2009 APS March Meeting
Volume 54, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 16–20, 2009;
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Session T30: Focus Session: Excitations in Multiferroics
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Room: 334
Chair: Dimitri Argyriou, Helmholtz Center-Berlin
Abstract ID: BAPS.2009.MAR.T30.5
Abstract: T30.00005 : Origin of electromagnons in multiferroic manganites*
3:42 PM–4:18 PM
Preview Abstract
Rolando Valdes Aguilar
(Department of Physics, University of Maryland)
The interest in multiferroic materials has increased in the last
few years due to the fundamental physics of strong interaction
between ferroelectric and magnetic orders, as well as for the
promise of novel applications in future electronics. From
powerful symmetry arguments and with modeling of the microscopic
coupling mechanism, these efforts have led to the discovery of a
vast set of multiferroic compounds. An important recent step in
this regard was the discovery of a new kind of magnetic
excitation that couples strongly to light by acquiring electric
dipole activity from the infrared active phonons, called
electromagnon, which is a hybrid excitation of magnon and phonon
character \footnote{A. Pimenov, et al. Nature Physics 2, 97
(2006)}$^{,}$\footnote{A.B. Sushkov, et al. PRL 98, 027202
(2007)}. These discoveries have highlighted the importance of the
dynamical aspects of the magnetoelectric coupling. Even though a
wide consensus has been reached regarding the origin of the
static ferroelectric polarization, the mechanism of the
magnetoelectric dynamic effect of electromagnons was not clear.
In this talk a combination of theory and experiment is presented
that clarifies the origin of the electromagnon excitations in
RMnO$_3$. This model is based on symmetric exchange striction and
takes into account the lattice and magnetic symmetry of this
family of perovskite manganites. It reproduces the fact that the
observed selection rule for electromagnons in RMnO$_3$ is
independent of the spin plane\footnote{R. Vald\'{e}s Aguilar, et
al. PRB 76, 060404 (2007)}$^{,}$\footnote{R. Vald\'{e}s Aguilar,
et al. arxiv:0811.2966}. This result is due to the effective
modulation of the exchange interaction between Mn spins induced
by the electric field of light. The proposed mechanism is also
related to the origin of static polarization in the E-phase of
this RMnO$_3$ multiferroic family. The model and experiments
carried out so far demonstrate that the symmetric exchange
interaction is responsible for all the observed dynamical
magnetoelectric effects, and opens a new avenue for study of
these multiferroic compounds.
*Work done in collaboration with M. Mostovoy, A.B. Sushkov, S-W. Cheong and H.D. Drew, supported in part by NSF-MRSEC under grant DMR-0520471.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2009.MAR.T30.5