G64.00001: Electronic reconstruction at the interface of SrIrO3 and SrRuO3
Jocienne Nelson, Nathaniel Schreiber, Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu, Berit Goodge, Cyrus Zeledon, Lena Fitting Kourkoutis, Andrew Millis, Antoine Georges, Darrell Schlom, Kyle M Shen
G64.00002: Breaking Symmetries to Create a Robust Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric in LuFeO3/CoFe2O4 Superlattices
Invited Speaker:
Darrell Schlom
G64.00003: Metal-insulator transition and charge transfer in complex oxide heterostructures from DFT+DMFT
Sophie Beck, Claude Ederer
G64.00004: Long-range magnetic reconstruction of Jeff = 1/2 pseudospins in Sr2IrO4 via 5d-4d interfacial interactions with Sr2RuO4
Maryam Souri, Christopher Dietl, Ekaterina Paerschke, Gabriel A Calderon Ortiz, Sujan Shrestha, Jinwoo Hwang, Gang Cao, Jong Woo Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Ambrose Seo
G64.00005: Effect of Misfit Dislocation in SrIrO3 heterostructures
Zhen Wang, David A Howe, Prahald Siwakoti, Mohammad Saghayezhian, Yimei Zhu, E Ward Plummer, Jiandi Zhang
G64.00006: Nanophotonic Engineering of Reconfigurable Vanadium Dioxide Phases
Dustin Schrecongost, Yinxiao Xiang, Hai-Tian Zhang, Roman Engel-Herbert, Cheng Cen
G64.00007: Characteristic Lengths of Interlayer Charge-Transfer in Correlated Oxide Heterostructures
Ganesh Ji Omar, Ariando Ariando
G64.00008: Synthesis and characterization of freestanding Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films
Sujan Shrestha, Maryam Souri, Matthew Coile, Jiwoong Kim, John G Connell, Jong Woo Kim, Ambrose Seo
G64.00009: Epitaxial Growth of Perovskite Vanadates
Jason Hoffman, Jennifer E. Hoffman
G64.00010: Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Correlated Quantum Confined SrVO3 Superlattices
Alyn James, Markus Aichhorn, Jude Laverock
G64.00011: Variable-temperature infrared microscopy of conducting oxide interfaces
Stefano Gariglio, Weiwei Luo, Margherita Boselli, Jean-Marie Poumirol, Ivan Ardizzone, Jeremie Teyssier, Dirk Van Der Marel, Jean-Marc Triscone, Alexey B Kuzmenko
G64.00012: Direct imaging of the internal Bloch-components of polar-skyrmions and anti-hedgehogs in oxide heterostructures
Yu-Tsun Shao, Sujit Das, Ruijuan Xu, Swathi Chandrika, Harold Hwang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, David Anthony Muller
G64.00013: Self-doping in Sr2VO4/Sr2IrO4 superlattice
Yuhao Gu, Jiangping Hu, Hanghui Chen