APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session A43: Precision Many-Body Physics I: Ab Initio Methods
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCOMP DAMOP DCMP
Chair: Moritz Binder, Duke University
Room: 702
A43.00001: Ab initio finite-temperature and excited state computations by auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo
Invited Speaker:
Shiwei Zhang
A43.00002: Effects of charge self-consistency in DFT+DMFT calculations for complex transition metal oxides
Alexander Hampel, Sophie Beck, Claude Ederer
A43.00003: DFT+eDMFT Study of Finite-temperature Properties of Filled Skutterudite CeGe4Pt12
Khandker Quader, Gheorghe Pascut, Kristjan Haule, Michael Widom
A43.00004: Efficient implementation of ab initio dynamical mean-field theory for periodic systems
Tianyu Zhu, Zhi-Hao Cui, Garnet Chan
A43.00005: Efficient Hybridization Fitting for Dynamical Mean-Field Theory via Semi-Definite Relaxation
Carlos Mejuto Zaera, Leonardo Zepeda-Núñez, Michael Lindsey, Norm Tubman, Birgitta K Whaley, Lin Lin
A43.00006: Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated f-electron System: DFT+DMFT Approach
Vijay Singh, Uthpala Herath, Benny Wah, Aldo H Romero, Hyowon Park
A43.00007: Kondo route to quantum interference in prototypical single molecule transistors
Sudeshna Sen, Andrew Mitchell
A43.00008: Density Matrix Embedding Theory: From Lattice Models to Realistic Materials
Zhi-Hao Cui, Tianyu Zhu, Garnet Chan
A43.00009: Out of equilibrium thermometry with pump-probe x-ray photoemission spectroscopy
Oleh Matvyeyev, Andrij Shvaika, James Freericks
A43.00010: Electronic structure of bulk manganese oxide and nickel oxide from coupled cluster theory
Yang Gao, Qiming Sun, Jason Yu, Mario Motta, James McClain, Alec F White, Austin Minnich, Garnet Chan
A43.00011: The electronic structure of n-doped ABO3 perovskite metals from quantum Monte Carlo.
Michael Bennett, Guoxiang Hu, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Jaron Krogel
A43.00012: ThetaPhi - a new program for calculation of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer and Magnetic Superstructure Electronic States
Evgeny Plekhanov, Andrei Tchougreeff
A43.00013: A Multiorbital Quantum Impurity Solver for General Interactions and Hybridizations
Eitan Eidelstein, Emanuel Gull, Guy Cohen