Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2019; Boston, Massachusetts
Session B62: Detecting Signals in a Noisy Climate SystemInvited
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Sponsoring Units: GPC Chair: Chris Forest, Pennsylvania State University Room: BCEC 258C |
Monday, March 4, 2019 11:15AM - 11:51AM |
B62.00001: Insights Regarding Observational Requirements For Climate Change Signal Detection Invited Speaker: Bruce Wielicki Climate change signals must be detected against both the noise of internal natural variability as well as a wide range of uncertainties in the observing system. Observing system uncertainties include SI traceable accuracy, instrument stability over a decade or longer, calibration across data gaps, changing instrument designs, changing sampling of the earth, and changing data analysis methods. Most current observations used for climate change signals were not designed with climate change uncertainties in mind (National Academy of Sciences Continuity Report for NASA, Nov. 2015). Examples are given of how to set requirements for climate change observations relative to anticipated climate change signals and climate system natural variability. Given that we currently lack an observing system designed specifically for climate change, what would such a system look like? Design principles are provided, and examples are given of how more accurate observations can narrow key scientific uncertainties in climate change. Examples will also be presented of observations that can meet these much more challenging climate change requirements. The lack of a designed climate observing system naturally raises the question of the societal return on investment of providing such a system. Recent published estimates using state of the art economic integrated assessment models (IAMs) suggest a return of ~ $50 per $1 invested. Society will be managing the Earth’s Climate System actively or passively, wisely or unwisely, for the indefinite future. The world has had an internationally designed, committed, and shared weather observing system for many decades. It is time to begin an equivalent international climate change observing system. The motivation for such systems are the same: a better future for society. |
Monday, March 4, 2019 11:51AM - 12:27PM |
B62.00002: ENSO Change in Climate Projections: Forced Response or Internal Variability? Invited Speaker: Nicola Maher The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant driver of interannual variability globally and has effects which are felt in many remote regions of the world. As such it is vital to assess the potential future changes of ENSO. However, there is little consensus on how ENSO sea surface temperature (SST) may change in a future with increasing greenhouse gas emissions and underlying warming (Bellenger et al., 2014; Collins et al., 2010; Guilyardi et al., 2012; Ham & Kug, 2016), with large differences found between different Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) model projections (Collins et al., 2010; Guilyardi et al., 2012). The range of projections of ENSO in the future could be due to differences in model physics, resulting in different projections from different models. However, the role of internal variability must also be considered. Such internal variations can result in different projections from single ensemble members of the same climate model. A large ensemble of a single model can be used to estimate this internal variability, and together with other model ensembles can be used to address uncertainties in model physics. |
Monday, March 4, 2019 12:27PM - 1:03PM |
B62.00003: From months to Milankovitch: how timescale-dependent interactions in the coupled Earth system determine the spectrum of climate variability and response. Invited Speaker: Cristian Proistosescu Acting as both signal and noise, stochastic internal variability dominates the observational record of Earth's energy budget. While variability confounds estimates of anthropogenic climate change, it can also be leveraged for insight into the underlying physics, provided one understands both the governing stochastic processes, and the ways in which they are encoded in the statistics of observable quantities. |
Monday, March 4, 2019 1:03PM - 1:39PM |
B62.00004: The climate change signal in hurricanes Invited Speaker: Chia-Ying Lee In this presentation, I will discuss results from our ongoing research on detecting climate change signal in hurricane activity in the recent history. A question that is frequently asked during or after an extreme hurricane season like 2017 is whether such extreme season becomes more frequent or is simply one of the statistical flukes. Such question is hard to answer by using observational data alone as the length of high-quality hurricane record is too short. Therefore, we study this question by a combination of observations, statistical-dynamical downscaling modeling and high-resolution global dynamical modeling approaches. Simulations driven by reanalysis data will be used to estimate historical trends. Simulations driven by outputs from global climate models as well as those directly output from high-resolution global models are used to estimate the roles of radiative forcing, natural variability, and their combination. I will show the comparison of various climatological measures of TC activity from observations and model-based estimates for the current, pre-industrial, and near future periods. In addition to our work, I will also discuss other recent studies on detecting climate change signal on hurricanes. |
Monday, March 4, 2019 1:39PM - 2:15PM |
B62.00005: Detecting changes in marine ecosystems and ocean colour Invited Speaker: Stephanie Dutkiewicz Monitoring changes in marine phytoplankton is important as they form the foundation of the marine food web and are crucial in the carbon cycle. Climate change is affecting marine phytoplankton by altering their nutrient, temperature, light and chemical environments. Often Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) is used to track changes in phytoplankton, since there are global, regular satellite-derived estimates, and such studies suggesting complex, but as yet limited, patterns of long-term change over the last two decades. However, satellite sensors do not measure Chl-a directly. Instead, Chl-a is estimated from remote sensing reflectance (RRS): the ratio of upwelling radiance to the downwelling irradiance at the ocean’s surface. We use a unique ocean physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystem model that explicitly includes a representation of the ocean’s optical properties to explore how climate change signals are manifested in Chl-a, phytoplankton communities, and ocean colour over the course of the 21st century. We show that RRS in the blue-green spectrum is likely to have a stronger and earlier climate change-driven signal than Chl-a. This is because RRS integrates not only changes to Chl-a, but also alterations in other optically important constituents. Phytoplankton community structure, which strongly affects ocean optics, is likely to show one of the clearest and most rapid signatures of changes to the base of the marine ecosystem. |
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