Bulletin of the American Physical Society
74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 66, Number 17
Sunday–Tuesday, November 21–23, 2021; Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Session T15: Biological Fluid Dynamics: Physiological
12:40 PM–3:16 PM,
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Room: North 129 A
Chair: Huang Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Abstract: T15.00008 : Large-scale cortex-core structure formation in brain organoids*
2:11 PM–2:24 PM
Ahmad Borzou
(Baylor University)
Ahmad Borzou
(Baylor University)
J. M. Schwarz
(Syracuse University)
do they recapitulate brain shape? Using a hydrodynamic description for cell nuclei as particles
interacting via an attractive field generated by the surrounding active cell cytoskeleton, we quantify
shape development in brain organoids. Regions of cell nuclei overdensity in the linear regime drive
the initial seeding for cortex-core structures, which emerge in the non-linear regime with elongated
cell nuclei and thus, cell shape, in the cortex. We then use an extended version of the buckling
without bending morphogenesis model to predict scalloped foliations/folds of the cortex in the
presence of nonlinearity due to elongated cells actively regulating strain. In addition to laying
new groundwork for the design of more familiar and less familiar brain shapes, our work provides an
intriguing quantitative connection with large-scale structure formation in the universe.
*We would like to acknowledge financial support from NSF-DMR-1832202 and an Isaac Newton Award from the DoD.
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