Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 67, Number 17
Thursday–Sunday, October 27–30, 2022; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA; New Orleans, Louisiana
Oct 27 2022 9:00AM, Thursday
Frontiers of Nuclear Astrophysics 65 years after B2FH I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Catherine Deibel, Louisiana State University
Invited Speakers: Manoel Couder, Wei Jia Ong, William R Hix
New Directions in Beta Decay I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Alejandro Garcia, University of Washington
Invited Speakers: Petr Navratil, Aaron T Gallant, Grigor H Sargsyan
QCD and the EIC I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Amy Nicholson, Jianwei Qiu, Zohreh Davoudi
Oct 27 2022 11:00AM, Thursday
Frontiers of Nuclear Astrophysics 65 years after B2FH II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Catherine Deibel, Louisiana State University
Invited Speakers: Fernando Montes, Nicole Vassh, Benjamin P Crider
New Directions in Beta Decay II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Fred Wietfeldt, Tulane University
Invited Speakers: Elise M Novitski, Andrew Ziegler, William Byron
QCD and the EIC II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Victor I Mokeev, Rolf Ent, Abhay L Deshpande
Oct 27 2022 1:00PM, Thursday
GeMSS Lunch
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Oct 27 2022 3:00PM, Thursday
Plenary I: Nuclear Threat and Mitigation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Senta Victoria Greene, Vanderbilt
Invited Speakers: Bethany L Goldblum, Steve Fetter
Oct 27 2022 5:00PM, Thursday
Plenary II: Nuclear Threat and Mitigation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Senta Victoria Greene, Vanderbilt
Invited Speakers: Alan Robock, Frank N von Hippel
Oct 28 2022 8:30AM, Friday
University Based Accelerator Programs
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Diane Markoff, North Carolina Central University
Invited Speakers: Akaa D Ayangeakaa, Sergio Almaraz-Calderon, Peter C Bender
Hadronic Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Dipangkar Dutta, Mississippi State Univ
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Experiments
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Thomas O'Donnell, Virginia Tech
Invited Speakers: Lindley A Winslow
Nuclear Astrophysics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Wei Jia Ong, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Symposium: The Initial State of Heavy-Ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Invited Speakers: Bjoern P Schenke
Nuclear Structure I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Andrea Richard, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Instrumentation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Ashot Gasparian, North Carolina A&T State University
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Igal Jaegle, University of Florida
Nuclear Theory I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Charlotte Elster, Ohio University
Mini-Symposium: Mass Measurements for Extreme Astrophysical Environments I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Kelly Chipps, ORNL
Invited Speakers: Rodney Orford
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Paul Sorensen, DOE Nuclear Physics
Invited Speakers: Geraldine L Cochran
Oct 28 2022 10:30AM, Friday
Probing Nuclear Geometry with Photons from JLab to RHIC and LHC
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Janet Seger, Creighton University
Invited Speakers: Nikos Sparveris, Daniel Brandenburg, Shuai Yang
Conference Experience for Undergraduate Session & Seminar
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Shelly Lesher, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Hadronic Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Liping Gan, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Theory and Supporting Science
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Saori Pastore, Washington U. in St. Louis
Invited Speakers: Jonathan H Engel
Nuclear Astrophysics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Philip Adsley, Texas A&M University
Jets in Heavy-ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Zhongbo Kang, University of California, Los Angeles
Nuclear Structure II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Miguel Madurga, University of Tennessee
Instrumentation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Mohammad Ahmed, North Carolina Central University
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Simon Taylor, JLAB
Nuclear Theory II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina
Mini-Symposium: Mass Measurements for Extreme Astrophysical Environments II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Rodney Orford, LBNL
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Sharon Stephenson, DOE Nuclear Physics
Oct 28 2022 2:00PM, Friday
Jet substructure and quenching at RHIC and the LHC: the road to sPHENIX and the EIC
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: John Lajoie, Iowa State University
Invited Speakers: Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Anne M Sickles, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Hadronic Physics III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Ashot Gasparian, North Carolina A&T State University
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detector Development I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Clint Wiseman, University of Washington
Invited Speakers: Timothy V Daniels
Nuclear Astrophysics III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Steven Pain, ORNL
Bulk Matter and Correlations in Heavy-ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nuclear Structure III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Robert Grzywacz, University of Tennessee
Instrumentation III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Rick Normam, LBNL
