Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 67, Number 17
Thursday–Sunday, October 27–30, 2022; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA; New Orleans, Louisiana
Session ME: Nuclear Astrophysics VII |
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Chair: Kelly Chipps, ORNL Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:30AM - 8:42AM |
ME.00001: Constraining the 75,76Zn neutron capture reactions via the β-Oslo method for the weak r-process Erin C Good, Hannah C. C Berg, Darren L Bleuel, Katherine L Childers, Benjamin P Crider, Alexander C Dombos, Caley Harris, Ann-Cecilie Larsen, Rebecca Lewis, Sean Liddick, Stephanie M Lyons, Alicia Palmisano, Andrea L Richard, Debra Richman, Nicholas D Scielzo, Anna Simon, Mallory K Smith, Artemis Spyrou, Adriana Sweet, Antonius W Torode, Remco G Zegers Many questions remain about neutron capture processes occurring far from stability. The r-process in particular is responsible for the synthesis of a large portion of the neutron-rich heavy elements, but because of a lack of nuclear data in this region due to the difficulty in creating both neutron and exotic radioactive ion beams and targets, it is not yet fully understood. To constrain the nuclear properties in this region, we turn to novel techniques. One of these indirect methods is the β-Oslo method, which uses β decay to populate highly-excited nuclear states in the compound nucleus of interest. The decay of these states is then used to extract the nuclear level densities (NLD) and γ-ray strength functions (γSF). By implementing these experimentally-determined statistical properties in the calculation of theoretical neutron-capture cross-sections, uncertainties in the rate can be greatly reduced. Results from the β decay of 76,77Cu in the calculation of the 75,76Zn(n,γ)76,77Zn reaction rates will be presented, as well as their impact on the modeling of the weak r-process abundances in the A~80 region. |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:42AM - 8:54AM |
ME.00002: Constraining the Neutron Capture Rate for the Short-Lived 91Sr Nucleus Beau Greaves, Dennis Muecher, Artemis Spyrou, Darren L Bleuel, Paul A Deyoung, Alexander C Dombos, Jason P Gombas, Magne Guttormsen, Caley M Harris, Ann-Cecilie Larsen, Rebecca Lewis, Sean Liddick, Stephanie M Lyons, Farheen Naqvi, Alicia R Palmisano, Cole Persch, Andrea L Richard, Nicholas D Scielzo, Lauren E Selensky, Mallory K Smith, Adriana Sweet, Antonius W Torode, William W von Seeger, Maya M Watts, Mathis Wiedeking, Yongchi Xiao Recent neutron-star merger observations have provided r-process abundance constraints, which has led to significant attention towards additional neutron-capture processes such as the i-process and n-process. Working between the rates and environmental neutron densities of the r-process and s-process, their reaction pathways and abundance contributions are not yet fully characterized. Operating in densities of 1013 - 1020 neutrons/cm3, sensitivity studies have shown these intermediate neutron-capture processes to take reaction pathways through experimentally accessible n-rich nuclei, providing opportunities to constrain the capture rates that define them. |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:54AM - 9:06AM |
ME.00003: Effect of the 22Mg(α,p)25Al reaction in Type I X-ray bursts Heshani Jayatissa, Melina Avila, Karl E Rehm, Benjamin P Kay, Zachary P Meisel, Wei Jia Ong, David Neto, D. Santiago-Gonzalez, Claus Muller-Gatermann, Tsz Leung Tang, Gemma L Wilson, Calem R Hoffman, Claudio Ugalde, Athanasios Psaltis, Tan Ahn, David H Potterveld, Jie Chen, Johnson Liang, Kenneth M Teh, Michael P Carpenter We have performed a direct measurement of the 22Mg(α,p)25Al reaction cross section in inverse kinematics for a center of mass energy range of 3.5 - 7 MeV using a 22Mg beam from the Argonne In-Flight Radioactive Ion Separator (RAISOR) and the MUlti-Sampling Ionization Chamber (MUSIC) at Argonne National Laboratory. The dominant (p,γ) nucleosynthesis flow in Type I X-ray bursts (XRBs) is halted at several waiting point nuclei such as 22Mg, 24-26Si, 28-30S and 34Ar due to (p,γ)-(γ,p) equilibrium. It has