Bulletin of the American Physical Society
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 63, Number 12
Tuesday–Saturday, October 23–27, 2018; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session CM: Nuclear Structure A>140 |
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Chair: Atsuko Odahara, Osaka University Room: Hilton Queen's 6 |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:00PM - 7:15PM |
CM.00001: Indirect Measurements of Radiative Capture Reactions on Lanthanides Craig S. Reingold, Anna Simon, Nathan M. Cooper, Richard Hughes, Jason T. Burke, Kelly A. Chipps, Sean P. Burcher, Sunghoon Ahn, Drew T. Blankstein, Jolie A. Cizewski, Matthew Hall, Shuya Ota, Antti Saastamoinen, Konrad Schmidt, Benjamin Schroeder, Sriteja Upadhyayula Radiative capture and photodisintegration reactions of lanthanides involving neutrons are of particular importance to nuclear applications. Experimental constraints make direct measurements of these cross sections nontrivial. Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable method for predicting (γ,n) and (n,γ) cross sections. One alternative to direct a measurement in the mass and energy regions of interest is the surrogate method, which provides an indirect measurement for radiative capture reactions using a more feasible experiment that generates the desired compound nucleus. Surrogate measurements for 145,146Sm(n,γ) and 159,160Dy(n,γ) have been conducted using the LLNL Hyperion array at Texas A&M Univ. Cyclotron Institute. Hyperion is comprised of 12 HPGe clover detectors coupled to a segmented silicon telescope. Particle-γ coincidence data for (p,d) and (p,t) reactions on self-supporting 148Sm and 162Dy targets have been analyzed in collaboration with LLNL to extract nuclear structure information and γ-decay probabilities. Preliminary results will be presented. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:15PM - 7:30PM |
CM.00002: New levels and $\gamma$-rays in $^{164}$Gd Jonathan M Eldridge, Nathan T Brewer, Enhong Wang, Christopher J Zachary, Jon Charles Batchelder, Robert Grzywacz, Krzysztof Piotr Rykaczewski, Joseph H Hamilton, Akunuri V Ramayya, Daniel Wayne Stracener, Anthony J Mendez II, Edward F Zganjar, Yuri Oganessian, Gurgen M Ter-Akopian, Yixiao Luo, J. O. Rasmussen Levels in $^{164}$Gd were populated by two separate experiments: spontaneous fission of $^{252}$Cf and $\beta$-decay of $^{164}$Er. The $^{164}$Er was produced by uranium fission, and transported via tape collector through the LeRIBSS station at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The data were taken by four Clover HPGe $\gamma$-ray detectors, and two plastic scintillating $\beta$ detectors. This setup allows for $\gamma-\gamma$ and $\gamma-\gamma-\beta$ coincidence measurements. The other experiment consisted of placing a 62 $\mu$Ci source of $^{252}$Cf in the center of the GAMMASPHERE detector array for four weeks producing $5.7\times10^{11}$ $\gamma-\gamma-\gamma$ and higher coincidence events, with $1.9\times10^{11}$ of them being $\gamma-\gamma-\gamma-\gamma$ coincidence or higher. These two data sets were used to analyze the level scheme structure of $^{164}$Gd, uncovering new levels and $\gamma$'s. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:30PM - 7:45PM |
CM.00003: Lifetime Measurements in 170Er Martin Meier, Shelly R. Lesher, Leah Clark, Nigel Warr, Steven W Yates The nature of excited 0+ bands in nuclei remains the topic of much debate in nuclear structure physics. Obtaining level lifetimes of well-deformed nuclei in the rare-earth region will help guide theoretical interpretations of these bands. This work studies 170Er, which lacks lifetime data for low-lying 0+ states. The lifetimes of low-lying 0+ states in 170Er below 3.4 MeV were determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM) at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory. Preliminary results of level lifetimes in 170Er, including 0+ states, will be presented. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:45PM - 8:00PM |
