Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Session R24: 2D Frustrated Spin Systems: YbMgGaO4 and KagomeFocus
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Sponsoring Units: GMAG DMP Chair: Martin Mourigal, Georgia Inst of Tech Room: LACC 403A |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
R24.00001: Spin Liquid vs. Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Triangular Lattice Jason Iaconis, Chunxiao Liu, Gábor Halász, Leon Balents In recent years it has been realized that strong spin-orbit coupling can provide an new avenue in the search for spin liquid phases in experimentally realizable materials. We explore the relationship between strong spin-orbit coupling and spin liquid physics. We study a very general model on the triangular lattice where spin-orbit coupling leads to the presence of highly anisotropic interactions. We use variational Monte Carlo to study both U(1) quantum spin liquid states and ordered ones, via the Gutzwiller projected fermion construction. We thereby obtain the ground state phase diagram in this phase space. We further develop a novel method to go beyond the simple Gutzwiller wave functions for the spinon Fermi surface quantum spin liquid. This modification results in the appearance of several qualitatively new phenomena. Of particular interest is the presence of a large thermal Hall conductivity in this system. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
R24.00002: Structural Disorder in the Quantum Spin-Liquid Candidate YbMgGaO4 Joseph Paddison, Marcus Daum, Zhiling Dun, Arkadiy Simonov, Andrew Goodwin, Amber Thompson, Matthew Cliffe, Michael Gaultois, Helen Playford, Yaohua Liu, Haidong Zhou, Martin Mourigal The rare-earth oxide YbMgGaO4 is an exciting candidate for a quantum spin-liquid state based on a triangular lattice of Yb3+ ions. Experimental evidence for spin-liquid-like behavior includes a continuous magnetic excitation spectrum and the absence of long-range magnetic order to sub-100mK temperatures. Yet the origin of this behavior remains a subject for debate, with proposals ranging from resonating-valence-bond states and U(1) spin liquids, to disorder-induced mimicry of a quantum spin liquid. Disorder plays an intrinsic role in the structure of YbMgGaO4, because magnetic Yb3+ layers are separated by layers with disordered Mg2+/Ga3+ occupancy. In this talk, I will discuss experimental evidence for the importance of structural disorder in YbMgGaO4. Our X-ray and neutron scattering data reveal that structural disorder is not restricted to random Mg2+/Ga3+ occupancies, but is actually strongly correlated. I will explore the implications of our experimental results for the spin-liquid-like physics of YbMgGaO4. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
R24.00003: Magnetic diffuse scattering of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet YbMgGaO4 Marcus Daum, Joseph Paddison, Zhiling Dun, Vasile Garlea, Yaohua Liu, Haidong Zhou, Martin Mourigal YbMgGaO4, a rare-earth S=1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet, has been to focus of recent studies with debate from several different groups about the origin of seemingly spin-liquid behavior. The interplay of strong spin-orbit coupling and site disorder of interplane Mg2+ and Ga3+ leads to interesting magnetic diffuse scattering signatures and lack of long range magnetic ordering even down to tens of mK. In this talk, I will present recent neutron scattering data measured at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on single crystals of YbMgGaO4 using polarized neutrons on HYSPEC and diffuse scattering on CORELLI. These results will be compared to different exchange models proposed for this topical material. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 8:36AM - 9:12AM |
R24.00004: Topography and Mimicry of a Spin Liquid on a Triangular Lattice Invited Speaker: Alexander Chernyshev Motivated by recent interest in strongly-anisotropic spin-spin interactions, we have explored an extended three-dimensional phase diagram of a class of such models on an ideal triangular lattice using density-matrix renormalization group and quasiclassical approaches. In the case appropriate for the rare-earth-based materials with interactions only among the nearest-neighbor spins, we have mapped out all phases and identified the topography of the region that can harbor a spin liquid. A four-dimensional extension of this phase diagram with the next-nearest-neighbor coupling J2 allows for a natural continuity of the spin liquid in the strongly-anisotropic model to the previously well-studied spin-liquid state of the J1-J2 Heisenberg model. Their respective spin-liquid states are shown to exhibit nearly identical spin-spin correlations, suggesting that the nature of spin liquids in both models is the same. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
