Bulletin of the American Physical Society
74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 66, Number 7
Monday–Friday, October 4–8, 2021;
Virtual: GEC Platform
Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
Session HW12: Inductively Coupled Plasmas |
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Chair: Bocong Zheng, Fruahnhofer Institute Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:00AM - 8:15AM |
HW12.00001: E-H Transitions in Ar/O2 and Ar/Cl2 Inductively Coupled Plasmas for Varying Antenna Aspect Ratio - Modeling Tugba Piskin, Yuchen Qian, Patrick Pribyl, Walter N Gekelman, Mark J Kushner
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:15AM - 8:30AM |
HW12.00002: Volumetric Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Field, Current, Power deposition profiles in Ar/O2 Inductively Coupled Plasmas* Walter N Gekelman, Patrick Pribyl, Yuchen Qian, Alex Paterson, Mark J Kushner, Tugba Piskin Electronegative inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) sustained in halogen gases are used in the microelectronics industry for etching, and passivation. Pulsing is a primary control strategy to optimize conditions. We report on time dependent measurements of electric and magnetic field, plasma current, and power deposition in pulsed ICPs sustained in tens of mTorr Ar/O2 mixtures with the oxygen being a surrogate electronegative gas. A 3D probe drive system measures changing magnetic fields throughout the plasma volume. Alternatively an RF compensated Langmuir probe is used to measure electron and positive ion densities and electric potential. Probe inferred densities are calibrated against a microwave interferometer. Negative ion density is inferred from spectroscopic measurements, as well from combined laser photodetachment and Langmuir probe measurements. Results are reported for varying ratios of argon to oxygen concentrations. Comparisons are made to modeling results. |
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:30AM - 8:45AM |
HW12.00003: Transient magneto-hydrodynamic modeling of inductively coupled plasma discharges Sanjeev Kumar, Alessandro Munafo, Nagi N Mansour, Marco Panesi Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) generated by high power inductive discharges offers a large volume of contamination-free plasma for a considerable amount of time for various applications as it does not require electrodes to generate the plasma. However, many literatures involving experimental as well as computational work report complex 3D structures with undulating plasma-cold gas interfaces making the ICP unstable in the torch as well as the jet region which often leads to unsatisfactory application results. |
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:45AM - 9:00AM |
HW12.00004: Incorporating Electronegative Feedback Mechanisms in a Global Plasma Circuit Model for Pulsed Power Delivery Carl L Smith, Sang Ki Nam, Hoki Lee, Jang-Yeob Lee, Steven Shannon Pulsed inductively coupled plasmas (ICP) have been of interest in the semiconductor industry given their ability to reduce substrate damage and modulate key parameters such as electron density ne, electron temperature Te, and plasma potential Vp. For an electropositive plasma, in the power ON-Cycle of a pulse, these discharges are typically characterized by a sharp increase in Te, and ne, as well as a corresponding decrease or increase in the reflection coefficient (Γ), depending on the match settings. In previous work, a Matlab based Global Plasma Circuit Model (GPCM) has successfully been employed at characterizing these transients for argon. This work presents computational results from GPCM with an SF6 Plasma and benchmarks them with hairpin and photodiode taken on the Inductively Coupled Argon Oxygen System (ICAROS). Modifications to the equivalent transformer model are also incorporated, such that electronegative effects such as electron attachment instabilities (EAI’s) can be accounted for. Finally, the role that match effects has on inducing these EAI’s are also explored, as it has been observed that modulating the topology of the match can change the behavior of instabilities. |
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 9:00AM - 9:30AM |
HW12.00005: Negative hydrogen ion sources for the neutral beam systems at ITER Invited Speaker: Ursel E Fantz Large and powerful RF-driven ion sources are the front end component of the neutral beam injection systems of the international fusion experiment ITER. A low-pressure hydrogen plasma (0.3 Pa) is generated via inductively coupling (up to 800 kW RF power at 1 MHz) using a modular concept, i.e. eight drivers from which the plasma expands to a common expansion chamber of the size of 0.9 m×1.9 m. The generation of negative ions is based on the surface conversion process for which caesium is evaporated in the source. Negative ions are formed at the plasma grid, the first grid of the electrostatic accelerator system composed of 1280 apertures to extract a beam of 66 A H− for 1000 s and 57 A D− for 3600 s. In front of the plasma grid an ion-ion plasma evolves which is beneficial for reducing the current of co-extracted electrons often limiting the ion source performance. The presentation summarizes the status of the ion source development, the challenges still to overcome and gives insight into the complex plasma dynamics of these ion sources at the example of the size scaling experiments BATMAN Upgrade (1 driver) and ELISE (4 drivers) in operation at IPP. The route towards NBI systems at ITER, including the task of the neutral beam test facility (NBTF) will be briefly described as well. |
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