G53.00001: Towards room-temperature v magnetic semiconductors
Invited Speaker:
Young-Hee Lee
G53.00002: Polymer-Free Transfer of 2D Materials onto III-V Semiconductor Surfaces for Scanning Probe Microscopy and Molecule-Encapsulation Experiments
Lihy Buchbinder, Sara Mueller, Jay A Gupta
G53.00003: Improved contacts to two-dimensional materials for extracting emergent properties
Curt Richter, Siyuan Zhang, Nicholas B. Guros, Son Le, Arvind Balijepalli, Christina Hacker
G53.00004: Fabrication and Characterization of h-BN capped Exfoliated Multi-layer Graphene
U. Kushan Wijewardena, Tharanga Nanayakkara, Sajith Withanage, Annika Kriisa, Ramesh Mani
G53.00005: Metallicity of 2H-MoS2 Induced by Au Hybridization
Brandon Blue, Glenn Jernigan, Duy Le, Jose Fonseca, Stephanie Lough, Jesse E Thompson, Darian Smalley, Talat Rahman, Jeremy Robinson, Masa Ishigami
G53.00006: Reversible hydrostatic strain in graphene/gold nanoparticles hybrid material induced by laser irradiation
András Pálinkás
G53.00007: Environmental effects on optoelectronic properties of heterostructures of 2D materials
Atikur Rahman, Vrinda Narayanan, Gokul M. A., Tamaghna Chowdhury
G53.00008: Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Indium Tin Selenide (In1-xSnxSe)
Prasanna Patil, Robinson Karunanithy, Olli Pitkanen, Sidong Lei, Poopalasingam Sivakumar, Krisztian Kordas, Saikat Talapatra
G53.00009: Dispersive Thermometry with a Graphene Josephson Junction
Raj Katti, Harpreet Singh Arora, Olli Saira, Ewa Rej, Matthew Matheny, Michael Roukes, Stevan Nadj-Perge
G53.00010: Characterization of nonlinear screening in ionic liquid gated graphene multilayers via infrared spectroscopy
Jiho kim, Marcelo Kuroda, Jiwon Jeon, Byoungju Lee, Kwangnam Yu, Eunjip Choi
G53.00011: Lithium intercalation of Black Phosphorous: Ex-situ and in-situ Raman Spectroscopy Study
Manthila Rajapakse, Md Rajib khan Musa, Usman Onuminya Abu, Gamini U Sumanasekera, Ming Yu, Jacek Bogdan Jasinski
G53.00012: Study of Interface States and Dielectric Permittivity of Two-dimensional Tungsten Diselenide by Impedance Measurements
FIDA ALI, Yang Zheng, Sekhar Babu Mitta, Won Jong Yoo
G53.00013: Direct, in-situ spatial imaging of stacking order in van der Waals heterostructures
Andrey Sushko, Kristiaan De Greve, Trond I Andersen, Giovanni Scuri, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Philip Kim, Hongkun Park, Mikhail Lukin