been suggested that the flow can be bypassed by (α,p) reactions on these waiting point nuclei. However, the present uncertainties in the relevant (α,p) reaction rates at these waiting points hinder the ability to accurately predict the light curve and ash composition of XRBs. Among the reactions on the waiting point nuclei, the 22Mg(α,p)25Al reaction has been identified as an important reaction bypassing the waiting points for XRB nucleosynthesis. Thus, it is crucial to constrain the reaction rate of the 22Mg(α,p)25Al reaction at astrophysical energies. |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:06AM - 9:18AM |
ME.00004: Studying 11B proton structure via the 10Be(p,n)10B reaction. Yenuel Jones-Alberty, Carl R Brune, Thomas N Massey, Bikash Chauhan, Kristyn H Brandenburg, Donald Carter, Joseph Derkin, Gregory Leblanc, Zachary P Meisel, Nisha Singh, Shiv K Subedi, Justin N Warren The production mechanisms for boron, as well as for beryllium and lithium, are hypothesized |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:18AM - 9:30AM |
ME.00005: Constraining the νp-process through the first direct measurement of the 56Ni(n,p)56Co reaction cross section at LANSCE Sean A Kuvin, Hye Young Lee, Brad J DiGiovine, Cecilia Eiroa-Lledo, Panagiotis Gastis, Anastasia Georgiadou, Michal W Herman, Toshihiko Kawano, Veronika Mocko, Shea Mosby, Christiaan E Vermeulen, Daniel Votaw, Lukas Zavorka, Georgios Perdikakis, Pelagia Tsintari, Hyeong Il Kim The rate of the 56Ni(n,p)56Co reaction is a critical input for understanding the synthesis of heavy elements through the νp-process. However, there currently exists no experimental data for the reaction. This is due to the technical difficulties of producing a quality neutron beam at the relevant energies and in the fabrication of a short-lived 56Ni target (T1/2 ≈ 6 days). We are leveraging a world unique capability that currently exists at LANSCE by producing the radioactive sample at the Isotope Production Facility (IPF) then performing the measurement using the well characterized beam of fast neutrons, spanning a broad energy range from 100s of keV to 100s of MeV, available at the WNR facility. Details on the target fabrication process, technical considerations for the experimental setup, and results of the 56Ni(n,p)56Co measurement will be presented. With the newly obtained experimental information, the reaction rate of 56Ni(n,p) has been updated and compared with other theoretical predictions. The final impact on the νp process will be discussed along with a plan for improving the experimental uncertainty in future measurements using an optimized solenoidal spectrometer. |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
ME.00006: (α, n) Reactions in Inverse Kinematics Using SECAR Caleb A Marshall, Zachary P Meisel, Fernando Montes, Georg P Berg, Jeff C Blackmon, Carl R Brune, Kelly A Chipps, Manoel Couder, Nikolaos Dimitrakopoulos, Ruchi Garg, Rahul Jain, Cavan Maher, Georgios Perdikakis, Jorge Pereira, Hendrik Schatz, Kiana Setoodehnia, Pelagia Tsintari, Louis Wagner, Remco G Zegers Observations of metal poor stars in the galactic halo have found significant amounts of star-to-star |
Sunday, October 30, 2022 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
ME.00007: Analysis of near-threshold proton resonances in 26Si using the 25Al(d,n)26Si proton transfer reaction. Eli S Temanson The synthesis of galactic 26Al is an interesting subject that spans from nuclear astrophysics to observational astronomy. In astrophysical environments, such as Classical Novae and Core-Collapse Supernovae, the 25Al(p,γ)26Si reaction contributes by populating the 26Al isomeric state, which bypasses the observed γ-ray. To understand this impact, the 25Al(d,n)26Si transfer reaction was performed to investigate the near-threshold proton resonances in 26Si using the RESOLUT radioactive beam facility at Florida State University. Here we report the updated proton widths obtained for the lowest l=0 resonance with better precision than in previous measurements. Methods, results and astrophysical implications will be discussed. |
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