Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 66, Number 8
Monday–Thursday, October 11–14, 2021; Virtual; Eastern Daylight Time
Invited Speakers
Brewer, Jasmine Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session 2WC.00003 Heavy Ion Collisions Room: Statler |
Cosyn, Wim Florida International University |
Session LA.00002 Theoretical Overview of Spectator Tagging in Lepton-Nucleon DIS Room: Ballroom B |
Dean, David J Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session 2WB.00001 The Future of High Performance Quantum Computing Room: Park & Scollay |
Dexheimer, Veronica Kent State University |
Session QA.00003 Can Deconfinement Occur in Neutron Stars? Room: Ballroom B |
Ding, Xuefeng Princeton University |
Session PA.00001 Solar Neutrino Physics With Borexino Room: Ballroom B |
Dobbs, Sean Florida State University |
Session PG.00001 Recent Progress in Hadron Spectroscopy and the Path to the EIC Room: Copley & Kenmore |
Evdokimov, Olga University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session EH.00001 Heavy Flavor and Strangeness in Jets and Jets-Medium Interactions Room: Whittier |
Formaggio, Joseph A Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session 2WB.00002 Nuclear Physics for Quantum Computing Room: Park & Scollay |
Galatyuk, Tetyana TU Darmstadt / GSI |
Session QA.00001 How Can Heavy-Ion Experiments Help Us Understand Neutron Star Mergers? Room: Ballroom B |
Galindo-Uribarri, Alfredo Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session KA.00003 Neutrino Studies at the High Flux Isotope Reactor – Results and Perspectives Room: Ballroom B |
Gan, Liping University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Session EA.00001 Precision Measurement of the π0 Lifetime Room: Ballroom B |
Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando MIT |
Session 1WC.00003 Designer Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science Room: Statler |
Gillo, Jehanne Department of Energy - US |
Session AA.00002 Isotopes for Society Room: Grand Ballroom |
Goetz, Callie UTK & ORNL |
Session 1WB.00003 Reactor Nuclear Physics Room: Park & Scollay |
Goldston, Robert J Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session 1WB.00001 Nuclear Technologies in Support of International Treaties and Warhead Verification Room: Park & Scollay |
Gonzalez, Francisco M Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session JA.00003 New Results from the UCN$\tau$ Neutron Lifetime Experiment Room: Ballroom B |
Green, Matthew P North Carolina State University |
Session KA.00001 Neutrino Physics at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source Room: Ballroom B |
Harvey, Mark C. Texas Southern University |
Session BA.00002 Nuclear Science Assuring Environmental Quality* Room: Grand Ballroom |
Hayes, Anna Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session PA.00003 The Physics and Uncertainties of Reactor Antineutrino Spectra Room: Ballroom B |
Heacock, Benjamin National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session LL.00001 Searching for New Physics and Determining the Neutron Charge Radius with Precision Pendellösung Interference Measurements Room: Georgian |
Holmbeck, Erika M Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session MA.00002 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Talk: Constraining the r-process with Observation and Theory Room: Ballroom B |
Horn, Tanja Catholic Univ of America |
Session DA.00003 Experimental Equipment of the EIC Room: Ballroom B |
Jin, Luchang UConn / RBRC |
Session JA.00002 Lattice QCD Input for the First Row CKM Unitarity Tests Room: Ballroom B |
Joosten, Sylvester J Argonne National Laboratory |
Session DA.00001 JLab 12 GeV Highlights: J/ψ Near Threshold and Nucleon Spin Room: Ballroom B |
Keppel, Cynthia E Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session AA.00001 Nuclear Science: from Fundamental Physics to Medical Technology Room: Grand Ballroom |
Kharzeev, Dmitri E State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session CA.00001 Theoretical Motivation for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Heavy-Ion Collisions Room: Grand Ballroom |
Korover, Igor MIT |
Session FG.00001 Short-Range Correlations Studies using Nucleon-knockout Reactions Room: Copley & Kenmore |
Kutz, Tyler T Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The George Washington University, Tel Aviv University |
Session LA.00003 First results from neutron-tagged DIS measurements at JLab with CLAS12 and BAND Room: Ballroom B |
Leach, Kyle G Colorado School of Mines |
Session 2WB.00003 Quantum Detectors and their Applications in Nuclear Physics Room: Park & Scollay |
