APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session F03: Materials in Extremes: Reactive Chemistry at Extreme Conditions
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GSCCM
Chair: Nithin Mathew, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Room: 107
F03.00001: Elucidating Long Timescale Chemical Events in Reactive Materials
Invited Speaker:
Nir Goldman
F03.00002: A multiscale approach: Developing a Molecular Dynamics-informed RDX chemistry model for characterizing hot spot criticality in continuum-level simulations
Michael Sakano, Ahmed Hamed, Edward Kober, Brenden Hamilton, Mahbub Islam, Marisol Koslowski, Alejandro H Strachan
F03.00003: Ultrafast Detonation of Hydrazoic Acid: Insights from Many-body Molecular Dynamics Force Fields
Huy Pham, Nir Goldman, Laurence Fried
F03.00004: Reaction rates in shocked nitromethane from density functional tight binding simulations
Romain Perriot, Marc Cawkwell, Enrique Martinez Saez, Edward Kober, Shawn David McGrane
F03.00005: UQ-Driven Reactive Burn and EOS Parameterization, along with Particle Force Model Assessment for the Simulation of an Explosive Multiphase Experiment
Joshua Garno, Sangjune Bae, Frederick Ouellet, Thomas L Jackson, Nam-Ho Kim, Raphael Haftka, S Balachandar
F03.00006: Probing Intermediate Formation of Thin Film Explosives Through Ultrafast Broadband Infrared Spectroscopy
Michael Powell, Pamela Bowlan, Steven F. Son, Cynthia Bolme, Kathryn E Brown, David Steven Moore, Marc Cawkwell, Alejandro H Strachan, Shawn David McGrane
F03.00007: Amorphous Explosives
Rajen Patel, Victor Stepanov
F03.00008: Mechanical Stimulation of Gasless Reaction in Inorganic Systems: Overview
Alexander Mukasyan
F03.00009: Dance of HMX molecule in conformational space by quasi-static heating: a combined Raman spectroscopy and theoretical study
Yangyang Zeng, Chan Gao, guoyang yu, Rucheng Dai, Zhongping Wang, Zengming Zhang, Xianxu Zheng, YanQiang Yang
Alexander Utkin, Valentina Mochalova