2009 APS March Meeting
Volume 54, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 16–20, 2009;
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Session P2: Critical Spin Liquids in Strongly Correlated Systems
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Room: Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrom BC
Chair: T. Senthil, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract ID: BAPS.2009.MAR.P2.1
Abstract: P2.00001 : Quantum spin liquid in the spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet EtMe$_{3}$Sb[Pd(dmit)$_{2}$]$_{2}$
8:00 AM–8:36 AM
Preview Abstract
Reizo Kato
EtMe$_{3}$Sb[Pd(dmit)$_{2}$]$_{2}$ (Et=C$_{2}$H$_{5}$-, Me=CH$_
{3}$-, dmit=C$_{3}$S$_{5})$ is one of molecular conductors
derived from an anion radical of the Pd(dmit)$_{2}$ molecule and
closed-shell monocations (Et$_{x}$Me$_{4-x}$Z)$^{+ }$(Z=N, P, As,
Sb; $x$=0, 1, 2) [1]. A common feature of these Pd(dmit)$_{2}$
salts is a conducting anion layer where the
Pd(dmit)$_{2}$ anions form a dimer unit [Pd(dmit)$_{2}$]$_{2}^{-}
$. Electronic structure around the conduction band can be
described by a simple tight-binding calculation based on the
dimer unit. The conduction band is half-filled and
two-dimensional. At ambient pressure, all the Pd (dmit)$_{2}$
salts behave as Mott insulators where one spin is localized on
each dimer. Interdimer transfer integrals indicate that the
dimers form a quasi (isosceles) triangular lattice. Interdimer
transfer integrals can be tuned by the choice of the cation,
which deeply affects the electronic state. The EtMe$_{3}$Sb salt
has a nearly regular-triangular lattice. The EtMe$_{3}$Sb
cations are located between conduction layers and exhibit
orientational disorder. The temperature dependence of the
magnetic susceptibility is described in terms of the Pad\'e
approximant expression based on the high temperature series
expansion of $\chi$ of the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2
Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice with an exchange
interaction $J$=220-250 K. The $^{13}$C-NMR measurements show no
indication of either spin ordering/freezing or an appreciable
spin gap down to 1.37 K, which is lower than 1{\%} of $J$ [2].
The specific heat measurements indicate gapless spin excitation.
These results strongly suggest that the ground state of the
EtMe$_{3}$Sb salt is a gapless spin liquid state. On the other
hand, the Et$_{2}$Me$_{2}$Sb salt, which has also a nearly
regular-triangular lattice, shows a first-order transition toward
a charge separation state (2Dimer$^{-} \quad \to $ Dimer$^{0}$ +
Dimer$^{2-})$ at 70 K [3].
1) R. Kato, \textit{Chem. Rev}., \textbf{104}, 5319 (2004).\\[0pt]
2) T. Itou et al., \textit{Phys. Rev. B}, \textbf{77}, 104413
3) M. Tamura and R. Kato, \textit{Chem. Phys. Lett}., \textbf
{387}, 448 (2004).
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2009.MAR.P2.1