Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2019; Boston, Massachusetts
Session P06: Strongly Correlated Ce- and Yb-based MaterialsFocus Session
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Chair: Sheng Ran Room: BCEC 109A |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:30PM - 2:42PM |
P06.00001: Magnetic Ordering Competition Leading to Disorder Betweeen CeIn3 and NdIn3 Jackson Badger, Rumika Miyawaki, Peter Klavins, Zachary Brubaker, Rena Zieve, Tatsuma D. Matsuda, Valentin Taufour Both CeIn3 and NdIn3 crystallize in the same cubic structure (Pm-3m) and show antiferromagnetic ordering below 10.1 K and 5.9 K, respectively. We investigate the magnetic ordering of single crystals of Ce1−xNdxIn3 and discover a region of frustrated magnetism near x ∼ 0.45 where the magnetic order is suppressed to below 1.8 K. In this region, the two antiferromagnetic orderings appear to be in competition with one another despite the fact that antiferromagnetic interactions are still observed. We present the sample synthesis and characterizations, as well as a discussion of the observed magnetic properties in the context of heavy-fermion behavior, Kondo interactions, and magnetic anisotropy. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:42PM - 2:54PM |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:54PM - 3:06PM |
P06.00003: Weak hybridization effects revealed by ARPES in heavy-fermion Ce2IrIn8 Haijiang Liu, Hong Ding, Yuanji Xu We utilize high resolution on-resonant (hv~120eV) angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to study the band structure and hybridization effect of heavy-fermion compound Ce2IrIn8. Hybridization between 4f electron and conduction electron plays a significant role on the behavior of heavy-fermion compounds. Band structure experiments fit well with the results of DFT calculation. We observe obvious flat band below coherent temperature Tcoh~40 K which characterize electrical resistance maxima indicate the onset temperature of hybridization. But the Fermi surface (FS) volume and Fermi vector kF don't change largely, which challenge the widely believed evolution from high temperature small FS to low temperature big FS. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:06PM - 3:18PM |
P06.00004: Critical charge fluctuations and $\omega$/T scaling at the Kondo breakdown of Heavy-fermion systems Yashar Komijani, Piers Coleman A number of recent experiments on quantum critical materials CeRuIn$_5$, YbRh$_2$Si$_2$, CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ and YbAlB$_4$ have observed critical charge fluctuations coinciding with magnetic transition, a phenomena that goes beyond the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. We will argue that such soft charge fluctuations are natural consequences of an abrupt change in the Fermi surface volume that accompanies Kondo breakdown (KBD) in heavy-fermion systems. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:18PM - 3:30PM |
P06.00005: Evolution from Ferromagnetism to Antiferromagnetism in the CeTi1-xVxGe3 System Hanshang Jin, Jackson Robert Badger, Peter Klavins, Valentin Taufour The suppression of ferromagnetism in metallic systems may result in the appearance of modulated magnetic phases. Recent studies have shown that the application of pressure in the CeTiGe3 system is a possible example of such phenomenon. By combining magnetic field and pressure, a wing-structure phase diagram with a quantum tricritical point is observed [1]. Here we show that substituting vanadium in place of titanium will suppress ferromagnetism, and an antiferromagnetic state is observed near the V-rich end. We discuss the evolution of the ordering temperature and of the magnetic anisotropy as Ti is progressively substituted by V in single crystals of the CeTi1-xVxGe3 series. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
P06.00006: Evolution of Charge Density Wave Order in CeTe2 Bishnu Sharma, Manoj Singh, Burhan Ahmed, Boning Yu, Philip Walmsley, Ian R Fisher, Michael C Boyer The rare-earth tellurides are a family of low-dimensional compounds which host charge density wave (CDW) states. While CDW states in the rare-earth tri-tellurides (RTe3) are relatively well-studied, less is known about CDW states in the rare-earth di-tellurides (RTe2). The RTe2 compounds are quasi two dimensional materials with a crystal structure which consists of alternating insulating rare-earth block layers and single–layer conducting Te sheets. Here we present our scanning tunneling microscopy measurements on CeTe2. Our measurements detect two unidirectional, perpendicular, spatially separated CDW states which smoothly evolve from one to the other. Our measurements shed light on the connection between CDW states and local strain. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
P06.00007: Thermal expansion measurements of heavy-fermion CeAuSb2 Soonbeom Seo, Sean Thomas, Filip Ronning, Eric Bauer, Joe D Thompson, Priscila Rosa CeAuSb2 is a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet hosting two field-induced transitions at Hc1 ~ 2.8 T and Hc2 ~ 5.6 T when field is applied along the c-axis [1, 2]. At Hc1, the magnetic structure changes from a single-q to a multi-q spin density wave [3]. Here we report the temperature dependence of the resistivity (ρ) and thermal expansion (ΔL/L) of CeAuSb2 when H||c-axis. Our results show that ρ and ΔL/L display signatures of the different magnetic structures, and are susceptible to the critical end point. We will discuss both pressure and field effects on the multiple phase transitions in the three-dimensional phase diagram of CeAuSb2. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
