Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session UI01: Inertial Confinement III
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, Laboratory for Laser Energetics - RochesterRoom: Plaza F
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:30PM |
UI01.00001: Impact of flow-induced beam deflection on beam propagation in ignition scale hohlraums Invited Speaker: William A Farmer | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:30PM - 3:00PM |
UI01.00002: Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption Invited Speaker: David P Turnbull | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:30PM |
UI01.00003: Developing MagLIF Laser Preheat for Z and Beyond Invited Speaker: Adam Harvey-Thompson | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:30PM - 4:00PM |
UI01.00004: Curious Cross-Field Transport Effects in Multi-ion, Magnetized Plasmas Invited Speaker: Mikhail Mlodik | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:30PM |
UI01.00005: Unfolding the spatial structure and thermal transport details of high temperature implosions at OMEGA Invited Speaker: Enac Gallardo Diaz | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:30PM - 5:00PM |
UI01.00006: Time-Dependent Density-Functional-Theory Studies of Nonlocal Electron Stopping Range in ICF Plasmas Invited Speaker: Katarina A Nichols |
Session UT02: MFE Tutorial: Bayesian Analysis
Chair: Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Oak Ridge National LabRoom: Plaza D/E
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 3:00PM |
UT02.00001: Thinking Bayesian for Plasma Physicists Invited Speaker: Scott E Kruger |
Session UO03: HED Diagnostic, Analytical, and Computational Techniques
Chair: Sophia Rocco, LLNLRoom: Governor's Square 10
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
UO03.00001: MEC-U: Co-locating LCLS with Kilojoule and High Repetition Rate Petawatt Lasers for Groundbreaking Precision Dynamic Compression and Discovery Plasma Science Gilliss Dyer, Brice Arnold, Johannes Bauer, Mark Bedzyk, Kate Buehner, Quinn Claussen, Alan Conder, Eric Cunningham, Chandra Breanne Curry, Ginger DeContreras, Luke Fletcher, Anthony Fong, Alan R Fry, Justin Galbraith, Eric C Galtier, Arianna E Gleason, Siegfried H Glenzer, Selina Z Green, Michael Greenberg, Corey Hardin, Philip Heimann, Elizabeth Hill, Dimitri Khaghani, Kai LaFortune, Hae Ja Lee, Amy Liang, Mikael Martinez, Peregrine McGehee, Mianzhen Mo, Bob Nagler, Brendan Reagan, Richard L Sandberg, Amir Shojaei, Thomas Spinka, Bahram Talison, Vincent Tang, Jana B Thayer, Hai-En Tsai, Alex Wallace, Walter Wittmer, Steven Yang, Jing Yin, Jon D Zuegel | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
UO03.00002: Direct visualization of high-pressure phase nucleation and multi-wave kinetics in shocked Silicon using X-ray imaging at LCLS. Bob Nagler, Arianna E Gleason, Daniel S Hodge, Thomas Hatcher, Hae Ja Lee, Dimitri Khaghani, Eric Cunningham, Hai-En Tsai, Gilliss Dyer, Richard L Sandberg, Eric C Galtier, Silvia Pandolfi, Philip Hart | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
UO03.00003: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Experiments of Radiatively Heated Argon gas Kwyntero V Kelso, Heath J LeFevre, Sallee R Klein, Paul A Keiter, Stephanie B Hansen, R P Drake, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
UO03.00004: Velocity measurements of a high-intensity laser-driven hot plasma using Doppler shift spectroscopy Ghassan Zeraouli, Bryan Sullivan, Shoujun Wang, Sina Zahedpour Anaraki, Reed C Hollinger, Mario C Marconi, slava shlyaptsev, Tammy Ma, Jorge J Rocca | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
UO03.00005: Upgrades to X-ray imaging diagnostic for pulsed plasmas Seth Pree, Paul M Bellan | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
UO03.00006: Characterization of laser-irradiated foils through advanced phase-contrast imaging techniques: Talbot-Lau X-ray Deflectometry at the Omega EP laser Maria Pia Valdivia Leiva, Gabriel Pérez-Callejo, Victorien Bouffetier, Timothy Filkins, Chad Mileham, Mark Romanofsky, Christian Stoeckl | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
UO03.00007: Towards a model-free interpretation of X-ray Thomson scattering signals Tobias Dornheim | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
UO03.00008: Probing the Kinetics of the Alpha–Epsilon Phase Transition in Shock-Compressed Iron Using Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Danae N Polsin, Laura Robin Benedetti, Xuchen Gong, David A Chin, Gilbert W Collins, J. Ryan Rygg, Federica Coppari, Jon H Eggert, David K Bradley, James M McNaney, Kalpani - Werellapatha | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
UO03.00009: BHx: An LLE-Designed, Sub-Picosecond X-Ray Streak Camera Anthony Raymond, Nicholas Pelepchan, Joanna Rosenbluth, Andrew Sorce, Steven Ivancic, Robert Boni | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
UO03.00010: A collinear second-harmonic orthogonally polarized interferometer for MITL gap plasma measurements on Sandia’s Mykonos accelerator Nathan R Hines, Derek C Lamppa, Thomas J Awe, Jens Schwarz, Mark Gilmore | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
UO03.00011: Characterization of Plasma Properties and Turbulence in Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Implosions Alexander Rososhek, Eric S Lavine, Bruce R Kusse, William M Potter, David A Hammer | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
UO03.00012: Examination of the Coupling Between Electrothermal and Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Pulsed Power Driven Implosions Matthew J Carrier, William A Farmer, Bhuvana Srinivasan | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
UO03.00013: Verification and Validation of FLASH for magnetized HED systems Charles L Ellison, Keith LeChien, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, Fernando Garcia-Rubio, Edward C Hansen, Kasper Moczulski, Adam Reyes, Petros Tzeferacos | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
