Bulletin of the American Physical Society
77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics
Sunday–Tuesday, November 24–26, 2024; Salt Lake City, Utah
Session R27: Flow Instability: Boundary Layers and Transition to Turbulence II
1:50 PM–3:47 PM,
Monday, November 25, 2024
Room: 251 E
Chair: Saarthak Gupta, Indian Institute Of Science
Abstract: R27.00003 : Numerical Investigation of Fluid-Ablation Interactions in a Mach 5.3 Boundary Layer*
2:16 PM–2:29 PM
Sean Dungan
(University of Maryland, College Park)
Sean Dungan
(University of Maryland, College Park)
Christoph Brehm
(University of Maryland College Park)
Joel A. McQuaid, Aleksander Zibitsker
material is still a difficult task. Most ablation problems of interest evolve over a time scale
of O(10) seconds. With explicit time integration, a tractable direct numerical simulation
(DNS) solution of the fluid can be obtained for only O(10−3) seconds of physical time. This
work attempts to use tight coupling between the two sets of physics in order to simulate
boundary layer transition to turbulence over an ablating flat plate. Of chief interest is the
concurrent influences of unsteady fluid motion on the material response and the material
response on the unsteady fluid motion. Also to be investigated is the legitimacy of various
techniques to maintain tight solver couplings while accelerating the ablation process.
This work has been funded by a CAREER grant by the National Science Foundation under
award CBET-2146100 with Dr. R. Joslin as Program Manager. The authors would also
like to thank Dr. J. McQuaid and Dr. A. Zibitsker for their development of the fluid and
material response codes used in this work, respectively.
*NSF Career Grant CBET-2146100
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