R24.00005: Hierarchy of exchange interactions in the triangular-lattice spin-liquid YbMgGaO4 Xinshu Zhang, Fahad Mahmood, Marcus Daum, Zhiling Dun, Joseph Paddison, Nicholas Laurita, Tao Hong, Haidong Zhou, Peter Armitage, Martin Mourigal The spin-1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet YbMgGaO4 has attracted recent attention as a quantum spin-liquid candidate. Whether a quantum spin-liquid is stabilized or not depends on the interplay of various exchange interactions with chemical disorder that is inherent to the layered structure of the compound. We combine time-domain terahertz spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scattering measurements in the field polarized state of YbMgGaO4 to obtain better microscopic insights on its exchange interactions. Terahertz spectroscopy in this fashion probes the spin-wave excitations at the Brillouin zone center, ideally complementing neutron scattering. A global spin-wave fit to all our spectroscopic data at fields over 4 T, informed by the analysis of the terahertz spectroscopy linewidths, yields stringent constraints on g-factors and exchange interactions. Our results paint YbMgGaO4 as an easy-plane XXZ antiferromagnet with the combined and necessary presence of sub-leading next nearest neighbor and weak anisotropic off-diagonal nearest-neighbor interactions. This work establishes the hierarchy of exchange interactions in YbMgGaO4 and thus strongly constrains possible mechanisms responsible for the observed spin-liquid phenomenology. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
R24.00006: Absence of Magnetic Thermal Conductivity in the Quantum Spin-Liquid Candidate YbMgGaO4 Yang Xu, Jun Zhang, Yuesheng Li, Yunjie Yu, Xiaochen Hong, Zhen Ma, Jinsheng Wen, Qingming Zhang, Shiyan Li We present the ultralow-temperature specific heat and thermal conductivity measurements on single crystals of YbMgGaO4, which was recently argued to be a promising candidate for a quantum spin liquid (QSL). In a zero magnetic field, a large magnetic contribution of specific heat is observed, and exhibits a power-law temperature dependence (Cm ∼ T0.74). On the contrary, we do not observe any significant contribution of thermal conductivity from magnetic excitations. In magnetic fields H ≥ 6 T, the exponential T dependence of Cm and the enhanced thermal conductivity indicate a magnon gap of the fully polarized state. More crucially, from ultralow-temperature a.c. susceptibility measurements, we find evidence for a spin-glass ground state with the observation of frequency-dependent peaks around 0.1 K. Therefore, we conclude that instead of a QSL, the ground state of YbMgGaO4 is likely a disorder-induced spin glass [1, 2]. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
R24.00007: Investigating the Quantum vs Classical Nature of the Spin Liquid State in Yb(Mg,Zn)GaO4 William Steinhardt, Zhenzhong Shi, Anjana Samarakoon, Sachith Dissanayake, Hongcheng Lu, Brodie Popovic, David Graf, Yaohua Liu, Casey Marjerrison, Cristian Batista, Sara Haravifard Recently the rare earth RMM’O4 systems (where R = rare earth, M and M’ = transition or main group) have been suggested as strong spin-orbit coupled quantum spin liquid candidates. In this talk we present our recent field-dependent diffuse neutron scattering, torque magnetometry, and magneto-transport results performed on Yb(Mg,Zn)GaO4 single crystal samples. Further, we discuss the role of disorder and thermal fluctuations in explaining the observed spin liquid phenomena. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
R24.00008: Spin Frustration and Spin Liquid on a Triangular Lattice Xiaoqun Wang, Shijie Hu, Qiang Luo, Jize Zhao, Bin Xi
Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
R24.00009: Muon Spin Relaxation Study on quantum spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4 Zhaofeng Ding, Jian Zhang, Cheng Tan, Zhen Ma, Jinsheng Wen, Lei Shu Quantum spin liquid (QSL) state has been a crucial topic in condensed matter physics in the last three decades, due to its potential application on quantum computation and its relation between exotic phenomenons such as high temperature superconductivity[1–3]. Recently, the QSL state was proposed to be in triangular-lattice structured YbMgGaO4[4–9], but it was still under debates[10, 11]. We performed new muon spin relaxation experiments on high quality and small amount of single crystals of YbMgGaO4. Detal study of the ground state of this compound will be reported. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
