Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session TO09: High Energy Density Science: Warm Dense Matter
9:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Hyatt Regency
Room: Hanover DE
Chair: Ryan Rygg, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Abstract: TO09.00015 : Statistical inference of collision frequencies in warm dense matter from x-ray Thomson scattering spectra*
12:18 PM–12:30 PM
Stephanie B Hansen
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Stephanie B Hansen
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Thomas Hentschel
(Cornell University)
Alina Kononov
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Andrew D Baczewski
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Thomson scattering spectra measure the response of plasma particles to incident radiation. In warm dense matter, which is opaque to visible light, x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) enables a detailed probe of the electron distribution and has been used as a diagnostic for electron temperature, density, and plasma ionization. In this work, we examine the sensitivities of inelastic XRTS signatures to modeling details including the electronic density of states and the dynamic collision frequency. Applying verified Monte Carlo inversion methods to dynamic structure factors obtained from time-dependent density functional theory, we assess the utility of XRTS signals as a way to inform the dynamic collision frequency, especially its direct-current (DC) limit, which is directly related to the electrical conductivity.
*SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525. This work was supported by the SNL LDRD program under project No. 233196.
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