UO03.00014: Inverse bremsstrahlung Coulomb logarithm for non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions Mark W Sherlock, Pierre A Michel, Eugene Kur | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
UO03.00015: Particle-in-cell simulations of aluminum ablation with laser ray tracing Kirill Lezhnin, Samuel R Totorica, Abdullah S Hyder, Marissa B Adams, Ahmed Diallo, Will Fox |
Session UO04: Plasma Astrophysics III
Chair: Jimmy Juno, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryRoom: Governor's Square 11
Session UO05: DEIA and Energy Justice
Chair: Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn UniversityRoom: Governor's Square 14
Session UO06: MFE: Stellarators
Chair: Eduardo Rodriguez, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics - GreifswaldRoom: Governor's Square 15
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
UO06.00001: Modeling Future Plasma Performance in the HSX Stellarator with a new 70 GHz Gyrotron and Neutral Beam Injection Benedikt Geiger, David T Anderson, Joseph N Talmadge, Alexander L Thornton | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
UO06.00002: Hysteresis behavior observed in simulations of the evolution of the radial electric field and parallel flow in the HSX stellarator Dimitrios N Michaelides, Joseph N Talmadge | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
UO06.00003: Design of a resilient divertor for HSX Dieter Boeyaert, John Schmitt, Robert Davies, Kelly A Garcia, Jacob Nesbit, Aaron Bader, Heinke G Frerichs, Benedikt Geiger, Michael J Gerard, Sophia A Henneberg, Mykola Ialovega, Kevin Koehler, Oliver Schmitz, Kurt Studt, Danah Velez | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
UO06.00004: Optimising stellarator divertor plates in the flexible magnetic configurations of HSX Robert Davies, Yuhe Feng, Dieter Boeyaert, Kelly A Garcia, John Schmitt, Oliver Schmitz, Sophia A Henneberg | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
UO06.00005: Detachment Instability in the W7-X Stellarator Victoria R Winters, Felix Reimold, Erik R Flom, Frederik Henke, David M Kriete, Nassim Maaziz, Gabriele Partesotti, Valeria Perseo, Yuhe Feng, Marcin Jakubowski, Maciej Krychowiak, Daihong Zhang | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
UO06.00006: Heat pulse propagation measurements and experiments with equal electron- and ion-scale turbulence drive on the optimized stellarator Wendelstein 7-X Gavin M Weir, Pavlos Xanthopoulos, Jorge A Alcusón, Golo Fuchert, Olaf Grulke, Matthias Hirsch, Andreas Langenberg, Samuel A Lazerson, Sara V Mendes, Novimir A Pablant, Ekkehard Pasch, Josefine H Proll, Kian Rahbarnia, Torsten Stange, Henning Thomsen, Yuriy Turkin, Thomas Windisch, Daihong Zhang, Thomas Klinger | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
UO06.00007: Impact of internal magnetic islands on electron temperature profile gradients from ECE measurements in Wendelstein 7-X Neha Chaudhary, Matthias Hirsch, Tamara Andreeva, Joachim Geiger, Glen A Wurden, Robert C Wolf, W7-X Team | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
UO06.00008: Experimental assessment of magnetic configuration effects on core turbulence in Wendelstein 7-X – methods, insights and limitations Jan-Peter Bähner, Linda Podavini, Miklos Porkolab, Adrian von Stechow, Søren Kjer Hansen, Eric Edlund, Sergey Bozhenkov, Alessandro Zocco, Olaf Grulke | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
UO06.00009: Localized Phase Contrast Imaging of Turbulence and Magnetohydrodynamic Modes at the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator Søren Kjer Hansen, Miklos Porkolab, Jan-Peter Bähner, Adrian von Stechow, Olaf Grulke, Eric Edlund | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
UO06.00010: Global gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic microturbulent transport in LHD stellarator with boron impurity Tajinder Singh, Javier H. Nicolau, Federico Nespoli, Gen Motojima, Zhihong Lin, Abhijit Sen, Sarveshwar Sharma, Animesh Kuley | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
UO06.00011: Stellarator profile prediction and evolution using the Trinity3D+GX+KNOSOS multi-scale gyrokinetic framework Noah R Mandell, William D Dorland, Felix I Parra, Tony Qian, Jai Sachdev, Jose Luis Velasco | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
UO06.00012: Quasi-axisymmetric stellarators with varying rotational transform profiles Stefan Buller, Matt Landreman, Jonathan Kappel, Rahul Gaur | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:24PM - 4:48PM |
UO06.00013: Maximizing Stellarator Coil Tolerances by Minimizing Island Sensitivity Thomas G Kruger, Chris C Hegna, David T Anderson, Aaron Bader | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
UO06.00014: Initial experiments on MUSE, a Simple QA-Optimized Stellarator Michael C Zarnstorff, X. Chu, M. Haque, Y. Nasr, S. Salia, D. Williams, E. Zhu |
Session UO07: ICF: Hydrodynamic Instability
Chair: Stefano Atzeni, Focused Energy GmbHRoom: Grand Ballroom I
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
UO07.00001: High-Resolution Planar-Foil In-Flight Density Profile Measurements on OMEGA EP Daniel J Haberberger, Alexander Shvydky, Steven T Ivancic, Valeri N Goncharov, Dustin H Froula | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
UO07.00002: Numerical simulations of high-resolution in-flight density profile measurements on Omega EP Alexander Shvydky, Daniel J Haberberger, James P Knauer, Steven T Ivancic, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, Igor V Igumenshchev, Andrei V Maximov, Philip M Nilson, Dustin H Froula, Valeri N Goncharov, Michael M Marinak, Vladimir A Smalyuk | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
UO07.00003: Laser wavelength dependence of laser imprint Adrien Pineau, Alexander Shvydky, Valeri N Goncharov | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
