2009 APS March Meeting
Volume 54, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 16–20, 2009;
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Session V28: Focus Session: Graphene Device and Applications III
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Room: 330
Chair: Phaedon Avouiris, IBM
Abstract ID: BAPS.2009.MAR.V28.11
Abstract: V28.00011 : Nanotube Films and Their Application For Mode-Locked Lasers
10:48 AM–11:00 AM
Preview Abstract
Alex G. Rozhin
(University of Cambridge)
A.C. Ferrar
(University of Cambridge)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exhibit strong saturable absorption, i.e.
become transparent under sufficiently intense light. This has great
potential for applications in photonics. By tuning the nanotube
diameter it
is easy to tune the saturable absorption in a broad optical range of
interest for telecommunications, medicine and military
applications. The
performance of CNTs based saturable absorbers depends on
bundle size, and transparency of the matrix where CNTs are
dispersed. CNT
saturable absorbers can be produced by cheap wet chemistry and
can be easily
integrated into polymer photonic systems.
Here, we review the fabrication and characterization of saturable
based on CNT-polymer optical composites [1,2,3]. We use strong
ultrasonication to obtain CNT solutions. Such solutions with
nanotube bundle sizes are then studied by photoluminescence
spectroscopy [4]. We find that exciton energy transfer between
semiconducting CNTs is an efficient carrier relaxation channel in
bundles [4]. This fingerprints and quantifies the presence of
small bundles
and allows us to optimize the solutions used for composites
preparation. We
demonstrate picosecond pulse generation in a nanotube mode-locked
laser [5], as well as 125 fs generation in an erbium doped fiber
laser. We
also report a novel SWNT- polycarbonate polymer composite, with a
maximum at 1550 nm and a bandwidth of about 300 nm [6]. This has
saturable absorption with saturation intensity of 7 MW/cm$^{2}$. We
demonstrate the first SWNT-mode-locked widely tunable fibre ring
laser [7].
This is achieved through the control of amplification at the
transitions of the Er$^{3+}$ gain medium by placing a band-pass
filter in a
laser cavity [7].
[1] A. G. Rozhin et al. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) \textbf{243}, 3551
[2] V. Scardaci et al. Physica E \textbf{37}, 115 (2007)
[3] T. Hasan et al. J. Phys. Chem C \textbf{111}, 12549 (2007)
[4] P. H. Tan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{99}, 137402 (2007)
[5] G. Della Valle et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. \textbf{89}, 231115
[6] V. Scardaci et. al. Adv. Mat. \textbf{20}, 4040 (2008
[7] F. Wang et. al. Nature Nano. Nov (2008).
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2009.MAR.V28.11