CM.00004: Shape coexistence in the Pb region: A systematic study of the even 188-200Hg with GRIFFIN Bruno Olaizola Shape coexistence is a unique phenomenon of the atomic core in which the nucleus assumes intrinsically different shapes in a small energy range. Two of the main model-independent probes used to study this phenomenon are the measurement of transition strengths, in particular B(E2) and ρ2(E0). The n-deficient Pb region is characterized by clear examples of shape coexistence. A large isotope shift was observed in the light Hg isotopes that expresses the differently shaped potentials existing in these nuclei causing deformation [1]. Only recently a COULEX experiment observed shape coexistence for 182-188Hg [2]. Still, there are plenty of key elements not measured yet, especially in the transitional isotopes between the stable 200Hg and the midshell 190Hg. A systematic study on the decay of the n-deficient 188-200mTl into Hg was done using GRIFFIN, at TRIUMF-ISAC. Key results of the experiment will be presented, with special emphasis on the lifetimes of the first 2+, 4+ and some non-yrast states. High statistics results on conversion-electrons, angular correlations and precise branching ratios, which greatly help in forming a complete picture of the band structure of these isotopes, will be discussed. [1]Phys. Let. B, 38:308, 1972. [2]Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 162701, 2014. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:00PM - 8:15PM |
CM.00005: Wobbling motion in A$\sim$190 region Nirupama Sensharma, Umesh Garg, Stefan Frauendorf, Daniel P Burdette, Joseph L Cozzi, Kevin B Howard, Shaofei Zhu, Michael P Carpenter, Filip G Kondev, Torben Lauritsen, Dariusz Seweryniak, Akaa D Ayangeakaa, Daryl J Hartley, Robert V F Janssens The rare phenomenon of nuclear wobbling motion has already been established in the A$\sim$160 and the A$\sim$130 regions. Based on observations of significant triaxiality at low spins in the A$\sim$190 region, we have extended our investigation of wobbling motion to the $^{187}$Au nucleus. The experiment was performed using the Gammasphere array at the Argonne National Laboratory and the $^{174}$Yb($^{19}$F,6n)$^{187}$Au reaction was used to populate the levels of interest. A longitudinal wobbling band has been identified by establishing the characteristic $\Delta$I = 1, E2 nature of the $n_{w+1} \rightarrow n_{w}$ linking transitions. Calculations in the framework of the Particle Rotor Model (PRM) are found to be in good agreement with the experiment. This observation opens a new mass region where nuclear wobbling motion may be found. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:15PM - 8:30PM |
CM.00006: Complementary decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich radium isotopes: experimental progress using the GRIFFIN spectrometer Michael Bowry, Liam Gaffney Spectroscopy of nuclei near Z=90 and N=134 has previously revealed structures indicative of a reflection-asymmetric or "pear'' shaped deformation of the nuclear fluid. In even-even nuclei, the B(E3) transition strength measured following Coulomb excitation to the lowest-lying 3- state provides a sensitive method to probe the evolution of octupole collectivity across an isotopic chain. High-precision measurements of pertinent properties such as branching ratios and inter(intra)-band mixing ratios form a critical input to the experimental analysis of the transition strength and the extracted multipole moments and shape (deformation) parameters. Recent results from gamma and conversion electron spectroscopy of Ra-228 and Ra-230 are hereby presented following the beta-decay of neutron-rich francium beams delivered to the GRIFFIN spectrometer at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility. Collaborative efforts focused on the spectroscopy of actinide nuclei at TRIUMF and CERN-ISOLDE demonstrate a timely confluence of experiments aimed at examining the nature and onset of octupole collectivity in exotic nuclei. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:30PM - 8:45PM |
CM.00007: Validating the Bohr Hypothesis: Measuring the Energy Evolution of Fission-product Yields from Photon-induced Fission of 240Pu Jack Silano, Anton P Tonchev, Roger Henderson, Werner Tornow, Calvin R Howell, FNU Krishichayan, Sean W Finch The Bohr Hypothesis, one of the most fundamental assumptions in nuclear fission theory, states that the decay of a compound nucleus with a given excitation energy, spin and parity is independent of its formation. High-precision measurements of the fission product yields (FPYs) of 240Pu using monoenergetic photons produced at the HIGS facility between 8 and 16 MeV will be performed to study the energy dependence, creating the same compound nucleus and excitation energy as neutron-induced fission of 239Pu. Prior systematic studies of neutron-induced FPYs in 235U, 238U, and 239Pu revealed a peculiar energy dependence of some high-yield FPYs: a positive slope up to about 4-5 MeV which then turns negative as the incident neutron energy increases. This low energy positive trend has been one of the challenging topics in nuclear theory, especially for low-energy fission where microscopic properties associated with the shell structure play an essential role. The first results for FPYs at Eγ=11.2 MeV will be presented, in comparison with neutron-induced FPYs for 239Pu. Implications for validating the Bohr hypothesis will be discussed. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:45PM - 9:00PM |