P06.00008: Competing incommensurate orders in a heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeNiGe2 Lekh Poudel, Yang Zhao, Zhijun Xu, William Ratcliff, Johnpierre Paglione, Jeffrey W Lynn We have determined the magnetic structure and phase diagram of a heavy fermion compound CeNiGe2 as a function of magnetic field and temperature using single crystal neutron diffraction. At zero field and the base temperature of 0.4 K, CeNiGe2 shows a complex magnetic structure comprising two propagation vectors κ1 = (0.23, 0, 0) and κ2 = (0.18, 0, 0). The intensities observed at several magnetic satellites indicate that the moments are predominantly along the c-axis. At higher temperatures the order parameter corresponding to κ1 (OP1) decreases until it is suppressed at TN1 = 3 K. The order parameter for κ2 (OP2) initially increases with increasing temperature and only begins to decrease above TN1 until it vanishes at TN2 = 4.2 K. A similar but opposite trend in order parameters is observed when a magnetic field is applied along the c-axis. OP2 is suppressed at a lower critical field of Bc2 = 0.75 T, whereas OP1 first increases until it reaches maximum at Bc2 and begins to decrease and vanishes at the critical field of Bc1 = 2.75 T. Taken together, CeNiGe2 provides an interesting platform where competition between two nearby incommensurate orders can be systematically tuned by temperature and magnetic field. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
P06.00009: Thermodynamic and transport properties of RCd3P3 (R = La and Ce) single crystals Anja Rabus, Jeonghun Lee, Eundeok Mun RCd3P3 (R = La and Ce) compounds crystallize into a hexagonal ScAl3C3-type structure. The magnetic Ce atoms form the triangular lattice of the two dimensional layer. Thermodynamic and transport properties of RCd3P3 were investigated by measuring the magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat. The magnetic susceptibility of CeCd3P3 follows the Curie-Weiss law at high temperatures with very large negative Weiss temperature. The specific heat measurement of CeCd3P3 clearly indicates a magnetic ordering below 0.41 K with large electronic specific heat coefficient. In this talk, anomalous physical properties due to the geometrical frustration of Ce atoms will be discussed. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
P06.00010: Field-induced Pseudogap in the Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5 Keshav Shrestha, Laura H Greene, Eric Bauer, Joe D Thompson, You Lai, Ryan Baumbach, Kalyan Sasmal, M Brian Maple, Wan Kyu Park The heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5, whose order parameter is known to have dx2-y2 symmetry [1], manifests an interesting spin density wave-like Q-phase [2]. Despite several recent scanning tunneling spectroscopic measurements [3], there are no phase-sensitive measurements in the Q-phase. Our planer tunneling spectroscopy data at 20 mK show sharp coherence peaks and the estimated gap size is 0.65 meV. Quite intriguingly, the superconducting gap-like features evolve into a pseudogap as superconductivity is destroyed with temperature and magnetic fields. The field-induced pseudogap is enhanced further with increasing fields up to the highest measurements field of 18 T. The possible origin of the pseudogap and implications of our results will be discussed. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
P06.00011: Thermal expansion near the bicritical point in YbAgGe George Schmiedeshoff, J.-H. Park, D. Graf, S.L. Bud'ko, P.C. Canfield A flexible-plate capacitive dilatometer, designed to operate while immersed in the liquid helium ``mash'' of a top-loading dilution refrigerator, was used to measure the thermal expansion of the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet YbAgGe near the bicritical point reported near 0.3 K in a magnetic field of 4.5 T applied parallel to the ab-axis [1]. We will discuss the phase diagram and quantum bicriticality of YbAgGe and the new dilatometer. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
P06.00012: Pressure-temperature phase diagram of YbNi2B2C Li Xiang, Yuji Furukawa, Viktor V. Struzhkin, Alexander Gavriliuk, Sergey Budko, Paul Canfield The RNi2B2C (R = Gd - Lu, Y) series have attracted much attention due to the interplay between superconductivity and local-magnetism. For the Lu, Tm - Dy, superconducting transition temperature Tc decrease and the AFM transition temperature TN increases and scales with de Gennes scaling at ambient pressure. However, YbNi2B2C displays neither superconductivity nor magnetism down to low temperature at ambient pressure but rather is a heavy fermion compound with γ ∼ 530 mJ/mol K2. Studies suggest YbNi2B2C might be close to a quantum critical point (QCP) on the nonmagnetic side in the Doniach phase diagram. Resistance of single-crystalline YbNi2B2C is measured under pressure up to 16 GPa down to 50 mK as an attempt to reach QCP. Temperature-pressure phase diagram will be presented and discussed. |
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
P06.00013: THz Spectroscopy of the Heavy Fermion Metal YbAl3 David Barbalas, Shouvik Chatterjee, Kyle M Shen, Darrell G. Schlom, Norman Armitage Due to the interaction of local moment physics and mixed-valence behavior in Yb compounds, Yb heavy fermion compounds have not demonstrated the same range of phenomena seen in other f-orbital materials. Up to this point it has been difficult to measure the low energy electrodynamic response of these materials. However, high quality films of YbAl3 have been successfully grown and demonstrate significant changes in the electronic structure of the material mediated by the valence change in Yb. We have investigated the THz range electrodynamic response of these materials and discuss the results from the optical conductivity in the context of prevailing theories. |
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