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Liping Gan, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Nuclear Theory III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina
Fundamental Symmetries I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Jason Fry, Eastern Kentucky University
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Lauren McIntosh, Texas A&M University
Invited Speakers: Dionne P Stephens
Oct 28 2022 4:00PM, Friday
Conference Experience for Undergraduates Poster Session (4:00 - 6:00 pm)
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Storyville
APS Meet the Editors Reception
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Storyville
Oct 29 2022 8:30AM, Saturday
Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification: BayUQ
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Daniel Phillips, Ohio University
Invited Speakers: Ozge Surer, Amy E Lovell, Weiyao Ke
Bulk Matter and Chirality in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Daniel Cebra, University of California, Davis
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detector Development II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Leslie Rogers, Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Astrophysics IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Ruchi Garg, Michigan State University
Heavy Flavor in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Deepa Thomas, UT Austin
Nuclear Structure IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Daniel Ayangeakaa, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Wei Jia Ong, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Doug Higinbotham, Jefferson Lab
Invited Speakers: Nadia Fomin
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Susan Schadmand, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenfors
Invited Speakers: Emilie Passemar
Mini-Symposium: Nuclear Pademonium: How Total Absorption Spectrometry Informs Outstanding Issues in Nuclear Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Artemis Spyrou, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Bertis C Rasco
Fundamental Symmetries II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Chen-Yu Liu, Indiana University
Oct 29 2022 9:30AM, Saturday
Graduate School Event I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Shelly Lesher, UNIV. OF WISCONSIN - LA CROSSE
Oct 29 2022 10:30AM, Saturday
Symmetries In Nuclei: In Honor of Rowe and Rosenteel
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Jutta E Escher, John L Wood, Nicholas Sparks
Undergraduate Physics Seminar II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Mike Youngs, Texas A&M
Hadronic Physics IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu, SUNY Stony Brook
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detectors for Fundamental Physics
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Mickey Chiu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Astrophysics V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Callie Goetz, ORNL
Jets in Heavy-ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Nuclear Structure V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Heather Crawford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Sergio Almaraz-Calderon, Florida State University
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Burcu Duran, University of Tennessee
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Susan Schadmand, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenfors
Invited Speakers: Simon Taylor
Mini-Symposium: Nuclear Pademonium: How Total Absorption Spectrometry Informs Outstanding Issues in Nuclear Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Bertis Rasco, ORNL
Fundamental Symmetries III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Leendert Hayen, North Carolina State University
Undergraduate Research I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Mike Youngs, Texas A&M
Oct 29 2022 12:30PM, Saturday
Graduate School Event II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Shelly Lesher, UNIV. OF WISCONSIN - LA CROSSE
Oct 29 2022 2:00PM, Saturday
Award Session
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Ramona Vogt, LLNL/UC Davis
Invited Speakers: Gerald A Miller, Ronald Fernando F Garcia Ruiz, Agnieszka M Sorensen, Aobo Li
Instrumentation IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Patrizia Rossi, Jefferson Lab
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Machine Learning Tools; Neutrinos I; Neutrino Mass I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Pranava Teja Surukuchi, Yale University
Nuclear Astrophysics VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Ashton Morelock, Florida State University
Future Facilities and Measurements in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Peter Steinberg, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Andrea Mattera, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Alan McIntosh, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Nadia Fomin, University of Tennessee
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Joerg Reinhold, Florida International University
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams (Fission)
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Romauldo deSouza, Indiana University
Undergraduate Research II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Riccardo Longo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
Oct 29 2022 4:15PM, Saturday
Business Meeting
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Oct 30 2022 8:30AM, Sunday
Nuclear Data in the Cosmos
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Kay Kolos, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Patrick N Peplowski, Lawrence H Heilbronn, Zi-Wei Lin
Hadronic Physics V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Devi Adhikari, Virginia Tech
