Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session D50: Ferromagnetic Order and Instabilities |
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Chair: You Lai, Los Alamos National Laboratory Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Monday, March 2, 2020 2:30PM - 2:42PM |
D50.00001: Time-stable remanence in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction driven Weak ferromagnets Namrata Pattanayak We observe that a number of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) driven weak ferromagnets (WFMs) including α-Fe2O3, MnCO3 and NiCO3 exhibit two distinct time scale in the magnetization relaxation process as explored through SQUID magnetometry. One of the time scales of relaxation is short and, therefore, leads to a quick decay while the other is ultraslow leading to the observation of a time-stable remanence [1]. Furthermore, the time-stable remanence also varies with the strength of the magnetic field in a very unexpected way. We propose that these unique features of remanence explored in systems of different length scales covering bulk single-crystal to nanocrystallites can be taken as the footprint of weak ferromagnetism. We also find that this time-stable remanence which is intrinsic to WFMs can considerably be tunable by nano scaling as explored in the room temperature WFM α-Fe2O3 synthesized in various shapes, size, and morphologies. Corroborated by the synchrotron XRD measurements the study has provided us crucial insights to optimize the magnitude of time-stable remanence in α-Fe2O3 which has a prominent role in antiferromagnetic spintronics [2]. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 2:42PM - 2:54PM |
D50.00002: Ferromagnetic kinetic exchange interaction Naoya Iwahara, Zhishuo Huang, Akseli Mansikkamäki, Veacheslav Vieru, Dan Liu, Liviu Chibotaru Anderson's superexchange mechanism is indispensable for the description and prediction of the magnetic interactions in localized spin systems. Within the framework, weak ferromagnetism originates from Goodenough's mechanism and potential exchange when strong antiferromagnetic kinetic exchange interaction is suppressed. However, Anderson's model and also its modified version, Zaanen-Sawatzky's model, fail to catch an important ferromagnetic contribution. Here, we report ferromagnetic kinetic exchange mechanism arising from overlapping of magnetic orbitals and their strong covalency with the bridging orbitals. Contrary to the conventional weak ferromagnetic exchange mechanisms, the present one can be larger than the antiferromagnetic kinetic exchange interaction, resulting in strong stabilization of ferromagnetic state. Based on first principles calculations, we demonstrate that the present mechanism is responsible for strong ferromagnetism in several existing materials with diamagnetic metal bridges: Fe3+-Co3+-Fe3+ and Cu2+-Cr6+-Cu2+ complexes, quasi-one-dimensional Cu chain, La4Ba2Cu2O10, and Co chain, Ca3Co2O6. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 2:54PM - 3:06PM |
D50.00003: Small Moment, Itinerant Ferromagnetism Discovered in Single Crystalline La5Co2Ge3 Scott Saunders, Li Xiang, Rustem Khasanov, Tai Kong, Qisheng Lin, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C Canfield Single crystals of monoclinic La5Co2Ge3 were grown using a self-flux method and were characterized by room-temperature powder X-ray diffraction, anisotropic temperature and field dependent magnetization, temperature dependent resistivity, specific heat, and muon spin resonance. La5Co2Ge3 has a Curie temperature (TC) of ∼3.8 K, as well as a clear loss of spin disorder scattering in resistivity data and a sharp specific heat anomaly. The magnetism associated with La5Co2Ge3 has μeff = 0.92 μB per mol-Co, μsat = 0.11 μB per mol-Co, and a change in the entropy at TC of ∼0.05 R ln2 per mol-Co making it a rare, itinerant, low TC compound. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 3:06PM - 3:18PM |
D50.00004: Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point in pressurized La5Co2Ge3 Li Xiang, Scott Saunders, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C Canfield A quantum phase transition is a phase transition that occurs at 0 K. For many second-order phase transitions, application of a magnetic field, doping or pressure can suppress the transition temperature and lead to a quantum critical point (QCP). However, avoided quantum criticality is often observed in intermetallic, ferromagnetic systems. The mechanism behind this phenomenon has been discussed intensively in recent years. Lately, we discovered a new ferromagnetic compound, La5Co2Ge3, which has a Curie temperature Tc ~ 3.8 K. The physical properties under pressure and the pressure dependence of Tc are studied up to ~ 5 GPa. We find that a ferromagnetic QCP is avoided by the appearance of a new, most likely magnetic, phase. Details of the T-p phase diagram and the possible nature of the new phase will be discussed. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 3:18PM - 3:30PM |
D50.00005: Effect of Fe and Cr doping on electronic and magnetic properties of Inverse Heusler alloys: Mn2CoCrxGa(1-x) and Mn2CoFexGa (1-x) Gopi Chandra Kaphle, Ramesh Dhakal, sashi Nepal, Ram Babu Ray Mn and Co based Heusler alloys found to exhibit interesting electronic and magnetic properties. We have investigated the effect of electronic and magnetic properties on Mn2CoGa after doping Fe and Cr. Entire calculations were performed through plane wave pseudo-potential method using quantum espresso. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
