Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Session L16: Major Physics Organizations and Their Role in the Future of PhysicsInvited Session Undergraduate Students
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Sponsoring Units: FIP Chair: R. Peterson, Univ of Colorado - Boulder Room: LACC 305 |
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 11:15AM - 11:51AM |
L16.00001: Lightsources for Africa, the Americas & Middle East Project (LAAMP): An IUPAP and IUCr ICSU-Funded Project Invited Speaker: Sekazi Mtingwa We describe a new initiative funded by a 3-year, 300K-Euro grant from the International Council for Science (ICSU) to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and International Union of Crystallography in collaboration with some twenty-five partner organizations and ten advanced light sources to enhance the utilization of advanced light sources and crystallography in four targeted regions of the world, namely Africa, the Caribbean, Mexico and Middle East. LAAMP’s programs include the development of a Strategic Plan for each region, a Colloquium program to send experienced light source and crystallography users to those regions, establishment of new IUCr-UNESCO OpenLabs, design and distribution of a Brochure that describes light sources and crystallography for government officials and the layperson, and training visits to advanced lights sources for new users, culminating in a December 2019 meeting to chart a path forward beyond the ICSU grant. |
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 11:51AM - 12:27PM |
L16.00002: Physics and the Clinton White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Invited Speaker: Arthur Bienenstock The organization, responsibilities and roles of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in the Clinton Administration will be discussed, with some emphasis on physics and on the relationship with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In that Administration, OSTP had 4 divisions: Science, Technology, International (including National Security) and Environment. I headed the Science Division and will focus on relevant budgets, as well as other Division activities of importance to science in general and physics, in particular. Anecdotes that illustrate the importance of individual goals in an only partially-defined structure will be presented. |
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 12:27PM - 1:03PM |
L16.00003: APS Long-range Planning for International Physics Invited Speaker: Amy Flatten Expanding the Society’s international engagement emerged as a major theme throughout the APS strategic planning efforts of the past several years. Consequently, APS recently launched an important new initiative, the "Task Force on Expanding International Engagement." The Task Force members, appointed by APS CEO Dr. Kate Kirby, include a cross-section of 10-12 representatives from diverse communities of APS. The Task Force has spent months reaching out to APS members and partners regarding how the Society can expand its offerings, strengthen its connections, and ensure its long-term value to the international physics community. Likewise, as international issues span across all aspects of the APS, the Task Force will identify those critical, cross-cutting issues that APS particularly could address in partnership with other national physical societies. This talk will give insight into some of the preliminary findings of the Task Force and possible future plans for APS international affairs. |
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 1:03PM - 1:39PM |
L16.00004: International Scientific Cooperation: The ICTP Experience Invited Speaker: Fernando Quevedo This abstract not available. |
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 1:39PM - 2:15PM |
L16.00005: EPS: Promoting Scientific Cooperation in Europe in a Global Context Invited Speaker: Ruediger Voss This abstract not available. |
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