Neutrinos II: Neutrino Mass II and Neutrino Scattering
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Elise Novitski, University of Washington
Nuclear Astrophysics VII
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Kelly Chipps, ORNL
Mini-Symposium: The Initial State of Heavy-Ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mini-Symposium: Time Reversal Invariance Violation
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Leah Broussard, Oak Ridge National Lab
Nuclear Theory IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Dean Lee, Michigan State University
Applications of Nuclear Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Bishoy Dongwi, LLNL
Instrumentation V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Igal Jaegle, University of Florida
Neutron Physics I: Physics with Neutron Beams
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Frank Gonzalez, ORNL
Undergraduate Research III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Alejandro Sonzogni, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Oct 30 2022 10:30AM, Sunday
The Next Generation of Nuclear Physics: Facilities Today, Next Year, and the Next Decade
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Brad Sherrill, MSU
Invited Speakers: Heather L Crawford, Patrizia Rossi, Radja Boughezal
Hadronic Physics VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Ramona Vogt, LLNL/UC Davis
Neutrinos III: Sterile Neutrinos and the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Dan Salvat, Indiana University
Nuclear Astrophysics VIII
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Adrian Valverde, Argonne National Laboratory/University of Manitoba
Bulk Matter and Correlations in Heavy-ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Ron Soltz, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Nuclear Theory
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Matthew Mumpower, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear Theory V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Calvin Johnson, San Diego State University
Applications of Nuclear Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Mary Kidd, Tennessee Technological University
Mini-Symposium: Don't Look Up: Nuclear Data for Planetary Defense and Space Exploration
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Patrick Peplowski, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Invited Speakers: Mary T Burkey
Neutron Physics II: Precision Neutron Decay
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Scott Dewey, NIST
Undergraduate Research IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Miguel Arratia, University of California, Riverside
Oct 27 2022 9:00AM, Thursday
Frontiers of Nuclear Astrophysics 65 years after B2FH I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Catherine Deibel, Louisiana State University
Invited Speakers: Manoel Couder, Wei Jia Ong, William R Hix
New Directions in Beta Decay I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Alejandro Garcia, University of Washington
Invited Speakers: Petr Navratil, Aaron T Gallant, Grigor H Sargsyan
QCD and the EIC I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Amy Nicholson, Jianwei Qiu, Zohreh Davoudi
Oct 27 2022 11:00AM, Thursday
Frontiers of Nuclear Astrophysics 65 years after B2FH II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Catherine Deibel, Louisiana State University
Invited Speakers: Fernando Montes, Nicole Vassh, Benjamin P Crider
New Directions in Beta Decay II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Fred Wietfeldt, Tulane University
Invited Speakers: Elise M Novitski, Andrew Ziegler, William Byron
QCD and the EIC II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Victor I Mokeev, Rolf Ent, Abhay L Deshpande
Oct 27 2022 1:00PM, Thursday
GeMSS Lunch
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Oct 27 2022 3:00PM, Thursday
Plenary I: Nuclear Threat and Mitigation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Senta Victoria Greene, Vanderbilt
Invited Speakers: Bethany L Goldblum, Steve Fetter
Oct 27 2022 5:00PM, Thursday
Plenary II: Nuclear Threat and Mitigation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D-E
Chair: Senta Victoria Greene, Vanderbilt
Invited Speakers: Alan Robock, Frank N von Hippel
Oct 28 2022 8:30AM, Friday
University Based Accelerator Programs
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Diane Markoff, North Carolina Central University
Invited Speakers: Akaa D Ayangeakaa, Sergio Almaraz-Calderon, Peter C Bender
Hadronic Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Dipangkar Dutta, Mississippi State Univ
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Experiments
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Thomas O'Donnell, Virginia Tech
Invited Speakers: Lindley A Winslow
Nuclear Astrophysics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Wei Jia Ong, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Symposium: The Initial State of Heavy-Ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Invited Speakers: Bjoern P Schenke
Nuclear Structure I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Andrea Richard, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Instrumentation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Ashot Gasparian, North Carolina A&T State University
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Igal Jaegle, University of Florida
Nuclear Theory I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Charlotte Elster, Ohio University
Mini-Symposium: Mass Measurements for Extreme Astrophysical Environments I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Kelly Chipps, ORNL
Invited Speakers: Rodney Orford
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Paul Sorensen, DOE Nuclear Physics
Invited Speakers: Geraldine L Cochran
Oct 28 2022 10:30AM, Friday
