72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 64, Number 13
Saturday–Tuesday, November 23–26, 2019;
Seattle, Washington
Session E01: Invited Talk: Advancing understanding of turbulence through extreme-scale computation
2:03 PM–2:38 PM,
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Room: 6b
Chair: Katepalli Sreenivasan, NYU
Abstract: E01.00001 : Advancing understanding of turbulence through extreme-scale computation*
2:03 PM–2:38 PM
Preview Abstract
P.K Yeung
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Since its beginnings in the early 1970s, direct numerical simulation of turbulence in canonical geometries has always been the computational approach that is physically the most accurate, a massive source of data, and a grand challenge in high-performance computing, whose definition has evolved by many orders of magnitude since then. In particular, challenges driving the need for ever-larger simulations on a 3D periodic domain include, to name a few, fine-scale intermittency at high Reynolds number with stringent resolution requirements, the mixing of a passive scalar of low molecular diffusivity, and the motion of fluid and inertial particles in a Lagrangian framework. Most known state-of-the-art simulations have employed massive CPU-based parallelism, which is ultimately limited by communication costs traceable to the multi-dimensional nature of the Navier-Stokes equations. However, current trends in pre-Exascale leadership computing are pointing to the growing importance of heterogeneous platforms, whose principal advantage is accelerated computation and whose full exploitation requires a new paradigm in code development. In this talk, we will discuss the major features of a new pseudo-spectral code which has been shown to scale satisfactorily up to a problem size of $18432^3$ resolution on the currently world's fastest GPU-based ``Summit'' supercomputer located at the Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We show that new simulations at this resolution are enabling significant advancements in studies of small-scale turbulence, with emphasis on extreme events where fluctuations of energy dissipation rate and enstrophy (vorticity squared) can reach $O(10^3)$ times of the mean value or higher. We also discuss briefly how recent simulations at resolution $8192^3$ or higher are contributing to progress in the study of turbulent mixing, for both passive and active scalars in non-unity Schmidt number regimes.
*Supported by DOE (INCITE and Summit Early Science Programs at OLCF), NSF (PRAC at NCSA and TACC)