2006 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2006;
Baltimore, MD
Session N7: Recent Advances in the Computation of Optical and Transport Properties of Nanostructures
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Baltimore Convention Center
Room: 307
Chair: Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, North Carolina State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2006.MAR.N7.5
Abstract: N7.00005 : Electron-vibration interaction in molecular electronics and GW approximation for the e-e interaction in transport theory
10:24 AM–11:00 AM
Preview Abstract
Alessandro Pecchia
(Roma 'Tor Vergata')
The field of molecular electronics has seen a tremendous expansion in recent
years, thanks to the realization of ingenious experimental setups and the
fundamental achievement of reproducible results and behaviours. Significant
progresses have also been made from a theoretical point of view, although
the agreement with experiments is still not satisfactory. The challenges for
a complete understanding of transport in such systems are still
Inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy is becoming very popular in the
field thanks to its powerful capability of probing molecular vibrational
properties and could provide in the future a valuable characterization tool
if correctly related to theoretical calculations. We simulate IETS spectra
of various molecules between metal contacts and show the importance of such
simulation for the interpretation of the experiments. Particular attention
is devoted to the evaluation of Joule heating and thermal dissipation. The
problem is tackled within the formalism of NEGF by the calculation of
appropriate electron-phonon self-energies. The electron-phonon coupling is
derived from the DFTB Hamiltonian. The Power dissipated is calculated from
the virtual contact current originated from phonon emission and absorption
processes. Preliminary results of thermal dissipations of molecules coupled
to Au and Si substrates will be shown.
As well known, all DFT methods tend to underestimate the electronic band-gap
of semiconducting and insulating materials. In particular the band-gap of
conjugated organic molecules is usually underestimated by few electronvolts.
However, band-gap corrections are crucial for quantitatively correct
calculations of the tunneling current through organic molecules.
We show a novel implementation of the \textit{GW} correction applied to our DFTB method
and show its applications to molecular systems sandwitched in-between
electrodes to obtain a first-principle correction of the $e-e$ interaction
energy. The resulting self-energy is used to improve the system \textit{GF} and to
obtain a correction of the tunneling current. We also apply the \textit{GW} correction
in the context of the computation of the complex band-structures of polymers
such as poly-acetylene or poly-phenylene and show how the energy gap and
decay lengths of the evanescent states should be corrected by quasi-particle
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2006.MAR.N7.5