-temperature many-body physics
Gaurav Harsha, Thomas M Henderson, Gustavo E Scuseria
J43.00013: Analytical continuation of transport functions with deep neural networks
Simon Verret, Reza Nourafkan, Samuel Desrosiers, Andre-Marie Tremblay