APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session A03: Materials in Extremes: Energetic Materials: Initiation of Detonation, Hotspots and Sensitivity
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GSCCM
Chair: Kyle Sullivan, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Room: 107
A03.00001: Time resolving the loss of crystallinity during detonation in a secondary solid explosive
Invited Speaker:
Pamela Bowlan
A03.00002: A Hotspot’s Better Half: A Characterization of the Local Potential Energy Rise in Mechanically Induced Hotspots
Brenden Hamilton, Matthew P Kroonblawd, Chunyu Li, Alejandro H Strachan
A03.00003: Void collapse in shocked β-HMX single crystals across scales
Camilo Duarte, Chunyu Li, Marisol Koslowski, Alejandro H Strachan
A03.00004: Mechanisms and Size Effects of Hotspot Formation due to Shock-Induced Collapse of Pores and Cracks
Chunyu Li, Brenden Hamilton, Alejandro H Strachan
A03.00005: Time-resolved x-ray imaging of void collapse at micron length scales
Michael Armstrong, Ryan Austin, Paul Chow, Yuming Xiao, Paulius Grivickas, Batikan Koroglu, Eric V Bukovsky, William L Shaw, Joshua A Hammons, Trevor M Willey, Andrew K Robinson
A03.00006: Evaluation of the roles of crystal plasticity and hydrodynamic jetting in hot-spot formation in heterogeneous energetic materials under shocks
Oishik Sen, Camilo Duarte, Marisol Koslowski, H.S. Udaykumar
A03.00007: Measurements of State Variables During Exploding Bridgewire Detonator Function
Laura Smilowitz, Bryan Henson, Pamela Bowlan, Dennis Remelius, Natalya Suvorova
A03.00008: Internal shock structure and thermal response in the function of Exploding Bridgewire Detonators
Bryan Henson, Laura Smilowitz, Pamela Bowlan, Natalya Suvorova, Dennis Remelius
A03.00009: Comparing small-scale detonation simulation to experimental data and multi-dimensional initiation sensitivity study
Rachel Morneau, Michael J Murphy, James Quirk
A03.00010: (U) Introducing HEDONIST- A Low Explosive Mass Experiment That Attains
Very High Pressures
Carl Johnson, John Gibson
A03.00011: Modeling and Experimental Analysis of Shaped Charge Jet Characteristics
Kevin Miers, Daniel Pudlak