UO07.00004: Amplification of laser imprint in the presence of strongly imposed target-normal magnetic fields Luke A Ceurvorst, Chris A Walsh, Gabriel Pérez-Callejo, Victorien Bouffetier, Philip BRADFORD, Jonathan L Peebles, Suxing Hu, Wolfgang R Theobald, Alexis Casner | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
UO07.00005: The Bosque Campaign on the National Ignition Facility to Understand the Coupling of Incomplete Material Mixing and Incomplete Thermalization on Thermonuclear Burn Brian M Haines, Nikolaus S Christiansen, Timothy Coffman, Lauren Green, Mark A Gunderson, Yongho Kim, Ryan S Lester, Pawel M Kozlowski, Joseph M Levesque, Richard E Olson, Brian M Patterson, Theresa E Quintana, Derek W Schmidt, Robert W Van Dervort, Jan Velechovsky, Loosineh Aghaian, Alex Haid, Martin Hoppe | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
UO07.00006: Influences of Laser-Driven and Shock-Driven Preheat on 3D-printed Porous Media Ryan S Lester, Brian J Albright, Brian M Haines, Lauren Green, Nikolaus S Christiansen, Pawel M Kozlowski, Yongho Kim, Joseph M Levesque, Richard E Olson, Derek W Schmidt, Robert VanDervort, Mark A Gunderson, Timothy Coffman | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
UO07.00007: Inertially confined fusion experiments using a 3D printed spherical capsule Timothy A Coffman, Yongho Kim, Lauren Green, Robert H Dwyer, Ryan S Lester, Brian M Haines, Derek W Schmidt, Patrick M Donovan, Alex Haid, Mi Do, Claudia M Shuldberg | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
UO07.00008: Electrothermal Filamentation of Fusion Plasmas Heath Martin, Marko von der Leyen, Peter A Norreys | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
UO07.00009: Comparing simulation and experiment for fuel-ablator mixing in HDC implosions at the NIF Seth Davidovits, Chris R Weber, Gareth Hall, Derek Mariscal, Otto L Landen, Vladimir A Smalyuk | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
UO07.00010: The Role of Secular (Non-Exponential) Growth Caused by Mass Modulations in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions Valeri N Goncharov, Dac Cao, Rahul C Shah | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
UO07.00011: Modeling Target Defects in Direct-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion TImothy J Collins, Samuel C Miller, Valeri N Goncharov, Rahul C Shah | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
UO07.00012: Surface defect evolution in direct-drive ICF targets Samuel C Miller, TImothy J Collins, Rahul C Shah, Valeri N Goncharov | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
UO07.00013: Stability of planar accretion shock fronts Alexander L Velikovich, Andrés Calvo-Rivera, Cesar Huete | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
UO07.00014: Improving analytical models of Rayleigh-Taylor instability within plasmas Brett Keenan, Joshua P Sauppe | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
UO07.00015: HED hydrodynamic modeling in 2D versus 3D: comparing anisotropy Dongxiao Zhao, Hussein Aluie |
Session UO08: MFE: Disruptions, Runaway Electrons, and Energetic Particles
Chair: Xianzhu Tang, Los Alamos Natl LabRoom: Grand Ballroom II
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
UO08.00001: NIMROD + ThinCurr modeling of runaway electron suppression with a passively driven coil in DIII-D Valerie Izzo, Alexander F Battey, Christopher J Hansen, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, David B Weisberg | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
UO08.00002: NIMROD DIII-D Dual SPI Injector Simulations Charlson C Kim, Brendan C Lyons, Yueqiang Liu, Paul B Parks, Lang L Lao, Michael Lehnen, Francisco Javier Artola | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
UO08.00003: Electron Cyclotron Mode Conversion in Plasma with Relativistic Electrons Alexander F Battey, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Pavel Aleynikov, Hari P Choudhury, Andrey Lvovskiy, Claudio Marini, Shawn X Tang, Charles J Lasnier, Jayson L Barr, Daisuke Shiraki, Nicholas Eidietis, Eric M Hollmann, Mihir D Pandya | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
UO08.00004: Fully Kinetic Simulations of Wave-particle Interactions with Runaway Electrons in Tokamak towards Nonlinear Saturation Qile Zhang, Xianzhu Tang, Yanzeng Zhang, Qi Tang | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
UO08.00005: Runaway electron mitigation by shattered pellet fragments simulated with MCNP6 Michael A LIvely, Danny Perez, Blas P Uberuaga, Yanzeng Zhang, Xianzhu Tang | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:12PM Withdrawn |
UO08.00006: M3D-K simulations of energetic particle-driven instabilities in KSTAR Lulu Zhang, Guoyong Fu, Hogun Jhang, Zhengmao Sheng | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
UO08.00007: Study of confined runaway electrons in ADITYA-U Tokamak Suman Dolui, Kaushlender Singh, Harshita Raj, Tanmay Macwan, Ankit Kumar, Bharat Hegde, Ashok Kumawat, Rohit Kumar, Suman Aich, K.A Jadeja, K.M Patel, Laxmikanta Pradhan, Shishir Purohit, Minsha Shah, A.N Adhiya, Rakesh Tanna, Joydeep Ghosh | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
UO08.00008: First gyrokinetic simulations on fast ion driven TAEs in MAST/-U and comparison with multiple diagnostics measurements Henry Hingyin Wong, Handi Huang, Pengfei Liu, Yangyang Yu, Zhihong Lin, Mario L Podesta, Michael Fitzgerald, Bhavin S Patel, Clive A Michael, Neal A Crocker, Ken G McClements, Luca Garzotti, Troy A Carter | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
UO08.00009: Observation of fast-ion driven Alfvén-eigenmodes in JET and their effect on turbulence and thermal transport Juan Ruiz Ruiz, Jeronimo Garcia Olaya, Michael Barnes, Carine Giroud, michael hardman, Jon C Hillesheim, Yevgen Kazakov, Samuele Mazzi, Felix I Parra, Bhavin S Patel, Ziga Stancar | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
