Bulletin of the American Physical Society
71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 63, Number 13
Sunday–Tuesday, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
Session E18: Biological fluid dynamics: Blood Flow in Organs |
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Chair: Cyrus Aidun, Georgia Institute of Technology Room: Georgia World Congress Center B305 |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 5:10PM - 5:23PM |
E18.00001: Impact of cervix geometry and stitch material on success of cerclage procedure Alexa Baumer, Melody Weigel, Alexis Gimovsky, Megan C Leftwich Cervical insufficiency is a medical condition during pregnancy in which the uterine cervix softens and begins to dilate before reaching full term. It is the most common cause of second trimester pregnancy loss. One clinical technique used to treat cervical insufficiency is the cervical cerclage. There are conflicting findings on the efficacy of a cerclage. The purpose of this investigation is to examine the mechanical limitations of a cervical cerclage in different presentations of cervical insufficiency. Generalized synthetic models of the cervix are created using ultrasound images collected by clinical collaborators and fabricated with silicon to imitate physiological properties of the cervix. Because precise data do not exist on the material properties of the softened cervix, we quantified the qualitative assessment of trained obstetricians. Physicians stitch the synthetic cervixes and pressure transducers record the maximum force on the stitch before rupture. The cervical geometry (e.g. how wide the cervix has dilated when the stitch is performed) and stitch material are varied to investigate their impact on the success of the cerclage stitch. The results of this study will provide insight into the most effective clinical interventions and the mechanism of their success. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 5:23PM - 5:36PM |
E18.00002: Elastic jump propagation through the retinal circulation Tamsin A Spelman, Peter S Stewart Retinal hemorrhage (bleeding of the retinal circulation within the eye) can arise from a traumatic brain injury and is also a clinical identifier for ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’. Head trauma causes a pressure increase within the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), which is imparted to the Central Retinal Artery and Vein when they pass across the CSF space. These blood vessels then enter the eye via the optic nerve, carrying the imparted impulse into the eye where it can cause vessel bursting hemorrhage. Using a four-compartment model, we will examine how the arrangement of the vessels as they enter the eye influences the shape and amplitude of the pressure wave which enters the retinal circulation. The wave has a steep front and long tail behind. The front can steepen sufficiently to generate an elastic jump (shock wave) in the blood vessel, which then spreads through the network. We use a novel analytical method to examine how this elastic jump propagates through a network of elastic blood vessels, comparing with numerical results from a shock capturing, upwind finite volume scheme. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 5:36PM - 5:49PM |
E18.00003: Optic nerve sheath bleeding driven by rapid cerebrospinal fluid pressure amplification Peter S. Stewart, Tamsin Spelman The optic nerve is a collection of dendrite fibres connecting the eye to the brain, surrounded by a sheath which contains a thin layer of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This CSF pressure is directly influenced by pressure changes in the brain. Bleeding of the optic nerve sheath is often observed in conjunction with traumatic brain injury. We propose a theoretical model to explain this correlation, examining the flow of CSF along the optic nerve sheath driven by a sudden large pressure perturbation in the brain. The model predicts that this perturbation triggers a propagating pressure wave along the nerve sheath towards the eye, and for sufficiently large perturbations this wave can steepen to form an elastic jump. We show that this pressure wave is reflected back towards the brain by the sclera, resulting in amplification of the CSF pressure of up to five times the perturbation pressure in some cases. We hypothesise that this rapid expansion of the sheath can lead to localised tissue bleeding. Furthermore, we show that this pressure perturbation constricts the blood vessels spanning the sheath, transmitting a pressure wave directly into the retinal circulation in the eye. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 5:49PM - 6:02PM |
E18.00004: A biphasic computational model of the mechanics of the blood-perfused liver Yi-Jui Chang, Daniel Canuto, Kwitae Chong, Jeff D. Eldredge, Joseph M. Teran, Peyman Benharash, Erik Dutson Modeling the mechanics of injured soft tissues is important for medical applications. The current study focuses on the liver and aims to simulate its material and hemo-dynamic response. The liver is considered as a dynamic poro-hyperelastic material with blood-filled voids. A biphasic formulation—effectively, a generalization of Darcy’s law---is utilized, treating the phases as occupying fractions of the same volume. A Stokes-like friction force and a pressure that penalizes deviations from volume fractions summing to unity serve as the interaction force between solid and liquid phases. The conservation equations are discretized by the method of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Inflow conditions are obtained from a systemic cardiovascular model with regulatory response, automatically adapting to hemorrhage and other disturbances. Simulations of the mechanics under baseline conditions will be demonstrated. Ongoing progress in modeling the liver under injuries and surgical conditions will be discussed. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:02PM - 6:15PM |
E18.00005: Multiscale Modeling of Splenic Filtrations of Healthy and Diseased Red Blood Cells Huijie Lu, Weitao Wang, Zhangli Peng We apply multiscale modeling to investigate the mechanical filtrations of healthy and diseased red blood cells (RBCs) through inter-endothelial slits in the spleen. Our results show that the spleen plays an important role in determining distributions of size and shape of healthy RBCs in the circulation. The predicted cell deformation and velocity are validated against microfluidic experiments. The detailed cytoskeletal shear deformation, bilayer tension, and bilayer-cytoskeletal interaction stresses are predicted as functions of hydrodynamic pressure, shear modulus, and geometries of cells and slits. Furthermore, we investigate how single point mutations of cytoskeletal spectrins affect the splenic filtration of RBCs by bridging molecular dynamics, coarse graining, and finite elements. Our preliminary results show that due to point mutations, the distortion of the linker helix of spectrins in hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) would change the force-length curves of spectrin tetramers and the free energy surfaces of spectrin networks. We found that the altered mechanical properties of RBC membranes in HE could increase the probability of vesiculations during splenic filtration. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:15PM - 6:28PM |
E18.00006: The Dispersing Characteristics of Antral Contraction Wave Flow in a Model Stomach Kathleen Feigl, Franz X Tanner, Damien Dufour, Erich J Windhab Experiments and numerical simulations are used to study the flow field and particle breakup due to mechanical stresses in a model human stomach. A simplified artificial stomach was constructed, consisting of a tube which was closed at one end to represent the antrum and the closed pylorus. Antral contraction waves were modeled by a moving hollow piston. The computational domain used in the simulations mirrored this setup. Experiments and simulations were performed for different fluid systems, relative occlusions and wave speeds. Velocity profiles, measured along the centerline using ultrasound Doppler, were used to validate the numerical simulations. The retropulsive jet and velocity were similar to those from simulations in complex 3D geometries of the stomach and with in-vivo measurements. Liquid drops of different sizes and initial locations were then tracked through the flows and their breakup behavior was recorded. The fluids were highly viscous and the interfacial tension was low to represent the conditions in the stomach. The strain rates and stresses along the various particle paths were determined from the simulations. Combining this particle tracking information with drop breakup behavior from the experiments, different breakup conditions and regimes were identified. |
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