Thursday, October 26, 2017
2:00PM - 2:12PM
UO7.00001: Simulation and Analysis of Time-Resolved Narrowband Radiographs of Cryogenic Implosions on OMEGA
R. Epstein, C. Stoeckl, V.N. Goncharov, P.W. McKenty, S.P. Regan
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
2:12PM - 2:24PM
UO7.00002: Low-Mode Variations of the Cold-Fuel Distribution in Cryogenic DT Implosions on OMEGA
C.J. Forrest, K.S. Anderson, V.Yu. Glebov, V.N. Goncharov, O.M. Mannion, P.B. Radha, S.P. Regan, T.C. Sangster, C. Stoeckl
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
2:24PM - 2:36PM
UO7.00003: Three-Dimensional Modeling of Low-Mode Asymmetries in OMEGA Cryogenic Implosions
K.S. Anderson, P.W. McKenty, A. Shvydky, T.J.B. Collins, C.J. Forrest, J.P. Knauer, J.A. Marozas, F.J. Marshall, P.B. Radha, A.B. Sefkow, M.M. Marinak
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
2:36PM - 2:48PM
UO7.00004: Soft X-Ray Narrowband Radiography of Direct-Drive Cryogenic DT Implosions on OMEGA
C. Stoeckl, R. Epstein, V.N. Goncharov, D.W. Jacobs-Perkins, R.K. Jungquist, C. Mileham, S.P. Regan, T.C. Sangster, W. Theobald
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
2:48PM - 3:00PM
UO7.00005: Impact of flows on ion temperatures inferred from neutron spectra in asymmetrically driven OMEGA DT implosions
M. Gatu Johnson, J. Frenje, B. Lahmann, F. Seguin, R. Petrasso, B. Appelbe, J. Chittenden, C. Walsh, J. Delettrez, I. Igumenshchev, J.P. Knauer, V.YU. Glebov, C. Forrest, W. Grimble, F. Marshall, T. Michel, C. Stoeckl, B.M. Haines, A.B. Zylstra
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
3:00PM - 3:12PM
UO7.00006: Testing the relative importance of ion diffusive transport and turbulent mixing with separated-reactant capsules
Nelson Hoffman, Alex Zylstra
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
3:12PM - 3:24PM
UO7.00007: Investigating the impact of species charge and mass on the manifestation of multi-ion and kinetic effects
N. V. Kabadi, R. Simpson, H. Sio, M. Gatu Johnson, J. Frenje, B. Lahmann, C. Parker, R. D. Petrasso, C. Forrest, V. Yu Glebov, C. Stoeckl, S. Regan, H. G. Rinderknecht, G. Kagan
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
3:24PM - 3:36PM
UO7.00008: Submicron-Scale Control of the Three-Dimensional Modes 1, 2, and 3 of Targets Imploded in the Direct-Drive Configuration on OMEGA
D.T. Michel, I.V. Igumenshchev, A.K. Davis, D.H. Edgell, D.H. Froula, V.N. Goncharov, D.W. Jacobs-Perkins, S.P. Regan, A. Shvydky, E.M. Campbell
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
3:36PM - 3:48PM
UO7.00009: Impacts of Implosion Asymmetry And Hot Spot Shape On Ignition Capsules
Baolian Cheng, Thomas J.T. Kwan, Yi-Ming Wang, S. Austin Yi, Steve Batha
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
3:48PM - 4:00PM
UO7.00010: Effects of Hot-Spot Geometry on Backscattering and Down-Scattering Neutron Spectra
Z.L. Mohamed, O.M. Mannion, C.J. Forrest, J.P. Knauer, K.S. Anderson, P.B. Radha
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
4:00PM - 4:12PM
UO7.00011: Determining hot spot motion using a multi line-of-sight nToF analysis
Robert Hatarik, Ryan Nora, Brian Spears, Mark Eckart, Edward Hartouni, Gary Grim, Alastair Moore, David Schlossberg
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
4:12PM - 4:24PM
UO7.00012: Implosion anisotropy of neutron kinetic energy distributions as measured with the neutron time-of-flight diagnostics at the National Ignition Facility
Edward Hartouni, Mark Eckart, John Field, Gary Grim, Robert Hatarik, Alastair Moore, David Munro, Daniel Sayer, David Schlossberg
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
4:24PM - 4:36PM
UO7.00013: Precision Neutron Time-of-Flight Detectors Provide Insight into NIF Implosion Dynamics
David Schlossberg, M.J. Eckart, G.P. Grim, E.P. Hartouni, R. Hatarik, A.S. Moore, C.S. Waltz
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Thursday, October 26, 2017
4:36PM - 4:48PM
UO7.00014: Measurements of Ion Stopping around the Bragg Peak and its dependence on electron temperature and density in High-Energy-Density Plasmas (HEDP)
J. Frenje, C.K. Li, F. Seguin, M. Gatu Johnson, H. Sio, R. Petrasso, T. Nagayama, R. Mancini, R. Hernandez, P. Grabowski, H.G. Rinderknecht, V. Yu Glebov
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