Bulletin of the American Physical Society
77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics
Sunday–Tuesday, November 24–26, 2024; Salt Lake City, Utah
Session C05: Interact: Physiological and Biomedical Flows
10:50 AM,
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Room: Ballroom E
Chair: Alison Marsden, Stanford University
Abstract: C05.00017 : Large-Scale In-Silico CSF Investigations within the Optic Nerve*
Diego Rossinelli
(Stanford University)
Diego Rossinelli
(Stanford University)
Gilles Fourestey
(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL))
Hanspeter E Killer
(Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Albert Neutzner
(Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Gianluca Iaccarino
(Stanford University)
Jatta Berberat
(Hospital Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland)
Our study focuses on the quantitative response of CSF pressure gradients and mass transfer relative to morphological alterations in the optic nerve's subarachnoid space (ONSAS) microstructure. This investigation reveals the key role of ONSAS trabeculae. These findings pave the way for future exascale investigations, promising unprecedented insights into fundamental physiology and pathophysiology of vision.
In this talk, we report on our experience in coupling pseudospectral schemes with immersed boundary methods to deal with the complex ONSAS geometry. Deeply rooted in digital filter design, pseudospectral schemes offer exceptional advantages in accuracy, numerical dissipation, and supercomputing readiness. These attributes make them ideal for high-quality direct numerical simulations (DNS) of a broad range of flow problems, as well as for effective processing of large-scale images, including signal registration, stitching, and signal enhancement.
*This work is supported by the Kanton Hospital Aarau Research Council, Grant Nr. 1410.000.111 and the Swiss National Science Foundation, SNSF Grant 196877.
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