UO08.00010: Direct Numerical Simulations of Central ICE Guided by TRANSP Distribution Functions of NBI-ions in DIII-D Plasmas Amani Zalzali, Kathreen E Thome, Richard Dendy, Sandra C Chapman, Benjamin Chapman- Oplopoiou, James W S Cook, Michael Van Zeeland, Neal A Crocker | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
UO08.00011: Saturation of fishbone instability by self-generated zonal flows in tokamak plasmas Guillaume R Brochard, Chang Liu, Xishuo Wei, William W Heidbrink, Zhihong Lin, Nikolai N Gorelenkov, Colin Chrystal, Xiaodi Du, Jian Bao, Alexei R Polevoi, Mireille Schneider, Sun Hee Kim, Simon D Pinches, Pengfei Liu, Javier H Nicolau, Hinrich Lütjens | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
UO08.00012: Development of the Gyrokinetic-MHD Energetic Particle Code GMEC Guo-yong Fu, Zhaoyang Liu, Peiyou Jiang, Shiyang Liu | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:24PM - 4:36PM Withdrawn |
UO08.00013: Experimental investigation of ion cyclotron instabilities on HL-2A tokamak Linzi Liu, Wulyu ZHONG, Ruihai Tong, Haotian Chen, Xiaoxue He, Yonggao Li, Liang Liu, Huiling Wei, Na Wu, Fan Xia, Deliang Yu, Min Xu | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
UO08.00014: Abstract Withdrawn |
Session UM09: Mini-Conference: ELASP II
Chair: Mark Johnston, University of New MexicoRoom: Governor's Square 16
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:28PM |
UM09.00001: Study of magnetic reconnection in ion-scale magnetospheres on the Large Plasma Device Lucas Rovige, Filipe D Cruz, Robert S Dorst, Jessica J Pilgram, Carmen G Constantin, Steve Vincena, Fabio Cruz, Luis O Silva, Christoph Niemann, Derek B Schaeffer | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:28PM - 2:47PM |
UM09.00002: 'Dynamo Interrupted at Its Action': decaying magnetic fields in turbulent laser-plasmas Archie F Bott, Hannah Poole, Charlotte A Palmer, Charlie Heaton, Patrick Reichherzer, Nicolas Lopez, Kasper Moczulski, Dustin H Froula, Tim M Johnson, Joseph D Katz, Chikang Li, Hye-Sook Park, Richard D Petrasso, Brian Reville, James S Ross, Dongsu Ryu, Fredrick H Seguin, Thomas G White, Adam Reyes, Yingchao Lu, Alexander A Schekochihin, Don Q Lamb, Petros Tzeferacos, Gianluca Gregori | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:47PM - 3:06PM |
UM09.00003: Plasma Sheath Electic Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind Charles F Driscoll | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:06PM - 3:25PM |
UM09.00004: Two-Stream Instability with a Growth Rate Insensitive to Collisions in a Dissipative Plasma Jet Yi Zhou, Paul M Bellan | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:25PM - 3:44PM |
UM09.00005: Simulation perspective on observing Alfven wave parametric decay in the laboratory Feiyu Li, Xiangrong Fu, Seth Dorfman | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:44PM - 4:03PM |
UM09.00006: Experimental Investigation of Orbital Debris Soliton Generation Bill E Amatucci, Erik M Tejero, Ami M DuBois, Carl L Enloe, David D Blackwell, Chris E Crabtree, Guru Ganguli, Abhijit Sen | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:03PM - 4:22PM |
UM09.00007: Observations of lower hybrid drift waves during magnetic reconnection in laboratory and space plasmas Jongsoo Yoo, Jonathan Ng, Hantao Ji, Li-Jen Chen, Sayak Bose, Peiyun Shi, Masaaki Yamada | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:22PM - 4:41PM |
UM09.00008: Reconnection Spreading Between Non-Parallel Flux Ropes in 3D Simulations of the WVU PHASMA Experiment Regis John, Paul Cassak, Subash Adhikari, Gustavo Bartolo, Sonu Yadav, Earl E Scime | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:41PM - 5:00PM |
UM09.00009: Plasma Waves Produced by Orbiting and Re-Entry Space Objects Paul A Bernhardt |
Session UI10: Rosenbluth Awardee and Processes in Extreme Plasmas
Chair: Vikram Dharodi, Auburn UniversityRoom: Governor's Square 17
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:00PM - 2:30PM |
UI10.00001: Marshall N. Rosenbluth Doctoral Thesis Award: When do waves drive plasma flows? Invited Speaker: Ian E Ochs | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 2:30PM - 3:00PM |
UI10.00002: Demonstration of low-mode shape control in indirect-drive double shell implosions at the NIF Invited Speaker: Zaarah Mohamed | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:00PM - 3:30PM |
UI10.00003: Finding the Best Uses of Imposed Magnetic Fields to Improve Indirect Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Invited Speaker: David J Strozzi | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:30PM - 4:00PM |
UI10.00004: Experimental Measurements of Ion Diffusion Coefficients and Heating in a Multi-Ion-Species Plasma Shock Invited Speaker: Feng Chu | |
Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:00PM - 4:30PM |
UI10.00005: Increasing Antihydrogen Trapping Rates by Sympathetically Cooling Positrons with Laser-Cooled Beryllium Ions Invited Speaker: Kurt Anthony Thompson |
Session UP11: Poster Session VIII:
HED:High Energy Density Plasma Science
MFE: Superconducting Tokamaks; Self-organized configurations II: FRC, RFP, Spheromak; Machine learning techniques in MFE
ICF: Machine learning techniques in ICF
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
UP11.00002: Radial Electron Temperature Profiles in Laser-Heated, Solid-Density Plasmas from X-ray Spectra Ensembles B. Frances Kraus, Shawn P McPoyle, Kemal Atay, Ester Kriz, Sophia Malko, Philip C Efthimion, Reed C Hollinger, Shoujun Wang, James King, Sina Zahedpour Anaraki, Jorge J Rocca, Ronnie L Shepherd | |
UP11.00003: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Target Dynamics for Xray Free Electron Laser Heated Droplets Claudia Parisuana-Barranca, David C Eder, Jack McKee, Alice E Koniges, Aaron Fisher, Christopher Schoenwaelder, Maxence Gauthier, Siegfried H Glenzer | |
