APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session G34: Machine Learning and Data in Polymer Physics II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DPOLY DBIO DCOMP
Chair: Tyler Martin, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Room: 506
G34.00001: Machine Learning and Data in Polymer Physics Research - Interpretation of Experiments, Model Development, and Enhanced Sampling
Invited Speaker:
Juan De Pablo
G34.00002: Neural Network Accelerated Self-Consistent Field Theory
Hejin Huang, Karim Gadelrab, Alfredo Alexander-Katz
G34.00003: Neural network for phase diagrams of polymer-containing liquid mixtures
Issei Nakamura
G34.00004: Predicting the glass transition behaviors of polymers via integration of molecular simulations, theory, and machine learning
Wenjie Xia, Amirhadi Alesadi
G34.00005: Extracting molecular mechanisms of shear-thinning of liquids at high strain rates using machine learning
Vikram Jadhao, JCS Kadupitiya
G34.00006: Hybrid machine learning/materials science modeling for semi-crystalline polymer during film fabrication process
Jian Yang, Teresa Karjala, Jonathan Mendenhall, Valeriy Ginzburg, Rajen Patel, Fawzi Hamad, Elva Lugo, Pavan Valavala
G34.00007: Developing Databases for Polymer Informatics
Roselyne Tchoua, Zhi Hong, Debra Audus, Shrayesh Patel, Logan Ward, Kyle Chard, Juan De Pablo, Ian Foster
G34.00008: Data Science and Machine Learning for polymer films and beyond
Invited Speaker:
Daniela Ushizima
G34.00009: Parameter Estimation for Spatio-Temporal Models using Bayesian Optimisation and Gaussian Processes
Nigel Clarke, Joao Cabral, Richard Wilkinson, Wil Ward, Sebastian Pont
G34.00010: Evolutionary couplings detect side-chain interactions in protein structures
Adam J. Hockenberry, Claus Wilke
G34.00011: Tracking Accelerated Aging of Cross-Linked Polyethylene Pipes by Applying Machine Learning Concepts to Infrared Spectra
Melanie Hiles, Joseph D'Amico, Benjamin Morling, Fatemeh Abbasi, Michael Grossutti, John Dutcher