APS March Meeting 2013
Volume 58, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 18–22, 2013;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session A9: Invited Session: Teaching Physics and Other STEM Subjects in an Urban Environment
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Monday, March 18, 2013
Room: 308
Chair: Mel Sabella, Chicago State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2013.MAR.A9.2
Abstract: A9.00002 : Universities Reaching Outwards: Science Education Partnerships with Urban School Systems
8:36 AM–9:12 AM
Preview Abstract
Cody Sandifer
(Towson University)
The goals of this talk are to: (1) describe how universities, physics
departments, and individual faculty can partner with urban school systems to
benefit K-16 students, teacher education programs, and university
instructors, (2) summarize research on effective university-school system
education partnerships, and (3) offer advice and share lessons learned so
that university partners can avoid common pitfalls and maximize the
potential for collaborative success. Possible areas of university-school
collaboration include resident teachers, curricular review, early teaching
experiences, demo sharing sessions, ongoing professional development, on-
and off-campus science outreach, RET programs, science education resource
centers, and others.
University-school educational partnerships offer numerous benefits but can
be challenging to implement and maintain. Research shows that most
successful partnerships possess the following characteristics: mutual
self-interest, participant commitment, mutual trust and respect, shared
decision-making, information sharing, and ongoing evaluation. K-16 course
and curriculum redesign is a specific issue that has its own unique set of
contextual factors that impact the project's chance at success, including
available materials, administrative support, formative assessments,
pilot-testing and instructor feedback, and ongoing professional development.
I have learned a number of lessons in own science education collaborations
with the Baltimore City Public School System, which is an urban school
system with 200 schools, 84,000 students, and 10,700 teachers and
administrators. These lessons pertain to: communication, administrative
power, and the structure of the school system; relevant contextual factors
in the university and K-12 schools; and good old-fashioned common sense.\footnote{Common sense is encouraged, but not required, to attend the invited talk.}
Specific advice on K-16 science education partnerships will be provided to
help universities increase student and instructor satisfaction with their
physics and teacher education programs, maintain a positive and mutually
beneficial relationship with local schools, and improve science education at
all levels of instruction.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2013.MAR.A9.2