APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session B01: Disorder and Localization in AMO Systems
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DAMOP DCMP
Chair: Andrew Lucas, University of Colorado, Boulder
Room: 103
B01.00001: Many-body delocalization of ultracold bosons in lattices
Invited Speaker:
Christian Groß
B01.00002: Instability of subdiffusive spin dynamics in strongly disordered Hubbard chain
Maksymilian Sroda, Peter Prelovsek, Marcin Mierzejewski
B01.00003: Many-body localization from a one-particle perspective in the disordered 1D Bose-Hubbard model
Miroslav Hopjan, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
B01.00004: Localization dynamics in a centrally coupled system
Nathan Ng, Rajagopala Seelam, Sebastian Wenderoth, Michael Kolodrubetz, Eran Rabani, Michael Thoss
B01.00005: Strongly resonating clusters around the ergodic-MBL transition
Benjamin Villalonga, Bryan Clark
B01.00006: Inverted many-body mobility edge in a central qudit problem
Saeed Rahmanian Koshkaki, Michael Kolodrubetz
B01.00007: Emergent ergodicity at the transition between many-body localized phases
Rahul Sahay, Bingtian Ye, Francisco Machado, Norman Yao
B01.00008: Critical properties of the many-body Aubry-Andre model localization-delocalization transition.
Taylor Cookmeyer, Johannes Motruk, Joel Moore
B01.00009: Single doublons as ergodic bubbles
Ulrich Krause, Théo Pellegrin, Piet W Brouwer, Dmitry Abanin, Michele Filippone
B01.00010: Quasi-1D limit of the integer quantum Hall transition as a disordered Thouless pump
Matteo Ippoliti, Ravindra Nautam Bhatt
B01.00011: Spin transport in disordered long-range interacting spin chain
Benedikt Kloss, Yevgeny Bar Lev
B01.00012: Complex network description of phase transitions in the classical and quantum disordered Ising Model
Mina Fasihi, Haley Cole, Lincoln Carr, Guillermo Garcia Perez, Sabrina Maniscalco
B01.00013: Probing Slow Scrambling in MBL and the Random Singlet Phase
Ian MacCormack, Mao-Tian Tan, Jonah L Kudler-Flam, Shinsei Ryu