J01.00001: Robust and high-fidelity quantum entangling gate with neutral Rydberg atoms
Xiao-Feng Shi
J01.00002: Towards Trapping Electrons in Paul Traps for Quantum Computing
Jinen Guo, Clemens Matthiesen, Hartmut Haeffner
J01.00003: Controlling entanglement sudden death in two coupled atoms interacting off-resonance with a radiation field
Gehad Sadiek, Wiam Al-Dress
J01.00004: Realizing the Hayden-Preskill Protocol with Coupled Dicke Models
Yanting Cheng, Chang Liu, Jinkang guo, Yu Chen, Pengfei Zhang, Hui Zhai
J01.00005: High-fidelity ground state preparation of single neutral atom in an optical tweezer
Xiwang Luo, Mark G Raizen, Chuanwei Zhang
J01.00006: A simple embedding scheme for quantum computer simulations of molecules
Christina Daniel, Manuel Weber, Dominika Zgid, James Freericks
J01.00007: Memory-enhanced quantum communication using diamond quantum networks
Christian Nguyen, Mihir K Bhaskar, Ralf Riedinger, Bartholomeus J Machielse, David Levonian, Erik Knall, Hongkun Park, Dirk R. Englund, Marko Loncar, Denis D Sukachev, Mikhail Lukin
J01.00008: Continuous protection of a quantum state from inhomogeneous dephasing
Ran Finkelstein, Ohr Lahad, Omri Davidson, Eilon Poem, Ofer Firstenberg
J01.00009: Correlation spectroscopy as a tool for comparing optical clocks
May Kim, Ethan R. Clements, Kaifeng Cui, Aaron Hankin, Samuel M Brewer, Jwo-Sy Chen, David B Hume, David Leibrandt
J01.00010: Correlation Spectroscopy Between Two 27Al+ Quantum-Logic Clocks
Ethan Clements, May Kim, Kaifeng Cui, Aaron Hankin, Samuel M Brewer, Jwo-Sy Chen, David Leibrandt, David B Hume
J01.00011: Conversion of position correlation into polarization entanglement
Chithrabhanu Perumangatt, Alexander Lohrmann, Alexander Ling
J01.00012: Toward quantum-logic spectroscopy of single molecular ions in a cryogenic ion trap
Dalton Chaffee, Alejandra L Collopy, Dietrich Leibfried, David Leibrandt, Chin-wen Chou
J01.00013: Towards quantum logic spectroscopy of multi-ion arrays
Kaifeng Cui, Kevin T Boyce, David Leibrandt, David B Hume
J01.00014: Direct characteristic-function tomography of quantum states of the trapped-ion motional oscillator
Christa Flühmann
J01.00015: High dimensional entanglement between a photon and a multiplexed atomic quantum memory
Chang Li, Yukai Wu, Wei Chang, Sheng Zhang, Luming Duan