2006 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2006;
Baltimore, MD
Session P13: Focus Session: Ultrafast and Ultrahigh Field Chemistry II: Quantum Control
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Baltimore Convention Center
Room: 305
Chair: Kenji Ohmori, Institute of Molecular Science Japan
Abstract ID: BAPS.2006.MAR.P13.1
Abstract: P13.00001 : Quantum Control with Nonclassical Light
11:15 AM–11:51 AM
Preview Abstract
Yaron Silberberg
(Weizmann Institute)
Most of the experimental advances in coherent quantum control
in recent years have involved ultrashort pulses and pulse
shaping techniques. These pulses have been an excellent source
of coherent light with precise phase relationship between the
various frequency components. In several recent works we have
investigated the possibility of using broadband nonclassical
light, generated by down-conversion of narrow-band lasers, for
coherent control. Such light, for most purposes, exhibit the
properties of a broadband thermal noise, but also unique
quantum correlations between spectral mode pairs at the signal
and idler frequencies that are required for quantum control. We
have investigated both the single-photon limit, when the light
was composed of individual entangled photon-pairs, and the
large signal limit, when the light is not weak but does exhibit
nonclassical phase correlations.
In the high-intensity limit, we have shown that coherent
control of two-photon absorption can be performed with
incoherent non-classical light. We showed that the signal-idler
phase correlations cause the spectral quantum interference to
be completely constructive for two-photon interactions that
have a final state energy equal to the pump laser frequency.
Consequently, even though the broadband down converted light is
neither coherent nor pulsed, it induces two-photon absorption
just like a coherent ultrashort pulse, and may likewise be
coherently controlled by pulse-shaping techniques.
We also demonstrated that pulse shaping techniques can be used
in the single-photon limit, where we shape the two-photon
correlation function. We demonstrate control of the quantum
interference of photons at a beam-splitter, and the generation
of Bell-states using polarization pulse-shaping techniques. We
believe that the combination of quantum control techniques with
quantum optics could add an important ingredient to the toolbox
of quantum information and computing.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2006.MAR.P13.1