UP11.00004: Laser-Driven Double Cylinder Experiments Studying Classically Unstable Interfaces Joshua P Sauppe, Irina Sagert, John L Kline, Kirk A Flippo, Lynn Kot, James F Dowd, Thomas H Day, Derek W Schmidt, Patrick M Donovan, John I Martinez, Christopher T Wilson, Nikolaus S Christiansen, Alexandria Strickland, Theresa E Quintana | |
UP11.00005: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Thermomagnetic Instability Daniel Alex, William A Farmer, Mark W Sherlock, Christopher A Walsh, Luis S Leal, Bhuvana Srinivasan, John Rodman | |
UP11.00006: Proton radiography of Nernst effect in magnetized underdense plasma Padrick A Beggs, Jesse Griff-McMahon, Chris A Walsh, William R Fox, Derek B Schaeffer, Gennady Fiksel, Aaron Hansen, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Daniel E Ruiz, Matt Weis, Peter V Heuer, Jonathan R Davies, Cameron A Frank, Arijit Bose, Sophia Malko | |
UP11.00007: Collision of Strongly Magnetized Jets Created by Hollow Ring of Laser Beams Lan Gao, Edison P Liang, Brandon Cage, sanya arora, Russell K Follett, Joe Katz, Hantao Ji, Richard D Petrasso, Chikang Li, Vladimir Glebov | |
UP11.00008: Extended Biermann-Battery Fields via Proton Radiography with X-ray Fiducials Jesse Griff-McMahon, Sophia Malko, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Christopher A Walsh, Gennady Fiksel, Michael J Rosenberg, Derek B Schaeffer, William R Fox | |
UP11.00009: An overview of recent results from the PUFFIN group at MIT Jack D Hare, Simran Chowdhry, Rishabh Datta, Lansing Horan, Thomas Varnish | |
UP11.00010: Synthetic optical diagnostics for "MAgnetic Reconnection on Z" (MARZ) experiments Lansing S Horan, Simran Chowdhry, Rishabh Datta, Jack D Hare | |
UP11.00011: Pulsed-power driven HED plasma experiments on the MAGPIE facility Sergey V Lebedev, Simon N Bland, Jeremy P Chittenden, Aidan C Crilly, Jack W Halliday, Katherine Marrow, Stefano Merlini, Thomas Mundy, Lee G Suttle | |
UP11.00012: SPECT3D Synthetic Self-Emission X-Ray Imaging of CESZAR Gas-Puff Z-Pinch FLASH Simulations Mary R McMullan, Abigail Armstrong, Tristan Bachmann, Pericles S Farmakis, Fernando Garcia-Rubio, Eddie Hansen, David Michta, Kasper Moczulski, Ananya Mohapatra, Adam Reyes, Petros Tzeferacos | |
UP11.00013: Hall-MHD implementation in driven turbulence FLASH simulations Ananya Mohapatra, Ananya Mohapatra, Abigail Armstrong, Fernando Garcia Rubio, Edward C Hansen, Kasper Moczulski, Archie F Bott, Adam Reyes, Eric Blackman, Petros Tzeferacos | |
UP11.00014: A study of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability seeded by a single-feature perturbation with and without externally applied magnetic fields Camille Samulski, Bhuvana Srinivasan, Mario J Manuel | |
UP11.00015: Benchmarking magnetized three-wave coupling for laser backscattering Yuan Shi, David J Strozzi, John D Moody | |
UP11.00016: Developing a magnetized piston driver for collisionless shock experiments Lee G Suttle, Joshua Chu, Dariusz Duszynski, Jack W Halliday, Katherine Marrow, Stefano Merlini, Thomas Mundy, Danny Russell, Sergey V Lebedev | |
UP11.00017: Calculating Transport Coeffiecients in Warm Dense Matter Lucas J Babati, Scott D Baalrud, Nathaniel R Shaffer | |
UP11.00018: Isochoric heating with intense proton beams driven by multi-picosecond pulse laser and its measurement with time-resolved K-alpha emission spectroscopy Joohwan Kim, Jacob Saret, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Farhat N Beg | |
UP11.00019: Conductivity measurements of dynamically compressed matter using single-shot terahertz spectroscopy Benjamin K Ofori-Okai, Emma E McBride, Suzanne J Ali, Adrien Descamps, Luke Fletcher, Siegfried H Glenzer | |
UP11.00020: Multi-Messenger Measurements of the Static Structure of Shock-Compressed Liquid Silicon at 100 GPa Hannah Poole, Mary Kate Ginnane, Marius Millot, Gilbert W Collins, Suxing Hu, Danae N Polsin, Rahul Saha, Thomas G White, David Chapman, Ryan Rygg, Sean P Regan, Gianluca Gregori | |
UP11.00021: Aluminum conductivity measurements using a Single-shot terahertz apparatus Edna Rebeca R Toro Garza, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai, Siegfried H Glenzer, Adrien Descamps, Mianzhen Mo, Lars Seipp, Anthea Weinmann, Danielle Brown, Zhijiang Chen | |
UP11.00022: Dynamics and Efficiency of Ponderomotively Driven Transient Plasma Gratings Ke Ou, Matthew R Edwards | |
UP11.00023: Stability and Efficiency of Ionization-Based Diffraction Gratings Victor Perez-Ramirez, Nicholas M Fasano, Michelle M Wang, Andreas M Giakas, Pierre A Michel, Julia M Mikhailova, Matthew R Edwards | |
UP11.00024: Characterizing Bragg Diffraction Efficiency for Plasma Transmission Gratings of Various Lengths Michelle M Wang, Nicholas M Fasano, Victor Perez-Ramirez, Andreas M Giakas, Pierre A Michel, Julia M Mikhailova, Matthew R Edwards | |
UP11.00025: Spatio-Temporal Light Springs: An Exotic State of Light to Explore Novel Laser-Plasma Interactions Danny Attiyah, Robert Fedosejevs, Franklin J Dollar, Andrew Longman | |
UP11.00026: Numerical Modeling of High Intensity Laser-Solid Interactions at 400 nm Victor Flores, Hunter Allison, Nicholas F Beier, Philip C Efthimion, Kirk A Flippo, Lan Gao, Christopher Gardner, Stephanie B Hansen, Kenneth W Hill, Reed C Hollinger, Joshua D Lewis, Ryan Nedbailo, Vigneshvar Senthilkumaran, Ronnie L Shepherd, Vyacheslav Shlyaptsev, Shoujun Wang, Amina E Hussein, Jorge J Rocca, Franklin J Dollar | |
UP11.00027: Towards THz Transmission Measurements on the Omega Laser Facility Robert Nowak, Gerrit Bruhaug, Matthew E Signor, Ethan Smith, Jiacheng Zhao, Yiwen E, Xi-Cheng Zhang, Gilbert W Collins, Ryan Rygg | |
Withdrawn |
UP11.00028: Overview of high intensity, short pulse laser driven source applications and science at LLNL Jackson G Williams, David Alessi, Maurice B Aufderheide, Jeff D Bude, Blagoje Z Djordjevic, Mathew Hill, Andreas J Kemp, Joshua Ludwig, Tammy Ma, Andrew Mackinnon, Derek Mariscal, Dean R Rusby, Matthew P Selwood, Shaun M Kerr, Brendan Reagan, Raspberry Simpson, Franziska S Treffert, Scott C Wilks, Ghassan Zeraouli | |
