APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session D35: Biopolymers, Polymer Bioconjugates, and Their Self-Assembled Phases
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DPOLY DSOFT
Chair: Thomas Angelini, University of Florida
Room: 507
D35.00001: Asymmetric Lipid/Polymer Vesicles
Yuting Huang
D35.00002: Polyelectrolyte dynamical self-consistent field theory
Sylvia Luyben, Robert Wickham
D35.00003: Dynamics of self-interacting bio-inspired polymers in shear flows
Helman Amaya-Espinosa, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Camilo Aponte-SantamarĂa
D35.00004: Computational prediction of molecular shape through the assembly of sequence-controlled polymers
Davindra Tulsi, David Simmons
D35.00005: Bottom-up Coarse-grained Molecular Simulations of Peptoids with Enhanced Sampling
Mingfei Zhao, Janani Sampath, Christopher J Mundy, Jim Pfaendtner, Andrew L Ferguson
D35.00006: Solution Self-Assembly of Block Copolypeptoids with a Crystallizable Core-Forming Block
Naisheng Jiang, Tianyi Yu, Shuo Qian, Igor Kevin Mkam Tsengam, Vijay T John, Donghui Zhang
D35.00007: Transforming protein-polymer conjugate purification by tuning protein solubility
Invited Speaker:
Alan Russell
D35.00008: Characterization of Fiber Formation of Sugar-based Poly(D-glucose carbonate) Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solution
Jee Young Lee, Yue Song, Karen L Wooley, Darrin John Pochan
D35.00009: Computationally designed bundlemers for hybrid physical-covalent assembly of rigid polymers
Nairiti Sinha, Grethe Vestergaard Jensen, Darrin John Pochan
D35.00010: Random Heteropolymer Self-Assembly into Protein-Like Nanoparticles
Shayna Hilburg, Ting Xu, Alfredo Alexander-Katz
D35.00011: Utilizing nonlinearity of biopolymer matrix in both intracellular and extracellular spaces
Invited Speaker:
Ming Guo