APS March Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 4
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2017;
New Orleans, Louisiana
Session Index
Session F25: Chemical Physics of Multichromophores III
Focus Session
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Sponsoring Units: DCP
Chair: David Reichman, Columbia University
Room: 288
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
11:15AM - 11:51AM
F25.00001: Dynamics of photosynthetic light harvesting: from conformational changes to excitation energy transfer
Invited Speaker:
Gabriela Schlau-Cohen
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
11:51AM - 12:03PM
F25.00002: Ultrafast decoherence dynamics in polymer solar cells
Eric Bittner, Hao Li
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
12:03PM - 12:15PM
F25.00003: Molecular aggregates in cavities: from Bose-Einstein condensation to chemistry and back
Joel Yuen-Zhou
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
12:15PM - 12:51PM
F25.00004: Light-induced nonadiabatic dynamics in molecular assemblies and nanostructures
Invited Speaker:
Roland Mitric
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
12:51PM - 1:03PM
F25.00005: The coherence lifetime-borrowing effect in vibronically coupled molecular aggregates under non-perturbative system-environment interactions.
Shu-Hao Yeh, Gregory S. Engel, Sabre Kais
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
1:03PM - 1:15PM
F25.00006: Torsional Dynamics, Intramolecular Charge Transfer, and Solvent Friction in the S$_{\mathrm{2}}$ (1$^{\mathrm{1}}$B$_{\mathrm{u}}^{\mathrm{+}})$ Excited State of Peridinin: A Mechanism for Enhanced Mid-Visible Light Harvesting in the Peridinin--Chlorophyll $a$ Protein
Warren Beck, Jerome Roscioli, Soumen Ghosh, Michael Bishop, Amy LaFountain, Harry Frank
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
1:15PM - 1:27PM
F25.00007: Multiscale Electrodynamics/Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Modeling of Coupled Plasmon/Molecule Excitations
Kenneth Lopata, Holden Smith
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
1:27PM - 1:39PM
F25.00008: Modeling electronic trap state distributions in nanocrystalline anatase
Nam Le, Igor Schweigert
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
1:39PM - 1:51PM
F25.00009: Ultrafast Dynamics of Vibration-Cavity Polariton Modes
Jeff Owrutsky, Adam Dunkelberger, Kenan Fears, Blake Simpkins, Bryan Spann
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