UP11.00029: Field dependent line emission in magnetized plasmas Haritha K Hariharan, Roberto C Mancini, Vladimir V Ivanov | |
UP11.00030: Expanding the Tabulated Equation of State Implementations in the FLASH Code for the FPEOS Database Tristan Bachmann, Abigail Armstrong, Pericles S Farmakis, Fernando Garcia Rubio, Edward C Hansen, Mary McMullan, David Michta, Kasper Moczulski, Ananya Mohapatra, Adam Reyes, Petros Tzeferacos | |
UP11.00031: 100s Mbar equation of state measurements on the National Ignition Facility – platform development Lauren M Hobbs, Emma Floyd, James Fairley, Steve Gales, Steve Rothman, Warren J Garbett, Peter Graham, Amy E Jenei, Rich London, Joseph Nilsen, Yong-Jae Kim, Trevor M Hutchinson, Damian C Swift, Robert F Heeter | |
UP11.00032: Investigation of relaxation dynamics of magnetic plasma bubble expansion Shakiba Hajisadeghi, Lucas Webster, Mark Gilmore | |
UP11.00033: Extended magnetohydrodynamic simulations of plasma jets and bubbles Lucas Webster, Shakiba Hajisadeghi, Mark Gilmore | |
UP11.00034: Magnetic field generation mechanisms of a relativistic laser between colliding magnetized plasma plumes Karl Krushelnick, Joshua Latham, Brandon K Russell, Paul T Campbell, Gennady Fiksel, Philip M Nilson, Louise Willingale | |
UP11.00035: Designing laboratory experiments for studies of strongly collimated magnetized plasma jets Chung Hei Leung, Yigeng Tian, Arijit Bose, Peter V Heuer, Luke A Ceurvorst, Jonathan L Peebles, Archie F Bott, Graeme D Sutcliffe | |
UP11.00036: Shock Structure and Radiative Cooling Effects on Reverse Shock Experiments at MAGPIE Stefano Merlini, Jack D Hare, Guy C Burdiak, Jack W Halliday, Andrea Ciardi, Jeremy P Chittenden, Aidan C Crilly, Katherine Marrow, Danny Russell, Lee G Suttle, Eleanor R Tubman, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Thomas Varnish, Sergey V Lebedev | |
UP11.00037: A study using Flash to design a radiative shock experiment using the ZEUS facility Matthew Trantham, Julian Kinney, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
UP11.00039: Investigating 3D plasma responses for W-divertor compatible plasma shapes in KSTAR with an integrated modeling framework Jalal Butt, SangKyeun Kim, SeongMoo Yang, Egemen Kolemen | |
UP11.00040: Axisymmetric approximation of the KSTAR passive plates for vertical stabilization Saeid Houshmandyar, Himank Anand, Jayson L Barr, Wilkie Choi, Nicholas Eidietis, Anders S Welander, Sang-hee Hahn | |
UP11.00041: GSevolve simulations of KSTAR ITER baseline scenario plasmas from ramp-up to ramp-down Wilkie Choi, Himank Anand, Jayson L Barr, Nicholas Eidietis, Sang-hee Hahn, Saeid Houshmandyar, Youngho Lee, Anders S Welander | |
UP11.00042: Control Development Supporting Long-Pulse and ITER-like Scenarios on KSTAR Nicholas Eidietis, Jayson L Barr, Sang-hee Hahn, Zichuan A Xing, Will Wehner, Min-ho Woo | |
UP11.00043: Benchmarking RMP Response Models using KSTAR Discharges Eric C Howell, Tyler B Cote, Chen Zhao, Dmitriy M Orlov, Minjun Choi, SeongMoo Yang, SangKyeun Kim, Jinyoung Heo | |
UP11.00044: Model-Based Control of the Dimensionless Gain in KSTAR by Leveraging Real-time Estimation of the Confinement Time* Hassan R Al Khawaldeh, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster | |
UP11.00045: Progress of gyro-center shift analysis based on the charge exchange in plasmas and the intrinsic rotation of KSTAR Kwan Chul Lee, Sang Gon Lee | |
UP11.00046: Development of Method for Determining Impurity Transport Coefficients in Tokamak Plasmas Yoonseong Han, Junhyeok Yoon, Hyungho Lee, Siwoo Yoon, Wonho Choe | |
UP11.00047: Development of Impurity Transport Coefficient Calculation Algorithm Using Physics-Informed Neural Network Junhyeok Yoon, Yoon Seong Han, Hyungho Lee, Siwoo Yoon, Wonho Choe | |
UP11.00048: Measurement of Sputtered Tungsten Flux Using Corona Model-Based Spectroscopic Diagnostics Changmin Shin, Duck-Hee Kwon, Haewon Shin, Kil-Byoung Chai, Wonho Choe | |
UP11.00049: Design of x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) for long-pulse (100 s) profile measurements at JT-60SA Luis F Delgado-Aparicio | |
UP11.00050: Recent insights into the role of light impurities in the erosion of the all-W wall surfaces in WEST C.Christopher Klepper, E.A. Unterberg, Abdourahmane Diaw, Curtis A Johnson, Atul Kumar, Yannick Marandet, Madhusudan Raghunathan, Alex GROSJEAN, David C Donovan, Laurent Colas, Davide Curreli | |
UP11.00051: Analysis of impurity transport on WEST using the reciprocating collector probe with LA-ICP-MS measurements and 3DLIM modelling Sean R Kosslow, Alex GROSJEAN, David C Donovan, E.A. Unterberg, Curtis A Johnson, Abdourahmane Diaw, Jacob H Nichols, Mehdi Firdaouss, Nicolas Fedorczak, James Paul Gunn, Elodie Bernard, Robert A Lunsford | |
UP11.00052: A comparative study of tungsten erosion-redeposition in divertor sheaths versus RF sheaths on WEST Ananthi Renganathan, Davide Curreli | |
UP11.00053: Effect of E×B on pedestal stability and divertor dissipation via Boron powder injection on EAST Zhen Sun, Lei Peng, Rajesh Maingi, Wei Xu, Lin Yu, Yanmin Duan, Ling Zhang, Yifeng Wang, Qingquan Yang, Ahmed Diallo, Kevin L Tritz, Liang Wang, Alessandro Bortolon, JIzhong Sun, Jinping Qian, Guizhong Zuo, Xianzu Gong, Jiansheng Hu | |
UP11.00054: Current Profile Control in EAST via Reinforcement-Learning-based Model Predictive Control Zibo Wang, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Shira Morosohk, Eugenio Schuster | |
UP11.00056: Bayesian Inference of Ion Beam Characteristics Using Calorimetry L. M. Reusch, P. J. Barrows, T. T Gribb, C. M Jacobson, M. K Michalak, E. C Moll, R. F. Radel | |
Withdrawn |
UP11.00057: Current and Near-Term Applications of Fusion Plasmas as Neutron Sources C. M Jacobson, L. M. Reusch, P. J. Barrows, T. D. Kile, R. F. Radel | |
UP11.00058: Predictions of hydrogen isotopes inventory in Break Even Axisymmetric Mirror (BEAM) Mykola Ialovega, Rémi Delaporte-Mathurin, Jay K Anderson, Thierry Angot, Regis Bisson, Cary B Forest, Marcos Xavier X Navarro, Oliver Schmitz | |
