Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Session A24: 2D Frustrated Spin Systems: Shastry Sutherland and Bipartite Lattices
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Monday, March 5, 2018
Room: 403A
Chair: Vivien Zapf, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.MAR.A24.6
Abstract: A24.00006 : Frustrated Ground State in the metallic Ising 2D Anti-ferromagnet Nd2Ni2In
9:24 AM–9:36 AM
Gabriele Sala
(Oak Ridge National Lab)
Gabriele Sala
(Oak Ridge National Lab)
Silvie Maskova
(Condensed Matter, Charles University)
Matthew Stone
(Oak Ridge National Lab)
Nd2Ni2In is a 2D Ising anti-ferromagnet (TN = 8 K) with a crystal structure equivalent to the Shastry-Sutherland (SS) lattice, leading to magnetic frustration. This system is well known for its high Hydrogen absorption capabilities, but recently its magnetic properties have been investigated revealing some very interesting anomalies. The magnetization curve in the ordered state obtained on the Nd2Ni2In polycrystal is not qualitatively different from a very narrow hysteresis loop of a ferromagnet. Nevertheless, neutron measurements indicate an anti-ferromagnetic structure with Ising Nd moments oriented mutually perpendicular along the direction of the [110] type, i.e. Nd moments in the basal plane.
Data collected at SEQUOIA and CNCS have been used to analyze the crystal field of Nd2Ni2In in zero field to shed light on its ground state. The results point towards a structure with Ising spins oriented along the local [110] direction with a magnetic moment of 2.59(13) μB/Nd, in excellent agreement with previous measurements. Moreover the analysis on the two magnetic Bragg peaks (2,0,0), (2,1,0) gave an order parameter ß=0.13, which is very close to the critical exponent for the 2D Ising model exactly solved by Onsager ß=1/8.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.MAR.A24.6
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