Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 67, Number 17
Thursday–Sunday, October 27–30, 2022; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA; New Orleans, Louisiana
Session EI: Instrumentation II
10:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Friday, October 28, 2022
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Room: Imperial 12
Chair: Mohammad Ahmed, North Carolina Central University
Abstract: EI.00010 : Study of the 40Ar(n,2n)39Ar Reaction and First Detection of 42Ar with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry*
12:18 PM–12:30 PM
Lauren K Callahan
(University of Notre Dame)
Lauren K Callahan
(University of Notre Dame)
Philippe A Collon
(University of Notre Dame)
Michael Paul
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Rudra N Sahoo
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Moshe Tessler
(Soreq Nuclear Research Center)
Melina Avila
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Clayton A Dickerson
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Heshani Jayatissa
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Jake T McLain
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Richard C Pardo
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Karl E Rehm
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Robert H Scott
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Ivan Tolstukhin
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Richard C Vondrasek
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Thomas L Bailey
(Notre Dame Physics)
Adam M Clark
(University of Notre Dame)
Yoav Kashiv
(University of Notre Dame)
Austin D Nelson
(University of Notre Dame)
Carol A Velsko
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Alex B Zylstra
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Ulli Koester
(Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France)
Hans Fritz R Hoffmann
(TU Dresden)
Marie Pichotta
(TU Dresden)
Kai Zuber
(TU Dresden)
Toralf Doering
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Ronald Schwengner
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
ATLAS at Argonne National Laboratory, composed of an Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source and a superconducting linear accelerator, hosts the sole Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) setup based on positive ion acceleration to a few MeV/u. A new multi-anode ionization chamber, MONICA, was built to enhance the ion identification for noble gases and medium to heavy mass isotopes. After undergoing commissioning at the University of Notre Dame, MONICA was used to study the 40Ar(n,2n)39Ar (t1/2=268 y) reaction and, for the first time, detect 42Ar (33 y) by AMS. The AMS detection of 39Ar leads to a first measurement of the 40Ar(n,2n)39Ar total reaction cross section at 14 MeV. These isotopes were explored as part of a proposed experiment to probe neutron-induced reactions in a high-density plasma at the National Ignition Facility.
*This work is supported by the NSF, Grant No. NSF PHY-2011890; the NRC, Award No. 31310019M0037; the Israel Science Foundation, Grant No. 876/19; the Pazy Foundation (Israel), the USA-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Nr. 2020136, and the U.S. DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics, Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. This research used resources of ANL’s ATLAS facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility.
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