UP11.00059: Plasma stability and reproducibility for characterizing plasma-material interactions (PMI) on the ZaP-HD sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch device. Amierul Aqil b Khairi, Uri Shumlak | |
UP11.00060: Effect of Electrode Geometry on Plasma Exhaust and Pinch Properties in the ZaP-HD Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z-Pinch Device Jared K Smythe, Aqil A Khairi, Uri Shumlak | |
UP11.00061: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Electron Density in the ZaP-HD Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z pinch Harry L Furey-Soper, U. Shumlak, Zhangsheng Lian | |
UP11.00062: A 2D presheath potential model for turbulence transport study in FRC SOL Wenhao Wang, Xishuo Wei, Zhihong Lin, Calvin Lau, Sean Dettrick, Toshiki Tajima | |
UP11.00063: Pinch plasmas in the open flux column with sheared flows based on the gun-spherical torus using the dropping liquid metal central conductor Masayoshi Nagata, Takashi Kanki | |
UP11.00064: Pre-ionization Studies on the Modular Theta-Pinch Experiment (MTX) for Field-Reversed Configuration (FRC) Formation Ian A Bean, Colin S Adams, Thomas E Weber | |
UP11.00065: The Novatron mirror concept – theory and simulation Jan Scheffel, Kristoffer Lindvall, Rickard Holmberg | |
UP11.00066: Long Pulse Operation of the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) Carlos A Romero-Talamás, Brian L Beaudoin, Adil B Hassam, Nathan Eschbach, Zachary D Short, Nick R Schwartz, Quan Gan, Timothy W Koeth, Myles Kelly, Ian Abel, Artur B Perevalov, Justin E James, Daniel Espinola | |
UP11.00067: Design and Construction of a Dual Turn Density Bitter Magnet for Plasma and Dusty Plasma Experimentation Ethan D Bowers, Carlos A Romero-Talamás | |
UP11.00068: Design of an ND:YAG laser Thomson scattering diagnostic for CMFX Artur B Perevalov, Brian L Beaudoin, Ian G Abel, Nick R Schwartz, Nathan Eschbach, Zachary D Short, Carlos A Romero-Talamás | |
UP11.00069: Density measurements during long pulse discharges in CMFX Nathan Eschbach, Carlos A Romero-Talamás, Nick R Schwartz, Zachary D Short, Brian L Beaudoin, Artur B Perevalov, Quan Gan | |
UP11.00070: Magnetic Diagnostics for CMFX Quan Gan, Carlos A Romero-Talamás, Brian L Beaudoin, Nick R Schwartz | |
UP11.00071: High Voltage Discharges and Neutronics in the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) Nick R Schwartz, Ian G Abel, Timothy W Koeth, Brian L Beaudoin, Nathan Eschbach, Zachary D Short, Quan Gan, Myles Kelly, Carlos A Romero-Talamás | |
UP11.00072: Ion Rotational Velocity Measurements for CMFX Zachary D Short, Nathan Eschbach, Nick R Schwartz, Brian L Beaudoin, Carlos A Romero-Talamás | |
UP11.00073: Laser and Radio Frequency Ionization of the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) Brian L Beaudoin, Carlos A Romero-Talamás, Nathan Eschbach, Nick R Schwartz, Timothy W Koeth | |
UP11.00074: Electron Cyclotron Heating Hardware Status and Modeling for the WHAM Device Jonathan D Pizzo, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson, John Lohr, Steve F Oliva, Dmitry Yakovlev, Kurt Zeller, John P Wallace, Robert W Harvey, James Anderson, Yuri V Petrov | |
UP11.00075: Neutral Beam Injection construction and modelling on WHAM Kunal Sanwalka, Jay K Anderson, Douglass Endrizzi, Mason Yu, Yuri V Petrov, Robert W Harvey, Cary B Forest | |
UP11.00076: HHFW Heating Antenna Design and Modeling for WHAM Mason Yu, Cornwall H Lau, John C Wright, David L Green, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson | |
UP11.00077: Experimental Plans for MHD Stability in WHAM Tony Qian, Jay K Anderson, Douglass Endrizzi, Cary B Forest, Jonathan D Pizzo, Kunal Sanwalka, Dmitry Yakovlev, Mason Yu, Michael C Zarnstorff | |
UP11.00078: Diagnosing Shear-Flow-Stabilized Z-pinches on the Path to Breakeven Colin S Adams, Simon C Bott-Suzuki, Stephan Fuelling, Clement S Goyon, Drew Higginson, Aaron C Hossack, Aidan W Klemmer, Aria R Johansen, Benjamin J Levitt, Harry S McLean, James M Mitrani, Kyle D Morgan, Lucas A Morton, Brian A Nelson, Nolan van Rossum, Rachel A Ryan, Akash P Shah, Derek A Sutherland, Andrew S Taylor, Pi-En Tsai, Glen A Wurden, Amanda Youmans, William C Young | |
UP11.00079: Experimental measurements on FuZE-Q and scaling of sheared-flow-stabilized (SFS) Z-pinches at Zap Energy Derek A Sutherland, Benjamin J Levitt, Brian A Nelson, Uri Shumlak, Eric T Meier, Chelsea E Liekhus-Schmaltz, Lucas Morton, Andrew S Taylor, Nolan van Rossum, Anton D Stepanov, Aria R Johansen, Pi-En Tsai, Rachel A Ryan, William C Young, Akash P Shah, Aaron C Hossack, Kyle D Morgan, Morgan Quinley, Ralph Kube, Glen A Wurden, Jacob T Banasek, Simon C Bott-Suzuki, Clement S Goyon, Aidan W Klemmer, Stephan Fuelling, Bruno Bauer | |
UP11.00080: Operation and results of a Thomson scattering diagnostic on the FuZE and FuZE-Q devices Kyle D Morgan, William Young, Derek A Sutherland, Clement S Goyon, Simon C Bott-Suzuki, Benjamin J Levitt | |
UP11.00081: Characterizing Neutron Emission from the Fusion Z-Pinch Experiment (FuZE) Amanda Youmans, Rachel A Ryan, James M Mitrani, Clement S Goyon, Simon C Bott-Suzuki, Jacob T Banasek, Pi-En Tsai, Aria R Johansen, Ben J Levitt, Drew P Higginson | |
UP11.00082: Simultaneous High-Temporal- and High-Spectral-Resolution Measurements of Plasma Impurities Andrew S Taylor, Jared Smythe, Stephan R Fuelling, Colin Adams | |
UP11.00083: Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z-Pinch Accelerator Plasma Dynamics Effect on Performance Outcomes in FuZE-Q Mathias J Van Patten | |
Withdrawn |
UP11.00084: Bayesian Optimization of Sheared Flow Stabilized Z-Pinches Aria Johansen, Chelsea E Liekhus-Schmaltz, Ralph Kube, Derek A Sutherland, Uri Shumlak | |
UP11.00085: Abstract Withdrawn | |
UP11.00086: Modeling Plasma-Material Interactions for a Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z Pinch Jonny Dadras, Peter H Stoltz, Colin S Adams, Eric T Meier | |