R24.00010: Fractionalized excitations in the partially magnetized spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4 Yao Shen, Yaodong Li, Helen Walker, Paul Steffens, Martin Boehm, Xiaowen Zhang, Shoudong Shen, Hongliang Wo, Gang Chen, Jun Zhao Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are exotic states of matter characterized by emergent gauge structures and fractionalized elementary excitations. In the recently discovered triangular lattice QSL candidate YbMgGaO4, dispersive spinon excitations with a clear upper excitation edge has been observed, but the nature of its ground state is still under debate. In this talk, we present neutron scattering measurement on YbMgGaO4 under various magnetic fields. Our data reveal a dispersive spin excitation continuum with clear upper and lower excitation edges under a weak magnetic field (H = 2.5 T). Moreover, a spectral crossing emerges at the Gamma point at the Zeeman-split energy. The corresponding redistribution of the spectral weight and its field-dependent evolution is inconsistent with a magnon behavior, but instead resembles the theoretical prediction based on the inter-band and intra-band spinon particle-hole excitations associated with the Zeeman-split spinon bands. These results provide a strong evidence for fractionalized excitations and spinon Fermi surfaces in the partially magnetized QSL state in YbMgGaO4. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
R24.00011: Crystal growth and magnetic properties of ErMgGaO4 Yipeng Cai, Chris Lygouras, Georgia Thomas, Murray Wilson, Casey Marjerrison, Hanna Dabkowska, Graeme Luke Triangular lattices with antiferromagnetic nearest neighbour exchange interactions are some of the most popular examples of geometrically frustrated systems. Recently, YbMgGaO4 has been considered as a potential quantum spin liquid candidate, where the magnetic Yb3+ ions are forming a quasi two dimensional triangular lattice while Mg2+/Ga3+ are randomly mixed between the Yb layers. The variation of exchange interactions produced by the disordered ions and the frustration from the triangular planes are expected to produce the spin liquid ground state. By replacing Yb with Er, different interaction strengths of J1 and J2 are expected, resulting in an interesting unknown ground state. Here, we will show our results of single crystal growth of ErMgGaO4 and its magnetic properties. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
R24.00012: Magnetic Ground State of the Kagome Lattice in Fe4Si2Sn7O16 Jason Gardner, Chris Ling, Dominic Ryan, Rajib Sarkar, Tilo soehnel Bulk Characterisation, neutron powder diffraction and muon spin relaxation data has been used to determine the magnetic ground state of Fe4Si2Sn7O16. The only magnetic ions in this compound are layers of high-spin Fe2+ (d6, S=2) arranged on a perfectly hexagonal kagome lattice. Below TN=3.5 K, the spins partiall order into canted antiferromagnetic chains, separated by paramagnetic spis on the geometrically frustrated lattice. No static long-range order was observed down to at least T=0.1~K. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:48AM - 11:00AM |
R24.00013: Persistence of the flat band in a kagome magnet with dipolar interactions Kirill Shtengel, Mykola Maksymenko, Roderich Moessner The weathervane modes of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice constitute possibly the earliest and certainly the most celebrated example of a flat band of zero-energy excitations. Such modes arise from the underconstraint that has since become a defining criterion of strong geometrical frustration. We focus on the fate of this flat band in the presence of additional dipolar interactions. These change the nearest-neighbour model fundamentally as they remove the Heisenberg spin-rotational symmetry while also introducing a long- range component to the interaction. Curiously, the modes continue to remain approximately dispersionless, while being lifted to finite energy. This phenomenon provides interesting connections between concepts such as constraint counting and self-screening underpinning the field of frustrated magnetism. Moreover, this property is found to be remarkably stable to a wide range of additional interactions. |
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