D50.00006: Small angle neutron scattering study of magnetic length scales in disordered ferromagnetic Ni-V alloys. Shiva Bhattarai, Hind Adawi, Jean Guy L Lussier, Almut Schroeder, Kathryn Lynn Krycka We used small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to reveal magnetic microstructures in a disordered ferromagnet (FM) close to quantum critical point (QCP) where long range order is suppressed with critical temperatures Tc approaching zero. First results of the alloy Ni-V with low Tc are presented on well characterized polycrystalline samples that demonstrated the quantum Griffiths phase signatures for “random” magnetic inhomogeneities [1]. SANS data were collected at NG7SANS, NIST. Full polarization analysis was effective to resolve weak magnetic scattering from dominating nuclear scattering. Angular dependent spin-flip scattering identified magnetic short-range clusters. Angular dependent non-spin-flip interference term recognized long-range magnetic domain contributions. The disordered FM Ni-V presents short-range correlations coexisting with long-range correlations at low temperatures well below Tc in the quantum Griffiths regime close to the QCP. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
D50.00007: Unveiling electronic correlation and ferromagnetic superexchange mechanism in van der Waals crystal CrSiTe3 Jiaxin Zhang, Xiaochan Cai, Lexian Yang, Hongtao Yuan, Yulin Chen, Shilei Zhang, Zhongkai Liu, Gang Li The recent discovery of intrinsic ferromagnetic order in atomically thin van der Waals crystal CrXTe3 (X=Si,Ge) stimulates intensive studies on the nature of low-dimensional magnetism. By combining advanced many-body calculations with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy we investigate CrSiTe3 single crystals and unveil the pivotal role played by the strong electronic correlations at both high- and low-temperature regime. Above the Curie temperature (Tc), Coulomb repulsion (U) drives the system into a charge transfer insulating phase. In contrast, below Tc the crystal field arranges the Cr-3d orbitals such that the ferromagnetic super-exchange profits, giving rise to the bulk ferromagnetic ground state with which the electronic correlations compete. The excellent agreement between theory and experiment establishes CrSiTe3 as a prototype low dimensional crystal with the cooperation and interplay of electronic correlation and ferromagnetism. Ref. [1] J. X. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 047203 (2019) |
Monday, March 2, 2020 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
D50.00008: Existence of ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional two species bosonic Hubbard model with the presence of confinement Kalani Hettiarachchilage, V. G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno With recent experimental advances on cold atoms in atomic traps, the realization of exotic magnetic phases in the presence of confinement is an area of renewed interest. We investigate a two-dimensional bosonic Hubbard |
Monday, March 2, 2020 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
D50.00009: Z3 ferromagnet to Valence Bond Solid transition in 1d Brenden Roberts, Shenghan Jiang, Olexei I Motrunich We continue recent efforts to discover examples of deconfined quantum criticality in one-dimensional models. In this work we focus on the transition between Z3 ferromagnet and Valence Bond Solid (VBS) in a 1d chain with a Z3xZ3 global symmetry. We use a model with alternating projective representations on the sites of the two sublattices. This allows the model to connect to an exactly solvable point which has VBS character as SU(3)-invariant singlets. We find a direct transition from this phase to a ferromagnetically ordered phase breaking Z3 symmetry. Numerical evidence suggests a second-order or extremely weak first-order transition. We characterize the apparent criticality using entanglement scaling and the critical scaling of lattice operators. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
D50.00010: Physical properties of the van der Waals material Fe5GeTe2 Andrew May, Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Qiang Zheng, Raphael Hermann, Stuart Calder, Craig A. Bridges, Xiaodong Xu, Michael McGuire van der Waals bonded materials that possess magnetic order at high temperatures are of great interest for integrating magnetic effects into engineered heterostructures. Of the cleavable materials studied so far, Fe5-xGeTe2 possesses the highest reported Curie temperature TC in the bulk and maintains a high TC in exfoliated flakes. This presentation will discuss the physical properties of Fe5-xGeTe2 single crystals, with an emphasis on the metastable nature of the compound and how magnetism on one Fe sublattice dominates the transport properties. The ability to tune the magnetism through cobalt doping will also be briefly discussed. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
D50.00011: The effect of Ge substitution on optical properties of FeGa3 single crystals Aashish Poudel, Ihor Sydoryk, Rodica M Martin, Cedomir Petrovic, Ren Weijun, Catalin Martin Studied initially for its large thermopower effect, the intermetallic semiconductor FeGa3 has recently been shown to provide a suitable platform for studying electron correlations, such as metal-insulator transition, non Fermi liquid behavior and ferromagnetism. In particular, with Ge-doping at Ga site the ground state is tuned from a Kondo insulator to a paramagnetic and further to a ferromagnetic metal. Here we present optical reflectance measurements on single crystals of FeGa3−xGex, for different values of x. The temperature was varied between 300 K and 5 K, and the frequency ranged from 80 cm−1 to 50 000 cm−1. From Kramers-Kronig transformation we obtained various optical functions and dis- cuss here the effect of Ge substitution on optical conductivity across all three proposed ground states. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
