APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session J04: Water Dynamics in Different Environments: Experiment and Theory IV. Bulk Water and Solute Hydration
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCP DCOMP DBIO DSOFT
Chair: Radha Boya, Univ of Manchester
Room: 109
J04.00001: Systematic optimization of atomistic water models for molecular simulation using liquid/vapor surface tension data
Invited Speaker:
Lee-Ping Wang
J04.00002: Kosmotrope and Chaotrope Salts Influence on Water Structural Relaxation and hydrogen Bond Dynamics Investigated by Coherent Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
Antonio Faraone, Erkan Senses, Eugene Mamontov
J04.00003: The SCAN330 dataset of first-principles molecular dynamics simulations of water
Michael D LaCount, Francois Gygi
J04.00004: Sensitizing Hydration Shells of Ions by Analyzing Water Dynamics Using High Sensitive Dielectric Spectroscopy
Djamila Lou, LUAn DOAN, Henry J. Kesting, Vinh Q Nguyen
J04.00005: Spatio-temporal analysis of water molecules around DNA employing extended MHz-THz spectroscopy and MD simulations
Abhishek K Singh, LUAn DOAN, Vinh Q Nguyen
J04.00006: Transient Anisotropy of Liquid Water
Invited Speaker:
Fabio Novelli
J04.00007: Strong orbital interactions of the Zundel cation H5O2+ with hydration shell water
Maria Ekimova, Carlo Kleine, Jan Ludwig, Miguel Ochmann, Thomas A. Gustafsson, Eve Kozari, EHUD PINES, Nils Huse, Philippe Wernet, Michael Odelius, Erik T. J. Nibbering
J04.00008: Molten hydrate clathrates as a new class of macromolecular fluids.
Carlos Lopez-Bueno, Carlos Herreros-Lucas, Marius Bittermann, Alfredo Amigo, Sander Woutersen, Maria del Carmen Giménez-López, Francisco Rivadulla
J04.00009: A New Model for the Structure and Dynamics of the Hydrated Proton in Liquid Acetonitrile and Water
Eve Kozari, Mark Sigalov, Dina Pines, Benjamin Philipp Fingerhut, EHUD PINES
J04.00010: Determination of Ion–Water Correlated Motions in Aqueous Salt Solutions
Yuya Shinohara, Ray Matsumoto, Matthew Thompson, Wojciech Dmowski, Chae Woo Ryu, Takuya Iwashita, Daisuke Ishikawa, Alfred Baron, Peter Thomas Cummings, Takeshi Egami
J04.00011: Lysozyme Solution-State Tertiary Structure Measured in Protic and Aprotic Ionic Liquid Aqueous Mixtures
Ian Reyes, Jose L Banuelos