APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session J23: Evolutionary and Ecological Dynamics II: Communities and Networks
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DBIO GSNP
Chair: Mikhail Tikhonov, Washington University, St. Louis
Room: 304
J23.00001: Resource-rich environments can reduce stability and diversity in microbial communities by strengthening interspecies interactions
Christoph Ratzke, Juliene Barrere, Jeffrey Gore
J23.00002: Niche-Neutral Transition in a Lotka-Volterra Model of Diverse Ecosystems
Jim Wu, David J. Schwab, Pankaj Mehta
J23.00003: Competition-driven strategies for controlling multistable microbial communities
Veronika Dubinkina, Akshit Goyal, Yulia Fridman, Parth Pratim Pandey, Sergei Maslov
J23.00004: Long-range patterns of activity shaped by signaling interactions within bacterial communities
James Boedicker, Kalinga Pavan T Silva, Tahir Yusufaly
J23.00005: Ecological interactions constrain the coexistence of generalists and specialists during coevolution in microbial communities
Akshit Goyal
J23.00006: Criticality on topologically disordered systems and the Harris criterion
Hatem Barghathi, Thomas Vojta
J23.00007: The Emergence of Spatial Patterns in Tree Yield: A New Model for the Masting Phenomenon
Shadisadat Esmaeili, Alan Hastings, Karen Abbott, Jonathan Machta, Vahini Reddy Nareddy
J23.00008: Binary Decisions of Large Cliques of Evidence Accumulators
Bhargav Karamched, Zachary Kilpatrick, Kresimir Josic, Megan Stickler, Will Ott, Benjamin Lindner
J23.00009: Identifying Suspicious Users and Products to Predict New Opinions
Sukhwan Chung
J23.00010: Optimal evidence accumulation on social networks
Bhargav Karamched, Simon Stolarczyk, Kresimir Josic, Zachary Kilpatrick
J23.00011: Sensitivity of collective outcomes identifies pivotal components
Edward Lee, Daniel M Katz, Michael J Bommarito, Paul Ginsparg
J23.00012: Community optimization and ruggedness of ecological landscapes
Ashish B. George, Kirill S Korolev
J23.00013: History-dependent tradeoffs in changing environments
Invited Speaker:
Mikhail Tikhonov