D50.00012: Intrinsically weak magnetic anisotropy of cerium in potential hard-magnetic intermetallics Anna Galler, Silke Biermann, Leonid Pourovskii We study the magnetic properties of the "1-12" family of prospective hard-magnetic Ce-Fe intermetallics using an ab initio dynamical mean-field theory approach to treat the complex many-electron physics of the Ce 4f1 shell. By considering the hypothetical binary compound CeFe12, as well as the realistic compositions CeFe11Ti and CeFe11TiN, we show that the localization of the Ce 4f electron is strongly sensitive to alloying and interstitials. The onset of heavy-fermion behavior accompanied by a significant reduction of the Ce-4f moment—and concomitantly its contribution to the magnetic anisotropy—is found to occur in CeFe12 for a wide temperature range up to about 400K. This 4f delocalization is moderately reduced by Ti substitution on the Fe site and, unexpectedly, markedly increased by nitrogen interstitials. However, even for localized Ce-4f electrons their contribution to the magnetic anisotropy is rapidly suppressed with increasing temperature. |
Monday, March 2, 2020 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
D50.00013: Thickness-dependent magnetic order in CrI3 single crystals Yu Liu, Lijun Wu, Xiao Tong, Jun Li, Jing Tao, Yimei Zhu, Cedomir Petrovic Two-dimensional (2D) materials with intrinsic ferromagnetism provide unique opportunity to engineer new functionalities in nano-spintronics. One such material is CrI3, showing long-range magnetic order in monolayer with the Curie temperature (Tc) of 45 K. Here we study detailed evolution of magnetic transition and magnetic critical properties in response to systematic reduction in crystal thickness down to 50 nm. Bulk Tc of 61 K is gradually suppressed to 57 K, however, the satellite transition at T* = 45 K is observed layer-independent at fixed magnetic field of 1 kOe. The reduction of thickness facilitates a field-driven metamagnetic transition around 20 kOe with out-of-plane field, in contrast to the continuous changes with in-plane field. The critical analysis around Tc elucidates a three-dimensional (3D) long-range magnetic coupling in bulk CrI3, then mean-field type interactions in microscale-thick flake, and evolves into 2D Ising-like ferromagnetism in monolayer. |
D50.00014: Magnetic-Competition-Induced Colossal Magnetoresistance in n-Type HgCr2Se4 under High Pressure Jianping Sun, Yuanyuan Jiao, Sachith Dissanayake, Masaaki Matsuda, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Youguo Shi, Yongqing Li, Zhong Fang, Jinguang Cheng HgCr2Se4 is a well-known ferromagnetic(FM) semiconductor with TC = 106 ~ 120 K1 and it has received renewed interest recently. Here, we performed the first comprehensive high-pressure study on n-type HgCr2Se4 single crystals and surprisingly found that the FM metallic ground state is destabilized and gradually replaced by an antiferromagnetic (AF) insulating ground state under high pressure. Our combined magnetic susceptibility and neutron measurements under high pressure indicated that the AF order is most likely a spiral-type. On the other hand, the application of external magnetic fields can restore the FM metallic state again at high pressures, resulting in a colossal magnetoresistance as high as ~ 3 ^ 1011 % under 5 T and 2 K at 4 GPa. Our results demonstrate that HgCr2Se4 situates at a critical point where the competition between FM and AF exchange interactions can be easily tuned by pressure and magnetic field. Thus, our work provides a means for realizing novel state where the extremely large magnetoresistance can be obtained via switching between two distinct electronic ground states in a single-valent system2. |
D50.00015: Electronic band structures of FeGe driven by thermal-fluctuation Yang Xu, Zizhao Gong, Rui Sun, li na, Xiangqun Zhang, Wei He, Zhaohua Cheng Fluctuation-induced first-order transitions have been discussed in superconductors, liquid crystals, and magnetic materials. Recently, chiral magnet, such as FeGe, were found thermal-fluctuation first-order transition above TC, which forms fluctuation disordered state (FD) of magnetic structure. Here, we unveil the Fermi surface symmetry and the evolution of electronic structures across the transition temperature of helimagnetic-paramagnetic phase at TC~274K by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on high-quality FeGe(111) films epitaxially grown on Si(111) substrate. The evolution of electronic structures with temperature suggest that FeGe is a Stoner itinerant magnetism. In contrast to ordinary ferromagnetism, a small kink in the integral energy distribution curve (IEDC) at binding energy of 0.5eV in the regime of 274K≤TC≤276K can be identified. This temperature range is the same with the range of FD measured by AC magnetic susceptibility. Therefore, the small kinks on IEDCs imply the contribution of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) on electronic band structure. Our finding paves the path for the theory of the relationship between freedom of spin and electron in itinerant DM helimagnet. |
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