Probing Nuclear Geometry with Photons from JLab to RHIC and LHC
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Janet Seger, Creighton University
Invited Speakers: Nikos Sparveris, Daniel Brandenburg, Shuai Yang
Conference Experience for Undergraduate Session & Seminar
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Shelly Lesher, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Hadronic Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Liping Gan, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Theory and Supporting Science
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Saori Pastore, Washington U. in St. Louis
Invited Speakers: Jonathan H Engel
Nuclear Astrophysics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Philip Adsley, Texas A&M University
Jets in Heavy-ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Zhongbo Kang, University of California, Los Angeles
Nuclear Structure II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Miguel Madurga, University of Tennessee
Instrumentation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Mohammad Ahmed, North Carolina Central University
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Simon Taylor, JLAB
Nuclear Theory II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina
Mini-Symposium: Mass Measurements for Extreme Astrophysical Environments II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Rodney Orford, LBNL
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Sharon Stephenson, DOE Nuclear Physics
Oct 28 2022 2:00PM, Friday
Jet substructure and quenching at RHIC and the LHC: the road to sPHENIX and the EIC
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: John Lajoie, Iowa State University
Invited Speakers: Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Anne M Sickles, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Hadronic Physics III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Ashot Gasparian, North Carolina A&T State University
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detector Development I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Clint Wiseman, University of Washington
Invited Speakers: Timothy V Daniels
Nuclear Astrophysics III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Steven Pain, ORNL
Bulk Matter and Correlations in Heavy-ion Collisions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Nuclear Structure III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Robert Grzywacz, University of Tennessee
Instrumentation III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Rick Normam, LBNL
Hadronic Structure Measurements and Instrumentation III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Liping Gan, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Nuclear Theory III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina
Fundamental Symmetries I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Jason Fry, Eastern Kentucky University
Mini-symposium: Inspiring the Next Generation Through Nuclear Research III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Lauren McIntosh, Texas A&M University
Invited Speakers: Dionne P Stephens
Oct 28 2022 4:00PM, Friday
Conference Experience for Undergraduates Poster Session (4:00 - 6:00 pm)
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Storyville
APS Meet the Editors Reception
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Storyville
Oct 29 2022 8:30AM, Saturday
Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification: BayUQ
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Daniel Phillips, Ohio University
Invited Speakers: Ozge Surer, Amy E Lovell, Weiyao Ke
Bulk Matter and Chirality in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Daniel Cebra, University of California, Davis
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detector Development II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Leslie Rogers, Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Astrophysics IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Ruchi Garg, Michigan State University
Heavy Flavor in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Deepa Thomas, UT Austin
Nuclear Structure IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Daniel Ayangeakaa, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Wei Jia Ong, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Doug Higinbotham, Jefferson Lab
Invited Speakers: Nadia Fomin
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Susan Schadmand, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenfors
Invited Speakers: Emilie Passemar
Mini-Symposium: Nuclear Pademonium: How Total Absorption Spectrometry Informs Outstanding Issues in Nuclear Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Artemis Spyrou, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Bertis C Rasco
Fundamental Symmetries II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Chen-Yu Liu, Indiana University
Oct 29 2022 9:30AM, Saturday
Graduate School Event I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Shelly Lesher, UNIV. OF WISCONSIN - LA CROSSE
Oct 29 2022 10:30AM, Saturday
Symmetries In Nuclei: In Honor of Rowe and Rosenteel
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Jerry Draayer, Draayer Interprises, LLC
Invited Speakers: Jutta E Escher, John L Wood, Nicholas Sparks
Undergraduate Physics Seminar II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin E
Chair: Mike Youngs, Texas A&M
Hadronic Physics IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu, SUNY Stony Brook
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Detectors for Fundamental Physics
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Mickey Chiu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Astrophysics V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Callie Goetz, ORNL
