Bulletin of the American Physical Society
63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 66, Number 13
Monday–Friday, November 8–12, 2021; Pittsburgh, PA
Session JO05: Relativistic High-Energy-Density Physics and High Field Physics
2:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Room: Rooms 306-307
Chair: Alex Arefiev, University of California, San Diego
Abstract: JO05.00006 : Self-consistent positron creation and acceleration up to a few GeVs in a plasma channel*
3:00 PM–3:12 PM
Bertrand Martinez
(GoLP/Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Bertrand Martinez
(GoLP/Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Marija Vranic
(GoLP/Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
A recent numerical investigation suggests a way to both create and accelerate positrons in a compact setup. It relies on the 90-degree interaction of a multi-PW laser with a GeV-class electron beam. Positrons are created via the Breit-Wheeler process and are accelerated in vacuum to a few GeVs by the strong laser field.
In this work, we adapt the aforementioned scheme and accelerate the positrons in a preformed plasma channel via direct laser acceleration. Our simulations include both the self-consistent creation and the acceleration of the positron beam, relying on the quasi-3D version of the Particle-In-Cell code Osiris. We provide estimates for the number of positrons created and deflected by the intense laser pulse, with a special focus on conditions for successful positron injection. The applicability of this scheme in future laser facilities is finally assessed through analytical scaling laws.
*This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC-2015-AdG Grant No. 695088). We acknowledge the support of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) Grant No. CEECIND/01906/2018. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding access to MareNostrum based in the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding access to Joliot-Curie of GENCI based near Paris.
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