CM.00008: Observations of super heavy nuclei at the Island of Stability with actinide targets and ORNL-UTK digital detection system at JINR Dubna by the JINR-ORNL-UTK-LLNL-Vanderbilt collaboration Krzysztof P. Rykaczewski The observations of decay chains of flerovium and oganesson isotopes will be presented. The experiments utilized the DGFRS at Dubna, unique actinide target materials from ORNL REDC, and a highly segmented recoil-decay digital detection system. The targets were made out of 239Pu, 240Pu and of mixed californium with 249Cf, 250Cf and 251Cf content recovered from decayed 252Cf sources were irradiated by an intense 48Ca beam at JINR Dubna. The signals from all detectors were analyzed in parallel by digital and analog data acquisition systems. Decays of 285Fl, 284Fl [1,2]and of 294Og [3] were detected. The prospects for reaching new isotopes 295Og and 296Og will discussed. The enrichment of 251Cf target material might enable an ultimate experiment with 58Fe beam leading to the new nucleus 308(124) having a magic neutron number N=184. 1. Utyonkov et al, PR C 92, 034609, 2015. 2. Utyonkov et al, PR C 97, 014320, 2018. 3. Brewer et al, Phys. Rev. C, submitted. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:00PM - 9:15PM |
CM.00009: Search for the ultra-low energy isomer state of thorium-229 nuclei Takahiko Masuda, Hideaki Hara, Takahiro Hiraki, Hiroyuki Kaino, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Shinji Kitao, Kenji Konashi, Yuki Miyamoto, Koichi Okai, Noboru Sasao, Obiko Sato, Thorsten Schumm, Makoto Seto, Yudai Shigekawa, Simon Stellmer, Kenta Suzuki, Makoto Watanabe, Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yuki Yasuda, Yoshitaka Yoda, Akihiro Yoshimi, Koji Yoshimura, Motohiko Yoshimura The nuclear isomeric first excited state of Thorium-229 (229mTh) has drawn attention from many fields. In general, nuclei are insensitive to ambient disturbance due to the shielding by their core electrons. In addition, the extraordinary-low energy level (7.8 eV) of 229mTh can be accessed by laser spectroscopy techniques. Since its insensitiveness may enable us to achieve longer decoherence time in comparison to atomic states, it attracts much interest from atomic clock, fundamental physics, and other fields. However large energy uncertainty of 0.5 eV makes the laser spectroscopy difficult. In spite of much effort, a transition between the isomer state and the ground state has not been observed directly by optical methods. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:15PM - 9:30PM |
CM.00010: Angular momentum selectivity of the beta-Oslo method to measure gamma-ray strength and nuclear level density Darren L Bleuel, Adriana Ureche, Lee A. Bernstein, Bethany L. Goldblum, Magne S. Guttormsen, Thibault A. Laplace, Ann-Cecilie Larsen, Sean N. Liddick, Nicholas D. Scielzo, Artemis Spyrou, Jasmina Vujic Recently, the beta-Oslo Method was developed, a new application of the Oslo Method to nuclei formed by beta decay, allowing strength function and level density measurements in neutron-rich nuclei. However, in the case of Gamow-Teller beta decay being dominant, the angular-momentum range of states populated in the daughter nucleus is within 1$\hbar$, much more narrow than for charged-particle reactions used in the Oslo method. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:30PM - 9:45PM |
CM.00011: Present status of the SCRIT electron scattering facility Kyo Tsukada, Akitomo Enokizono, Masahiro Hara, Yuki Honda, Toshitada Hori, Shin-ichi Ichikawa, Keita Kasama, Kazuyoshi Kurita, Moe Nakano, Kazuki Namba, Ryo Ogawara, Tetsuya Ohnishi, So Sato, Toshimi Suda, Shota Takayama, Tadaaki Tamae, Masanori Wakasugi, Masamitsu Watanabe, Hikari Wauke Electron scattering is one of the most powerful tools providing invaluable information about structure of nuclei as performed for many stable nuclei in the latter half of the 20th century. Although unstable nuclei far from the stability valley have attracted attention because of their exotic features, electron scattering from these nuclei has been precluded by the difficulty in preparing the target material. The SCRIT (Self-Confining RI Ion Target) electron scattering facility is a unique facility so far to realize electron scattering experiments for short-lived unstable nuclei. Following the successful commissioning experiments with stable nuclei, we are preparing the experiment with unstable nucleus target now. In this talk, the present status and future prospects of the SCRIT electron scattering facility will be presented. |
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