APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session S1: Poster Session III (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
1:00 PM,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Room: Exhibit CD
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.S1.195
Abstract: S1.00195 : A Quantized Metric As an Alternative to Dark Matter
Preview Abstract
Joel Maker
The cosmological spherical symmetry background metric coefficient
(g$_{44}\equiv )$ g$_{00}$= 1-2GM/c$^{2}$r should be inserted
into a Dirac
equation $\Sigma _{\mu }(\surd $g$_{\mu \mu }\gamma ^{\mu
}\partial \psi $/$\partial $x$_{\mu })-\omega \psi $ = 0 (1,Maker)
to make it generally covariant. The spin of this cosmological
Dirac object
is nearly unobservable due to inertial frame dragging and has
L(L+1) $\Delta \varepsilon $ and oscillatory $\varepsilon $
with external objects at distance away r$>>$10$^{10 }$LY. The
inside and
outside frequencies $\omega $ match at the boundary allowing the
metric eigenvalues to propagate inside. To include the correct 3
masses in this Dirac equation we must use ansatz g$_{oo}$=
e$^{i(2\varepsilon +\Delta \varepsilon )}$ with $\varepsilon
$=.06, $\Delta
\varepsilon $=.00058. For local metric effects our ansatz is
}$e$^{i\Delta \varepsilon }$. Here the metric coefficient
g$_{oo}$ levels
off to the quantized value e$^{i\Delta \varepsilon }$ in the
galaxy halo:
g$_{oo}$=1-2GM/rc$^{2}\to $ rel(e$^{i\Delta \varepsilon
})$ \textbf{=}cos($\Delta \varepsilon )$= 1-($\Delta
)^{2}$/2 $\to (\Delta \varepsilon )^{2}$/2=2GM/rc$^{2}$ for this
circular motion v$^{2}$/r=GM/r$^{2}$=c$^{2}(\Delta \varepsilon
)^{2}$/4r $\to $v$^{2 }$=c$^{2}(\Delta \varepsilon )^{2}$/4
=87km/sec)$^{2} \quad \approx $\textbf{100km/sec})$^{2}$. So the
metric acts to
quantize v. Note also there is rotational energy quantization for
$\Delta \varepsilon $ rotational states that goes as: (L(L+1))
$\propto $
$\raise.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 1$}\kern-.1em/
\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$} $mv$^{2} \quad \to
{L(L+1)} \quad \propto $v. Thus differences in v are
proportional to L, L being
an integer. Therefore $\Delta $v = kL so v = 1k, v = 2k, v = 3k, v =
4k{\ldots}. v=N (the above $\sim $100km/sec) with \textit{dark
matter then not required} to give these high halo
velocities. Recent nearby galaxy Doppler halo velocity data
\textbf{\textit{strongly support}} this velocity quantization result.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.S1.195