APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session F05: The Chemical Physics of Molecular Polaritons III. Vibrational Strong Coupling
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCP DCMP DPOLY
Chair: Wei Xiong, University of California, San Diego
Room: 111
F05.00001: Dynamics of Vibration-Cavity Polaritons
Invited Speaker:
Jeffrey Owrutsky
F05.00002: Kinetic effects of vibrational polaritons in electron transfer.
Jorge Campos Gonzalez Angulo, Raphael Ribeiro, Joel Yuen-Zhou
F05.00003: Molecular dipole moment drives the dynamics of vibrational polaritons in the strong and ultrastrong coupling regimes
Johan Triana Galvis, Federico J. Hernández, Felipe Herrera
F05.00004: Strong Coupling of Terahertz Fields to Collective Intermolecular Vibrations
Ran Damari, Omri Weinberg, Daniel Krotkov, Natalia Demina, Katherine Akulov, Adina Golombek, Sharly Fleischer, Tal Schwartz
F05.00005: Polariton-mediated vibrational ladder climbing
Raphael Ribeiro, Joel Yuen-Zhou
F05.00006: Exploring Vibrational Polariton Dynamics with Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
Invited Speaker:
Kevin Kubarych
F05.00007: Controling quantum pathways in the vibrational polaritons system
Zimo Yang, Wei Xiong, Bo Xiang
F05.00008: Remote of chemistry in optical cavities
Matthew Du, Raphael Ribeiro, Joel Yuen-Zhou
F05.00009: Cavity-Modified Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Electrochemical Modulation of Coupling Strength
Blake Simpkins, Wonmi Ahn, Adam Dunkelberger, Andrea Grafton, Jeremy Pietron, Kenan Fears, Jeffrey Owrutsky
F05.00010: Ultrastrong coupling in hexagonal Boron Nitride microcavities
Unai Muniain, Maria Barra-Burillo, Ruben Esteban, Sara Catalano, Marta Autore, Luis Hueso, Rainer Hillenbrand, Javier Aizpurua
F05.00011: Resonant Rayleigh Scattering from Collective Molecular Excitations
Mukundakumar Balasubrahmaniyam, Adina Golombek, Maria Kaeek, Keren Hadar, Tal Schwartz