Bulletin of the American Physical Society
77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics
Sunday–Tuesday, November 24–26, 2024; Salt Lake City, Utah
Session C04: Interact: Particle-Laden Flows
10:50 AM,
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Room: Ballroom D
Chair: S Balachandar, University of Florida
Abstract: C04.00017 : An inertial slender-body theory to characterize particle-fluid interactions at finite Reynolds numbers*
Anmol Joshi
(Cornell University)
Anmol Joshi
(Cornell University)
Anubhab Roy
(Indian Institute of Technology, Madras)
Donald Lyle Koch
(Cornell University)
high aspect ratio translating particles. This is obtained by matching a solution of the full Navier-Stokes
equation in the inner region (on the scale of the particle diameter) to an outer solution that consists of a
superposition of a solution of the Oseen’s linearized Navier-Stokes equation driven by a line of forces and a
potential flow solution driven by a distribution of sources and source dipoles. The theory is validated by
comparing the orientation-dependent force and torque on a steadily translating slender particle to
the results obtained by a finite-difference Navier-Stokes solution. The drag and lift forces result from the
distribution of Oseen force singularities. These Oseenlets also predominately govern the torque at small Reynolds
numbers and large aspect ratios. However, the potential flow singularities play a crucial role in yielding
a torque that grows at large Reynolds numbers and finite aspect ratios. We demonstrate the accuracy of
our theory for ReD up to 10, where ReD is the Reynolds number based on the particle diameter.
*This work is supported by NSF Grant 2206851.
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