Bulletin of the American Physical Society
77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics
Sunday–Tuesday, November 24–26, 2024; Salt Lake City, Utah
Invited Speakers
Balachandar, S University of Florida |
Session X02.00002 Modeling of inhomogeneous particle-laden turbulence Room: Ballroom B |
Boster, Kimberly A University of Rochester |
Session A01.00001 Modelling cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in a mouse brain Room: Ballroom A |
Brindise, Melissa Pennsylvania State University |
Session A01.00004 The influence of transient physiological factors on patient-specific cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics Room: Ballroom A |
Buchanan, Tyler S Delft University of Technology |
Session X01.00007 Uncertainty Quantification of Separated Flows Using Bayesian Neural Networks Room: Ballroom A |
Cal, Raúl Bayoán B Portland State University |
Session X02.00006 Decoupling between inertial and gravitational effects in the dynamics of particles in turbulence Room: Ballroom B |
Cinnella, Paola Sorbonne Université |
Session X01.00003 Quantification and reduction of RANS model uncertainties through regional Bayesian calibration and model mixtures Room: Ballroom A |
DiBenedetto, Michelle Heather University of Washington |
Session X02.00003 Vertical dispersion of buoyant particles in a free surface flow Room: Ballroom B |
Dubrulle, Berengere CNRS |
Session E01.00003 Can we predict weather?: New tools for an old problem Room: Hall C |
Echekki, Tarek North Carolina State University |
Session G01.00001 Data-Driven Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Combustion Room: Hall C |
Esmaily, Mahdi Cornell University |
Session A01.00003 Simulating blood flow in the frequency domain Room: Ballroom A |
Fausti, Eliana Imperial College London |
Session X01.00008 Particle filters and stochastic transport models for geophysical data assimilation: localization and scalability Room: Ballroom A |
Ferran, Amelie Universite Grenoble Alpes |
Session X02.00001 Inertial particles in a turbulent/turbulent interface Room: Ballroom B |
Garbin, Valeria Delft University of Technology |
Session G02.00001 Bubble dynamics in complex fluids Room: Hall 2 |
Garcia Villalba, Manuel Technical University of Vienna |
Session G03.00001 Bioinspired fluid-structure interaction: from winged seeds to flapping wings Room: Hall 3 |
Harris, Daniel M Brown University |
Session N01.00001 Propulsion and interaction of wave-propelled interfacial particles Room: Hall C |
Ishikawa, Takuji Tohoku University, Japan |
Session P02.00001 Ciliary fluid dynamics of swimming, feeding, pumping, and sensing Room: Hall 2 |
Jimenez, Javier Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Session E01.00002 Chaos, coherence, and the 'dark turbulence background' Room: Hall C |
Johnsen, Eric University of Michigan |
Session A01.00002 Cavitation dynamics and damage in soft matter Room: Ballroom A |
Juniper, Matthew P Univ of Cambridge |
Session X01.00002 The Elephant in the Room: Adjoint-accelerated Bayesian Inference into multi-parameter CFD Room: Ballroom A |
Kumar, Anuj University of California, Berkeley |
Session ZA01.00001 Bulk Properties and Flow Structures in Turbulent Flows Room: Hall 2 |
Leftwich, Megan C. George Washington University |
Session Z01.00001 An interdisciplinary study of sea lion swimming: from biological studies to a robotic platform Room: Hall C |
MacMinn, Chris W University of Oxford |
Session ZA02.00001 Compression-driven viscous fingering in a Hele-Shaw cell Room: Hall 3 |
Mani, Ali Stanford University |
Session Z02.00001 Macroscopic Forcing Method: A computational approach for evaluation of turbulence closure operators Room: Hall 2 |
Mons, Vincent DAAA, ONERA, Institut Polytechnique de Paris |
Session X01.00004 Bayesian-based merging of data assimilation and machine learning to learn unsteady turbulence models from sparse data Room: Ballroom A |
Morozov, Alexander N University of Edinburgh |
Session P03.00001 Elastic turbulence in parallel shear flows: Recent progress Room: Hall 3 |
Nagib, Hassan M ILLINOIS TECH (I.I.T.) |
Session N02.00001 New fundamental developments in wall-bounded turbulence Room: Hall 2 |
Ni, Rui Johns Hopkins University |
Session X02.00004 Split and Unite: How Turbulence Shapes Bubble Populations Room: Ballroom B |
Niven, Robert K University of New South Wales |
Session X01.00001 Foundations of Bayesian Inference and Application to Dynamical System Identification Room: Ballroom A |
Rinkens, Aricia Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session X01.00005 Bayesian model selection for the squeeze flow of soft matter Room: Ballroom A |
Sauret, Alban UC Santa Barbara |
Session N03.00001 Clogging in fluidic systems: the self-sabotage of suspensions Room: Hall 3 |
Shin, YoungIn Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X01.00006 Multi-fidelity modeling and uncertainty quantification of heterogeneous roughness Room: Ballroom A |
Supponen, Outi ETH Zurich |
Session P01.00001 Capture the invisible: illuminating bubble acoustics for medicine Room: Hall C |
Sznitman, Josue Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session A01.00006 Transport and targeting of pulmonary inhalation aerosols: mechanistic lessons from the deep lungs Room: Ballroom A |
Van Der Meer, Devaraj R.M. University of Twente |
Session Z03.00001 Impact of a Boiling Liquid Room: Hall 3 |
Villafane, Laura University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X02.00005 Cluster and inertial particle dynamics in turbulent channel flows Room: Ballroom B |
Xue, Qian Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session A01.00005 Advancing Voice Health: High-Fidelity Modeling of Human Voice Production from Neuromuscular Control to Acoustic Resonance Room: Ballroom A |
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