Lewis, Nicole A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session DA.00002 New Results from the RHIC Spin Program Room: Ballroom B |
Long, Elena A University of New Hampshire |
Session JF.00001 Recent Advances in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Targets Room: Berkeley & Clarendon |
Lukin, Mikhail Harvard University |
Session DN.00001 Exploring New Scientific Frontiers with Programmable Atom Arrays Room: Studio 1 |
Mastren, Tara University of Utah |
Session 1WB.00002 Nuclear Medicine Room: Park & Scollay |
Misch, G. Wendell Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session JE.00001 Astromers: Astrophysical Isomers Room: Park & Scollay |
Most, Elias R Princeton University |
Session QA.00002 Unraveling the Properties of Ultradense Matter with Neutron Star Merger Simulations Room: Ballroom B |
Nguyen, Dien T JLab |
Session LA.00001 Forward Tagging at the EIC: From Nucleon Spin to Meson structure Room: Ballroom B |
Palatchi, Caryn University of Virginia |
Session EA.00003 CREX: Precision Measurement of the Neutral Weak Form Factor in Elastic Electron-48Ca Scattering Room: Ballroom B |
Paquet, J-F Duke University |
Session JH.00001 Hydrodynamics in heavy ion collisions Room: Whittier |
Park, Sanghwa State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session NA.00003 RHIC Cold QCD Program Room: Ballroom B |
Pastore, Saori Washington University, St. Louis |
Session 2WC.00001 Electron and Neutrino Interactions with Nuclei Room: Statler |
Prasad, Shivangi University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session EA.00002 Probing the nucleon structure using Drell-Yan process at SeaQuest Room: Ballroom B |
Rittenhouse West, Jennifer LBNL |
Session 2WC.00002 Fundamental QCD effects in Nuclei: The EMC Effect and Beyond Room: Statler |
Robertson, R G Hamish H University of Washington |
Session MA.00003 Mentoring Awardee: Mentoring in the Helium Mines Room: Ballroom B |
Rocco, Noemi |
Session DG.00001 Short range correlations from a Quantum Monte Carlo perspective Room: Copley & Kenmore |
Roy, Ananda Rutgers University |
Session KN.00001 Entanglement in conformal field theories with boundaries and interfaces Room: Studio 1 |
Santoro, Valentina |
Session KA.00002 Free Neutron Oscillations Searches Room: Ballroom B |
Schweitzer, Peter J University of Connecticut |
Session FC.00001 Form Factors of the Energy Momentum Tensor of Hadrons Room: Studio 2 |
Seng, Chien Yeah Univ Bonn |
Session JA.00001 Theory inputs for Vud and Vus extraction Room: Ballroom B |
Speller, Danielle H Johns Hopkins University |
Session MA.00001 Freedman Awardee: Bringing Darkness to Light: Searching for New Physics with Low Energy Techniques Room: Ballroom B |
Springer, Roxanne P Duke University |
Session 1WC.00002 Fundamental Symmetries Room: Statler |
Spyrou, Artemis Michigan State University |
Session 1WC.00001 Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Statler |
Stroberg, Steven R Argonne National Laboratory |
Session DB.00001 Weak Signal, Strong Background -- theoretical developments in the interaction of neutrinos with nuclei Room: Statler |
Townley, Grace M |
Session PM.00001 From Engineering to Physics and Back: A Mixture of Two Worlds Room: White Hill |
Udrescu, Silviu-Marian Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session DL.00001 Precision spectroscopy of RaF molecules for fundamental physics Room: Georgian |
Vitev, Ivan M LANL |
Session NA.00002 Theory of hard probes: from RHIC to future facilities Room: Ballroom B |
Vitev, Ivan M Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session DH.00001 Heavy Flavor and Strangeness Production in Jets in the Vacuum and in the Nuclear Medium Room: Whittier |
Voloshin, Sergei A Wayne State University |
Session CA.00002 Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect with Isobar Collisions at 200 GeV by the STAR Collaboration at RHIC Room: Grand Ballroom |
Wiescher, Michael C F University of Notre Dame |
Session BA.00001 It's all about the Money Room: Grand Ballroom |
Wilkerson, John F University of North Carolina at Chapel H |
Session PA.00002 Results from KATRIN - First direct neutrino-mass measurement with sub-eV sensitivity Room: Ballroom B |
Wojtsekhowski, Bogdan B Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat |
Session KF.00001 Polarized internal target experiments with the EIC beams Room: Berkeley & Clarendon |
Xiao, Bowen The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen |
Session PH.00001 Probing collectivity in small collisional systems at RHIC, LHC and EIC Room: Whittier |
Xu, Nu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session NA.00001 RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program and Beyond Room: Ballroom B |
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