Jets in Heavy-ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Nuclear Structure V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Heather Crawford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Sergio Almaraz-Calderon, Florida State University
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Burcu Duran, University of Tennessee
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Susan Schadmand, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenfors
Invited Speakers: Simon Taylor
Mini-Symposium: Nuclear Pademonium: How Total Absorption Spectrometry Informs Outstanding Issues in Nuclear Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Bertis Rasco, ORNL
Fundamental Symmetries III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Leendert Hayen, North Carolina State University
Undergraduate Research I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Mike Youngs, Texas A&M
Oct 29 2022 12:30PM, Saturday
Graduate School Event II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Shelly Lesher, UNIV. OF WISCONSIN - LA CROSSE
Oct 29 2022 2:00PM, Saturday
Award Session
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Ramona Vogt, LLNL/UC Davis
Invited Speakers: Gerald A Miller, Ronald Fernando F Garcia Ruiz, Agnieszka M Sorensen, Aobo Li
Instrumentation IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Patrizia Rossi, Jefferson Lab
Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Machine Learning Tools; Neutrinos I; Neutrino Mass I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Pranava Teja Surukuchi, Yale University
Nuclear Astrophysics VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Ashton Morelock, Florida State University
Future Facilities and Measurements in Heavy-ion Collisions
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Peter Steinberg, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Andrea Mattera, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Alan McIntosh, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium: Nucleon Structure and Interactions III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Nadia Fomin, University of Tennessee
Mini-Symposium: Light Meson Decays III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Joerg Reinhold, Florida International University
Nuclear Reactions: Heavy-Ions/Rare isotope Beams (Fission)
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Romauldo deSouza, Indiana University
Undergraduate Research II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Riccardo Longo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai
Oct 29 2022 4:15PM, Saturday
Business Meeting
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Oct 30 2022 8:30AM, Sunday
Nuclear Data in the Cosmos
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Kay Kolos, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Patrick N Peplowski, Lawrence H Heilbronn, Zi-Wei Lin
Hadronic Physics V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Devi Adhikari, Virginia Tech
Neutrinos II: Neutrino Mass II and Neutrino Scattering
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Elise Novitski, University of Washington
Nuclear Astrophysics VII
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin G
Chair: Kelly Chipps, ORNL
Mini-Symposium: The Initial State of Heavy-Ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Jorge Noronha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mini-Symposium: Time Reversal Invariance Violation
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Leah Broussard, Oak Ridge National Lab
Nuclear Theory IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Dean Lee, Michigan State University
Applications of Nuclear Physics I
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Bishoy Dongwi, LLNL
Instrumentation V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Igal Jaegle, University of Florida
Neutron Physics I: Physics with Neutron Beams
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Frank Gonzalez, ORNL
Undergraduate Research III
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Alejandro Sonzogni, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Oct 30 2022 10:30AM, Sunday
The Next Generation of Nuclear Physics: Facilities Today, Next Year, and the Next Decade
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin D
Chair: Brad Sherrill, MSU
Invited Speakers: Heather L Crawford, Patrizia Rossi, Radja Boughezal
Hadronic Physics VI
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin A
Chair: Ramona Vogt, LLNL/UC Davis
Neutrinos III: Sterile Neutrinos and the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin B
Chair: Dan Salvat, Indiana University
Nuclear Astrophysics VIII
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin C
Chair: Adrian Valverde, Argonne National Laboratory/University of Manitoba
Bulk Matter and Correlations in Heavy-ion Collisions II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin F
Chair: Ron Soltz, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Nuclear Theory
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Celestin H
Chair: Matthew Mumpower, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear Theory V
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 12
Chair: Calvin Johnson, San Diego State University
Applications of Nuclear Physics II
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 11
Chair: Mary Kidd, Tennessee Technological University
Mini-Symposium: Don't Look Up: Nuclear Data for Planetary Defense and Space Exploration
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5AB
Chair: Patrick Peplowski, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Invited Speakers: Mary T Burkey
Neutron Physics II: Precision Neutron Decay
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 5CD
Chair: Scott Dewey, NIST
Undergraduate Research IV
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel Imperial 9
Chair: Miguel Arratia, University of California, Riverside
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