Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session H71: Poster Session II (2:00pm - 5:00pm)
2:00 PM,
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Room: Exhibit Hall C/D
Abstract: H71.00285 : Second Harmonic Generation in Nanostructured Metamaterials.*
Ulises Meza
(Centro de Investigaciones en Optica)
Ulises Meza
(Centro de Investigaciones en Optica)
Bernardo Mendoza Santoyo
(Centro de Investigaciones en Optica)
W Luis Mochan
(National Autonomous University of Mexico Institute of Physics)
We present a theoretical study of second harmonic generation (SHG) in structured metamaterials; particularly, an array of cross-shaped vacuum inclusions within a silver host. We calculate the nonlinear susceptibility tensor, for a large number of geometrical configurations for the inclusions. We demonstrate that both, the SHG intensity and the resonance peaks are highly sensitive to even subtle changes in the geometry that break the centrosymmetry of the array of inclusions. We presented the results for calculation of non linear susceptibility of second order for a metamaterial composed by silver host and cross-shaped inclusions of vaccum. The dielectric functions of both materials are known. The intensity in nonlinear susceptibility tensor depends on the variation in the symmetry of the metamaterial. We present the three non-zero components of that tensor, calculated by Haydock Recursive Method.
*This work was supported by DGAPA-UNAM under Grants No. IN113016 and No. IN111119 (WLM) and by CONACyT under scholarship 589138 (U.R.M.).
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