Bulletin of the American Physical Society
64th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 56, Number 15
Monday–Friday, November 14–18, 2011; Salt Lake City, Utah
Invited Speakers
Aanesland, Ane LPP Ecole polytechnique - CNRS |
Session TF1.00001 Alternating acceleration of positive and negative ions for space propulsion applications Room: 255D |
Adamovich, Igor The Ohio State University |
Session CT1.00002 Nanosecond Pulse Discharges and Fast Ionization Wave Discharges: Fundamental Kinetic Processes and Applications Room: 255D |
Barrachina, R.O. Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica), 8400 Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina |
Session ET3.00004 Multiple Scattering Effects in Ionization Processes Room: 255F |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session GT1.00002 Computational Methods for Electron-Atom Collisions Room: 255D |
Benedikt, Jan Ruhr-University Bochum |
Session SF3.00001 Diagnostics of atmospheric pressure microplasma jets by means of molecular beam mass spectrometry Room: 255F |
Biagi, S.F. University of Liverpool |
Session GT1.00003 Updated compilations of electron scattering from ground-state, noble gas atoms Room: 255D |
Boeuf, Jean-Pierre LAPLACE, CNRS and Universite de Toulouse |
Session DT1.00006 Dynamics and pattern formation during microwave breakdown at atmospheric pressure Room: Ballroom H |
Boswell, Rod The Australian National University |
Session DT1.00004 Helicon mysteries: fitting a plane wave into a cylinder Room: Ballroom H |
Bowden, Mark The Open University |
Session SF2.00001 Microdisharges: novel designs and novel materials Room: 255E |
Charles, Christine The Australian National University |
Session DT1.00002 Electric double layers and their applications to astrophysical objects and electric propulsion Room: Ballroom H |
Cunge, Gilles CNRS/LTM |
Session SF3.00002 Diagnostics of reactive pulsed plasmas by UV and VUV absorption spectroscopy and by modulated beam Mass spectrometry Room: 255F |
Dorn, Alexander Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany |
Session NR2.00006 (e,2e) Experiments on Small Noble Gas Clusters: Search for Multicenter and Interference Effects Room: 255E |
Economou, Demetre University of Houston |
Session CT2.00002 Control of the Ion Energy Distribution on Plasma Electrodes Room: 255E |
Fernsler, Richard Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory |
Session DT1.00005 Radio-Frequency Plasma Probes Room: Ballroom H |
Field, Tom Centre for Plasma Physics, Queens University Belfast |
Session PR2.00001 Electron attachment to radicals and other reactive molecules Room: 255E |
Fisher, Ellen R. Colorado State University |
Session PR1.00001 Correlating Gas-Phase Energetics of Plasma Radicals with Surface Interaction Data Room: 255D |
Foster, John University of Michigan |
Session TF1.00002 Mission Enabling: The Plasma Sources of Electric Propulsion---challenges and prospects for the future Room: 255D |
Garcia, Gustavo Instituto de Fisica Fundamental-CSIC, Serrano 113-bis, 28006 Madrid, Spain |
Session LW2.00005 Nanoscale models for energy deposition of photons, electrons and positrons in atomic and molecular gases Room: 255E |
Gekelman, Walter Dept. of Physics, University of California |
Session CT2.00001 LIF measurements of the ion distribution function in the sheath and pre-sheath of a biased capacitively coupled plasma reactor Room: 255E |
Gottscho, Richard Lam Research |
Session HW1.00001 Plasma Etching - The Challenges Ahead in Enabling Nanoelectronics Room: Ballroom AD |
Hopwood, Jeffrey Tufts University |
Session SF2.00002 Spatially-resolved diagnostics of 1-GHz microdischarges Room: 255E |
Izawa, Masaru Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. |
Session NR1.00001 Mechanism of Si and metal etching based on sticking reaction model Room: 255D |
Jaworski, Michael Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session DT1.00003 Effect of non-Maxwellian Electron Energy Distributions on Langmuir Probe Measurements and Heat Transmission in Tokamak Divertor Sheaths Room: Ballroom H |
Kaganovich, Igor D. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session SF1.00001 Application of Nonlocal Electron Kinetics to Plasma Technologies Room: 255D |
Khakoo, Murtadha A. Department of Physics, California State University, Fulerton, CA 92834 |
Session CT3.00002 Differential cross-sections for elastic and inelastic electron scattering from fundamental polyatomic molecules Room: 255F |
Kortshagen, Uwe University of Minnesota |
Session ET4.00001 The physics and applications of nanomaterials produced with nonthermal plasmas Room: 255A |
Madison, Don Missouri S and T |
Session NR2.00001 Theoretical and experimental (e,2e) studies for isoelectronic atoms and molecules -- Ne and CH4 Room: 255E |
Malone, Charles P. Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session JW2.00006 Low energy electron collision parameters for modeling auroral/dayglow phenomena Room: 255E |
Morfill, Gregor Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur extraterrestrische Physik |
Session MR1.00001 Dusty Plasmas - Kinetic Studies of Strong Coupling Phenomena Room: Ballroom AD |
Pemen, A.J.M. Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session CT1.00001 Streamers and their applications Room: 255D |
Samukawa, Seiji Tohoku University |
Session DT1.00001 Damage-free Neutral Beam Etching, Deposition and Surface Modification Processes for Novel Nano-scale Devices Room: Ballroom H |
Sasaki, Koichi Hokkaido University |
Session CT3.00001 Effect of energetic electrons on combustion of premixed burner flame Room: 255F |
Schulz, Michael Missouri University of Science \& Technology |
Session ET3.00001 Manipulating Atomic Fragmentation Processes by Controlling the Projectile Coherence Room: 255F |
Schulze, Julian Ruhr-University Bochum |
Session SF1.00002 Electron heating and the Electrical Asymmetry Effect in capacitively coupled RF discharges Room: 255D |
Sullivan, James Australian National University |
Session LW2.00001 Absolute measurements of differential cross sections in low energy positron scattering Room: 255E |
Tachibana, Kunihide Osaka Electro-Communication University |
Session NR3.00001 Spectroscopic diagnostics of high density plasmas Room: 255F |
Tennyson, Jonathan University College London |
Session JW2.00001 Low-energy electron molecule collision calculations with the R-matrix method Room: 255E |
Terashima, Kazuo Uni. Tokyo |
Session DT2.00001 Plasmas in High-Density Medium - Supercritical fluid plasma and Cryogenic plasma Room: 255E |
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