APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session G25: Mechanical Metamaterials III / Physics of Liquids I
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GSNP
Chair: Sung Kang, Johns Hopkins University
Room: 402
G25.00001: Inflatable Kirigami Structures
Lishuai Jin, Antonio Elia Forte, Bolei Deng, Ahmad Rafsanjani, Katia Bertoldi
G25.00002: Capillarity-driven Transformation of Microscopic Cellular Structures
Bolei Deng, Shucong Li, Katia Bertoldi, Joanna Aizenberg
G25.00003: Multiscale frequency conversion through input-independent dynamics of bistable lattices
Myungwon Hwang, Andres F. Arrieta
G25.00004: Tunable vibro-acoustic metamaterials
Osama Bilal, David Ballagi, Lukas Ulrich, Chiara Daraio
G25.00005: Exotic Soft Modes in 2D Mechanical Metamaterials Yield Powerful New Analytic Prediction Methods
Michael Czajkowski, Corentin Coulais, Martin Van Hecke, Zeb Rocklin
G25.00006: Asymmetrical Reflection in Passive Non-Hermitian Structure
Pavel Galich, Edwin Thomas
G25.00007: A universal identity for the Poisson ratios of oblique Miura-ori
Hussein Nassar, Arthur Lebée, Laurent Monasse
G25.00008: BREAK
G25.00009: Toward a microscopic understanding of the dynamics of simple glass-forming liquids
Invited Speaker:
Patrick Charbonneau
G25.00010: Unifying the percolation and mean-field description of the random Lorentz gas
Patrick Charbonneau, Eric Corwin, Yi Hu, Harukuni Ikeda, Francesco Zamponi
G25.00011: Unveiling the connection between liquid water and its amorphous/glass states
Fausto Martelli
G25.00012: Dynamical theory predicted correlation between activated relaxation and thermodynamics in glass-forming liquids
Baicheng Mei, Yuxing Zhou, Kenneth Schweizer
G25.00013: How does the character of the Sastry transition depend on the range of interatomic interactions?
Caitlin Gish, Kai Nan, Robert Hoy