APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session B45: Understanding glasses and disordered systems through computational models II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Chair: Joerg Rottler, University of British Columbia
Room: 706
B45.00001: Sound Scattering and Plasticity n Amorphous materials
Invited Speaker:
Anne Tanguy
B45.00002: Energy Dissipation in Amorphous Solids during Elastic Deformation
Jan Grießer, Lars Pastewka
B45.00003: Local excitations in re-heated ultrastable glasses
WENCHENG JI, Tom W. J. de Geus, Marko Popović, Edan Lerner, Matthieu Wyart
B45.00004: Cluster-flip colloidal and atomistic algorithms with background potentials
Jaron Kent-Dobias, James Patarasp Sethna
B45.00005: Accelerated relaxation in amorphous materials under cyclic loading with alternating shear orientation
Nikolai Priezjev
B45.00006: Mesoscale models of amorphous solids under cyclic shear: emergence and character of limit cycles.
Kareem Abdelshafy, Botond Tyukodi, Damien Vandembroucq, Craig E Maloney
B45.00007: Comparison of yielding behaviour in model network and atomic glasses
Himangsu Bhaumik, Giuseppe Foffi, Srikanth Sastry
B45.00008: Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Bulk Metallic Glass around Glass Transition Temperature
Ji Woong Yu, S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, Won Bo Lee
B45.00009: Computational generation of voids in a-Si and a-Si:H by cavitation at low density
Enrique Guerrero, David Strubbe
B45.00010: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Amorphous Oxides
Rui Zhang, Jun Jiang, Maher Yazback, Alec Mishkin, Hai-Ping Cheng
B45.00011: Transient Structured Fluctuations Approaching 2D Kagome-Liquid Transition
Linsey Nowack, Stuart A Rice
B45.00012: Analysis of coarsening and aging in Ising spin glasses using record dynamics
Stefan Boettcher, Mahajabin Rahman
B45.00013: Many-body localization to spin glass phase transition in disordered spin-chain system
Zeyang Li, Pai Peng