UP11.00087: Fluid Simulations of a Quasi-steady Plasma Accelerator for Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z-Pinch Plasma Injection A. Stephen Richardson, Anton D Stepanov, Daniel W Crews, Eric T Meier | |
UP11.00088: Neutral Gas Breakdown Modeling for the Zap Energy Devices Peter H Stoltz, Eric T Meier, Christine Roark, Whitney Thomas, Kyle D Morgan, Derek A Sutherland | |
UP11.00089: Code comparison of WARPXM and NIMROD in sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch simulations Christine Roark, Peter H Stoltz, Eric T Meier, Kyle D Morgan | |
UP11.00090: Z-pinch stability investigations with Vlasov kinetic modeling in 3D+3V Noah Reddell, Iman Datta, Eric T Meier, Uri Shumlak, Peter H Stoltz | |
UP11.00091: Robust flux limiting of the Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin method for advection-dominated multiphysics plasma simulations Jack Coughlin, Eric T Meier, Uri Shumlak | |
UP11.00092: Alpha heating in D-T Z-pinch fusion simulations using the 5N-moment four-fluid plasma model Yu Takagaki, Uri Shumlak | |
UP11.00093: “Alfvenization” of plasma flow in the magnetic mirror: Plasma rotation and electromagnetic effects. Andrei Smolyakov, Andy Sabo, Sergei I Krasheninnikov, Peter Yushmanov | |
UP11.00095: Exploring pseudospectral reduced models of plasma dynamics using machine learning Nathaniel Barbour, Rahul Gaur, Byoungchan Jang, Noah R Mandell, Madox C McGrae-Menge, Jacob R Pierce, Mark Almanza, Alexander Velberg, Jason Chou, Paulo Alves, Frederico Fiuza, Nuno F Loureiro, William D Dorland | |
UP11.00096: Full Shot Predictions for the DIII-D Tokamak via Deep Recurrent Networks Ian Char, Youngseog Chung, Joseph A Abbate, Egemen Kolemen, Jeff Schneider | |
UP11.00097: A machine learning normalizing flow method to accelerate plasma kinetic simulations. Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Guannan Zhang, Minglei Yang | |
UP11.00098: Real-time plasma confinement mode classification with deep neural networks and high-bandwidth edge fluctuation measurements in DIII-D Kevin Gill, David R Smith, Semin Joung, Benedikt Geiger, George R McKee, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ryan Coffee, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
UP11.00099: Grad-Shafranov equilibria via data-free physics informed neural networks (PINNs) Byoungchan Jang, Alan A Kaptanoglu, Rahul Gaur, Shaowu Pan, Matt Landreman, William D Dorland | |
UP11.00100: Detecting ELM originated by sawtooth Minseok Kim, Ricardo Shousha, Max Curie, SangKyeun Kim, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
UP11.00101: Automated Experimental Design of Safe Rampdowns via Probabilistic Machine Learning Viraj Mehta, Jayson L Barr, Joe Abbate, Ian Char, Willie Neiswanger, Mark D Boyer, Egemen Kolemen, Jeff Schneider | |
UP11.00102: Tearing mode avoidance using reinforcement learning and classical delta prime stability analysis on DIII-D Andy Rothstein, Jaemin Seo, Ricardo Shousha, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, SangKyeun Kim, Rory Conlin, Egemen Kolemen | |
UP11.00103: Disruption Prediction via Deep Recurrent Neural Networks Rahul Saxena, Youngseog Chung, Ian Char, Joe Abbate, Jeff Schneider | |
Withdrawn |
UP11.00104: Real-Time Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction in Tokamak Plasmas Using Machine Learning Ricardo Shousha, Jaemin Seo, Keith Erickson, Zichuan A Xing, Joseph A Abbate, SangKyeun Kim, Egemen Kolemen | |
UP11.00105: The developement of deep learning based surrogate model of GTC (SGTC) Xishuo Wei, Ge Dong, William M Tang, Zhihong Lin, Jian Bao, Shuying Sun, Haotian Chen | |
UP11.00106: Overview and findings of the FES Scientific Machine Learning project, "Accelerating radio frequency modeling using machine learning" John C Wright, z. bai, Gregory M Wallace, Nicola Bertelli, Talita Perciano, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, A. Sanchez-Villar | |
UP11.00107: Building database of 2D UEDGE simulations for KSTAR detachment control Menglong Zhao, Tom Rognlien, Ben Zhu, William H Meyer, Xueqiao Xu, David Eldon, Hyungho Lee, Junghoo Hwang | |
UP11.00109: Exploration of Language Models for ICF Design Cabot C Cullen, Shanny Lin, Christopher Campbell, Miles Teng-Levy, Zhehui Wang, Eric N Loomis | |
UP11.00110: Exploring Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization for ICF Design Shailaja Humane, M. Giselle Fernández-Godino, Eugene Kur, Carolyn C Kuranz, Luc Peterson | |
UP11.00111: Discovering novel nonlinear plasma physics using machine learning and differentiable programming Archis S Joglekar, Alexander G Thomas | |
UP11.00112: Towards more robust ignition of inertial fusion targets. Jordan Lee, Rusko Ruskov, Heath Martin, Robert W Paddock, Marko von der Layen, Stephen Hughes, Robin Timmis, Iustin Ouatu, Qingsong Feng, Sunny Howard, Eduard Atonga, Ramy Aboushelbaya, Tony Arber, Robert Bingham, Peter A Norreys, Vadim Elisseev, Robert Manson-Sawko, Tom Goffrey | |
UP11.00113: Accelerating diagnostic analysis using non-surrogate machine learning for improved understanding of Thomson scattering Avram Milder, Archis S Joglekar, Wojciech Rozmus, Dustin H Froula | |
UP11.00114: Using Physics Guided Deep Learning to Investigate Performance and Variability in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments Michael Pokornik, Jim A Gaffney, Shahab Khan, Brian J MacGowan | |
UP11.00115: Machine-assisted scaling and optimization of ICF target designs for an upgraded National Ignition Facility Paul F Schmit, Chris R Weber, Steve A MacLaren, Ryan C Nora | |
UP11.00116: Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Core Structures in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosion Experiments Using a Convolutional Neural Network Model Ka Ming Woo, Kristen Churnetski, Riccardo Betti, C.A. Thomas, Christian Stoeckl, Peter V Heuer, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, K.S. Anderson, J. Buck |
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